HCG Diet



  • dcal
    dcal Posts: 2
    It is also available in sublingual.
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Did you ever stop to think that people say things because they are genuinely WORRIED about you?? Rather than attack them maybe say thank you but no thank you to their advice....

    Those people couldn't care less about me. They care about pushing their agenda and spreading disinformation.
    BTW... there is a HCG Forum around here somewhere... have a look-see for it to speak to like minded people.

    I am one of the founders of that thread.
  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member
    Did you ever stop to think that people say things because they are genuinely WORRIED about you?? Rather than attack them maybe say thank you but no thank you to their advice....

    Those people couldn't care less about me. They care about pushing their agenda and spreading disinformation.
    BTW... there is a HCG Forum around here somewhere... have a look-see for it to speak to like minded people.

    I am one of the founders of that thread.

    Sorry, i actually thought you were the person who started This thread..

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA at your first comment?!!?!?!?!?! Are you serious??? LOL your hilarious!!!

    Wanna know what thread I STARTED?? I started the HCG DIET IS DANGEROUS thread.... wanna know WHY... ?? Cause i saw an article... I had seen alot of mention of HCG on here (i had not looked into it nor joined any threads) and my reaction to this article called "HCG DIET IS DANGEROUS"???

    I was HORRIFIED.... I posted to the forums here as quickly as possible because i was genuinely scared and Worried about the people on the diet... it was NOT to push my own agenda... nor was I trying to spread Misinformation.... I was trying to (as i saw it) "save" or "help" someone.... and i got attacked....

    As you can see from my previous post... i was not saying not to do this diet... simply to realize that believe it or not... not EVERYONE is against you.... and sometimes people care for people they have never met...
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Did you ever stop to think that people say things because they are genuinely WORRIED about you?? Rather than attack them maybe say thank you but no thank you to their advice....

    Those people couldn't care less about me. They care about pushing their agenda and spreading disinformation.
    BTW... there is a HCG Forum around here somewhere... have a look-see for it to speak to like minded people.

    I am one of the founders of that thread.

    While I don't agree with the tone of a lot of the anti-HCG posters, no one who is pimping HCG can EVER accuse anyone else of spreading "disinformation".
  • I have had great success on the HCG diet and will begin again next week. However, you can't ever eat like you did before or you do gain it all back. I did, but I'm goign to do it again. Worth every boring minute of it. Good Luck
  • lurker
    lurker Posts: 8 Member
    Some strong opinions on both sides.

    To each his/her own.

    If your plan works for you, who am I to say anything about it.
  • love the honesty... 500 calories a day...NO DOCTOR would ever recommend that and if he does then he should lose his license. Im not knocking anybodies weight loss congrats to you all. BUT this is crazy! When you stop taking the horomones you WILL gain weight, so be prepared.
  • Natalie - please research the diet before you bash it. The 500 cals is short term as is the supplement. Stopping the supplement doesn't cause weight gain . . overeating does.
  • Im sorry im not trying in ANY way to come off rude. Like I said i am very happy for everyones weight loss BUT this is a public forum so Here it goes... 500 calories a day is considered semi-starvation no matter how short of a period it last. The diet does not include enough nutrition to have your organs or brain run properly. The FDA and AMA do NOT support it and the gov't made the company stop saying it was "safe". Its actually BANNED in the MLB. It actually can cause blood clots and in women in can cause Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome. I know it sounds like I am being rude but its hard to find this information on the internet BC the company who sells it can pay to have it web sites and pro-hcg websites come up on google before anti-hcg sites so I just want to inform others of these risks. I would strongly advise anyone considering this diet to consult a doctor and or dietitian first. If then you decide to go through with this.. Good Luck, thats all
  • MiekeJ
    MiekeJ Posts: 139
    A diet should be a lifestyle change. Not a short term, "I wanna loose 1-3lbs per day" change.

    HCG doesn't really practice a healthy lifestyle... Injecting needles and eating practically nothing until you've reached goal is an easy and fast way out.

    How do you suggest you exercise on a 500 calorie/day diet? I know I couldn't do it. Or is that the whole point? Loose the weight without the "inconvienence of excercising?" That's a joke!

    There is no such thing as a quick fix.
  • I would advise anyone considering any diet to read up on it thoroughly, regardless of the plan.

    The FDA does not support the use of HCG for weight loss, but does approve its use for fertility treatment and the dose is MUCH higher, therefore the risks of thrombosis and OHSS would be higher.

    I am not attacking you, just asking if you have any information to support the statement that an individual doesn't get enough nutrition on 500 calories to support organ and brain activity? I did a round of 38 days in June/July and functioned normally throughout.

    There are plenty of physicians that support and/or prescribe the HCG diet to their patients.

    It is a fact that obesity related illness costs more in lives and healthcare costs in the US than the use of HCG.
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    A diet should be a lifestyle change. Not a short term, "I wanna loose 1-3lbs per day" change.

    HCG doesn't really practice a healthy lifestyle... Injecting needles and eating practically nothing until you've reached goal is an easy and fast way out.

    How did you suggest you exercise on a 500 calorie/day diet? I know I couldn't do it. Or is that the whole point? Loose the weight without the "inconvienence of excercising?" That's a joke!

    There is no such thing as a quick fix.

    I'm interested on how you exercise with that small amount of calories as well. I'm eating at or just above maintenance right now and if I go below that, I'm just miserable for a day or two.
  • During the low cal weeks I only run one day a week. Once the low cal phase is done, I am back to 3 days running and 2-3 days lifting each week.

    HCG low cal phase, like any other 'diet', is a tool to be used toward reaching the goal of being at a healthy weight and breaking the bad habits that got us fat in the first place.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    All I can say is my pregnancy and the hormones associated with it made me hungry.

    Besides, 500 calories a day would make anyone lose weight.

    I'm not for this diet but I am for everyone having to pick the path of this "journey" to be healthier and if you want gimmicks and expensive diet aids to be your journey than I'm not the one to stop you, it's your body do what you want.

    Me I will stick with what I have found actually works, exercise and learning to eat in the world around me in a way that is healthy and fuels my body.
  • Why do people who know nothing about HCG assume its expensive?

    I agree with you about one thing though, I will stick with what is working . . .

    Have you updated your ticker lately. . . it says "0" - but your pictures don't suggest you have 109lbs to lose. Unless you behind the camera taking the picture (at the beach). Lovely family by the way.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Just read previous posts - people on here have lost their own friends - despite the deaths described when you research - just Google it. I am not spreading anything that is not out there for all to see!
  • I`ve never heard of this hcg thing sounds crazy!!!! I hate to say that Im on a "diet" so I just simply dont say that I am dont use them either! I do what to say however that this web-site is the best ever I LOVE IT!!!! I havent lost anything yet but I know I will it will take time . I find myself on this site more than Im on facebook lol
  • Just read previous posts - people on here have lost their own friends - despite the deaths described when you research - just Google it. I am not spreading anything that is not out there for all to see!
    Where can I find more information on these deaths?
  • My husband did the HcG diet and he did lose an abundant amount of weight quickly. The difficulty he had was after he completed it, he did not learn how to eat better. He ended up going back to his old lifestyle of overeating and then gained the weight back and then some. I agree though that if you have alot of weight to lose it can be a great jumpstart to your diet, however, the key is learning to control your calorie intake and make it a lifestyle change instead of a diet.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member

    If you don't like it, then don't do it, but at least have the decency to let others lose their weight however they see fit.

    but there are multitude of ways out there to lose weight quickly that are very dangerous. If someone was advertising all over the place about their new diet miracle drug "methamphetamine", and shouting from the rooftops about how quickly the fat was coming off, would you just shrug and say...to each his own...I couldn't.

    The posters who oppose this fad diet are defending MFP's plan because it works, it's safe, and all the gimmicks in the world haven't delivered for any of us, in the long-term. I have tried a million different quick-fixes, but only MFP has taught me how to change my relationship with food.

    It's easy to become inflamed on each side of this topic. I wish you all the best....
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