Is my diary good enough for a cut?



  • Rosannajo88
    Rosannajo88 Posts: 212 Member
    If you really can only eat such a small amount then you need to swap what you are eating for more calorie dense foods. If you want to build muscle then you need to fuel your body to do so. You've already done an amazing job with the weight loss but if you want to build you really need to listen to what these guys are saying, you HAVE to up your calories xx

    Good luck x
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Set your goal to lose 0.5lbs/week and lift heavy weights (eat all of your calories) If you don't get enough protein or don't lift and your deficit it too large then a large % of your weight loss will come from lean muscle, making it harder to lower BF%.
  • Rosannajo88
    Rosannajo88 Posts: 212 Member
    I just read through your diary and now have an overwhelming urge to kidnap you and feed you some good homecooked meals! I am alot shorter than you and Im not following a lifting routine but im netting an avarage of 500 cals more than you and still losing weight. Please, please up your calories!
  • FEMAZmolek
    Are you trying to make tape to go into the military? That is the only reason I can think of that you would need to lose any body fat. If you are, there are healthy, safe ways to do it. There is a link on with helpful information. Also, if you are consuming that much protein but your protein is low that is concerning. Both of my children have a medical condition that makes it hard for them to digest protein. For them it would be dangerous to try to lose that much weight. You should check with your doctor to see why your protein is low before you continue just in case.
  • DavidaDisaster1
    I just looked at your diary and almost burst into tears. You've done a great job losing the weight and I'm sure it's beating a dead horse at this point but you definitely need more calories and weightlifting in your life. If I were you I'd adjust my diary settings so that you're only logging carbs, fat & protein.

    I recommend you give this post a read. It has a lot of good information to help you better set your nutrition goals.

    Cutting you're body fat percentage will do nothing for you unless you have the muscle. Everything happens in cycles. You bulk, then cut, bulk, then cut. Now's you time to bulk (gain muscle mass) and then after a few months you can go through a cut cycle to show off all that muscle! Pick up a Muscle & Fitness from time to time.

    Good Luck & Godspeed!
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Heres the thing you guys Im not starving myself at all my stomach feels really full after Im done eating. And I started my strength training routine to lift 3 times a week. And I can consume much protein by my protein shakes if necessary to match my body weight just because I cant eat as much calories I should.

    yes, yes you are

    I went back a week in your diary and lots and lots of days are under 1000 calories.

    You'll lose muscle with the fat and NEVER hit the 10% BF goal while looking good. Listen to the excellent advice given here - up your calories lift heavy and lose SLOWLY.

    PS for the love of god get a few veggies in your diet.
  • Lemongrab1
    Lemongrab1 Posts: 158 Member
    Remember, we're not saying this to make you feel bad or sabotage your dreams. Just to make you aware that what you're doing is most definitely NOT beneficial to your body.
    You cannot gain muscle if you're losing weight, and you will definitely drop a ton of weight if you continue eating 1000 calories a day..
    If you want to be both skinny and unhealthy, keep doing this. If you want to gain muscle you need to eat more and strength train.
    Who gave you this idea in the first place? Is it a self-made plan?
    The best way to get the body you want is to understand how to get there. Reading would definitely help you.
    Go to a site called bodybuilding dot com.
    Not everything they say is accurate, but many of the men there have the type of body you're aiming for and you can read directly from them how to do it.
    Some of the men I know on there eat 5000 calories per day, and they're most definitely not overweight.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You say you want to lose fat but eating as low as you are, you are losing a good bit of muscle.

    So even if you get to whatever scale # goal you have set, I think you'll still have a higher body fat % because of all that muscle you lost. Up your calories and make sure you are getting enough protein and doing resistance/strength training.

    I'll be honest and say that you wouldn't have been 60lbs overweight if you had issues eating at a higher calorie number. But with what you've been doing and the things you've said so far, I'd highly suggest seeking out counseling and working with a registered dietitian. Maybe get checked over by a physician just in case.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Heres the thing you guys Im not starving myself at all my stomach feels really full after Im done eating. And I started my strength training routine to lift 3 times a week. And I can consume much protein by my protein shakes if necessary to match my body weight just because I cant eat as much calories I should.

    you have to build muscle.

    Period. You are fairly lean- but eating like that at your age is going to get you into trouble.

    I wouldnt' worry so much about WHAT you eat- but more how much you eat. seriously- eat ice cream- eat pizza- eat trail mix- eat crap that's high in calories. Don't blow it all and stop working out and eat like crap- but I can maintain my diet and on the average still come in at/under calories for the week (remember- AVERAGE) and have had 1770 calories of ice cream.

    for dessert.

    seriously- after a whole day of good... I can put that away. And still have a reasonable average for the week.

    so the take away; If you are having hard time eating enough food- pick food's that are significantly higher in calorie content.