"New" and seeking motivation

Hi all!
I'm Michelle. 25 year old nurse who works midnights, needing to lose weight badly. Fall is coming and not only can I not fit into my fall clothes from last year, but I was miserable in them last year! I'm tired of being miserable! Realistically my weight loss goal is 40lbs. I would however love to lose 65 lbs. I am following the 1420 calorie diet as much as I can and I started doing 30 Day Shred on Monday 9/24. I have been a member of my fitnesspal before, had success, stopped using it and gained it all back. I didn't have any friends on here to keep me honest : ).

I do have a hard time figuring out when to eat and exercise. I work from 7pm to 7am Monday Tuesday and Wednesday and occasionally I'll pick up an extra shift and work the opposite (7am to 7pm) on Fridays. My boyfriend works 830-5 M-F. Usually we eat dinner (for him, breakfast for me) around 530, and I eat around 1230 or 1am at work and then breakfast at 8, and I go to bed at 830 and wake up around 330-4 and try to exercise then.

I hate running. I HATE it. In high school when I played volleyball, we ran 1.5 miles every day and I hated every minute of it. It never got easier... I've thought about the c25k program to ease back in to it, but I don't have a treadmill, too broke for a gym, and am too chicken to run outside.

I am sore from the 30 day shred right now and I love it. I love that sore feeling. I miss it. I hate feeling weak, soft, flabby and like I do now. I hate my double chin I'm developing and my backfat. I hate feeling insecure....

So other than "stick with it", what tips do you guys have???


  • mfarmer88
    mfarmer88 Posts: 25 Member
    I don't drink soda, so that's not an "easy option" for me. I need to move more. Part of me wishes I could be diagnosed with hypothyroid, take thyroid medicine and lose weight easier...or have a 45lb tumor removed from my abdomen :wink:
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    I was way too chicken to run outside for the longest time until my partner got interested in running. With her wanting to run outside, it made me feel less like an idiot. I still like going at night so there's less chance anyone will see me, but at least I'm doing it. So maybe find someone who will do C25k with you?
  • Hi, wow your post sounds like I could have written it myself! I am also a nurse with an erratic shift pattern. I seem to gain weight very easily but take twice as long to lose it. I also used my fitness pal before and was successful with it, I also combined it with the 30 day shred.

    I have spent the past few months eating whatever I like and feel I am back to square one. I need to lose 30 pounds to be at my goal weight. Seems a long way off! I often wish I someone could tell me actually its a thyroid problem... but I am 26 now and slowly learning that I have rubbish metabolism and therefore I can't eat what I like and not exercise!

    Sorry my post isn't advising you, I wanted to respond because I feel exactly the same. :(
  • t1954
    t1954 Posts: 81 Member
    Please read my profile. Maybe it will help. Feel free to PM with any questions.
  • tra_hx
    tra_hx Posts: 1 Member
    Last September I decided I was going to lose the weight. My 23 year daughter started a diet and exercise program with me. I am 44 years old and I work a rotating shift. I work 7 midnights in a row (once a month) then the rest of the month it's back and forth between days and midnights. This just makes it more challenging to get my exercise in. When I am working days I workout with my daughter. When I am on opposite shift from her, I have to make it a priority to get my workout in. My fitness pal has helped me with that. There are days I have thought I had too much to do but then I would see that my daughter had already done a workout for the day. This helped to keep me accountable.

    I was snacking alot at work and drinking energy drinks to get by. I only drink water now. I have not had soda or an energy drink in over a year. I have started bringing my lunch including healthier snacks to keep me from grabbing a candy bar or fast food.

    When we started, we did P90X (as much as we could & we got better at it). In May we started a couch 25k program and ran our first 5k in August. Now we run 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 miles (3 times a week) and P90X on our off days. I have lost 57 lbs, I am within 10 lbs of my goal weight and feel sooo much better.

    I truly think I just had to make my mind up I was going to lose this weight. Then with combined diet and exercise I was able to achieve results.

    And if occassionaly if we crave ice cream or a candy bar then we treat ourselves. I use to look at this as a failure like I just fell off my diet and would give up.

    Don't give up :)
  • mfarmer88
    mfarmer88 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies. I think part of it might be that I've set my weight loss goal so high it seems unachievable to me. I know it's not, because others have done it. And bravo to you! I think maybe if I set a goal of say, 10lbs at first it'll be more motivating and "easier" to achieve. Also my couch and bed are just soooo comfy :laugh: But being "fat" isn't. So it's time for a change! Seems like I've got a few supporters on here already and I'm definitely supporting you all. It's bedtime for me so sorry if none of this makes sense lol.
  • ray_2013
    ray_2013 Posts: 10 Member
    Try to do 3 to 4 sets of sun salutations.... it helps to lose fat from every part of your body.. n no ore junk foods too ... hope this helps u.:happy:
  • I too have been a member of MFP, lost weight and gained it all back a couple of times. This time I hope to lose and then maintain. I hate running, too, but in my experience it was the fastest way for me to drop pounds. I find doing zumba classes and following exercise videos to work as well as doing elliptical trainer (which is easier on the knees). I also find it daunting to try and tackle a big number to lose so you're right in that maybe we should take it 10 pounds at a time.
  • artsycella
    artsycella Posts: 121 Member
    Hey! Just wanted to say that I, too, hate running. I hated it when I was fit and trim and ran daily (I was in the Navy, so no choice in the matter). And I know I would hate it now. Running is not for me.

    What has been working really well for me has been strength training (something like Stronglifts, Allpro or NROLFW, though my plan has been somewhat customized), a little bit of low-impact cardio (elliptical, swimming, walking) and taking care in what I eat. I haven't cut anything out, just try to fit my macros and calorie goals. It's been working really well for me and I'm super happy enjoying pizza, cake, being strong and losing weight all at the same time.

    Good luck!