37 and mother of 4 needs motovation

Hi everyone i am new i can only say i am a mother of 4 and work full i need friends to keep me on track and would like to know how mothers set time to work out for there self's please help :sad:


  • Hi! I'm also 37 and a full time working mom of 2. Sending you a friend request.
  • Hi, I'm 29, work full time, mother of 4 looking for friends to help me stay on track as well.
  • wjstoj
    wjstoj Posts: 884 Member
    woohoo...hot moms !! :wink:
  • Moms are my heros! I would love to help motivate! :) I admire working mothers (much like my sister) and aspire to be one, one day!
  • simplycorey
    simplycorey Posts: 721 Member
    Welcome! I am 36, work full time from home and have 5 children. It can be hard to make time for yourself but it's definitely doable! Getting into a routine will take some adjustment but it will be worth it. You can add me as a friend if you want!
  • megginanderson
    megginanderson Posts: 276 Member
    Im 39 and a mother of 3 - 7, 5 & 2 and i gave up my full time job in April to stay home with the kids full time - eek!
    Planning meals and an exercise routine is key!
    Ive been successful in doing this since before my first born:)
    LOVE to help motivate, send me a friend request!

  • Jessiejla80
    Jessiejla80 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm a mom of 6 and I know how tough it is! The only thing that has worked for me as far as exercising is forcing myself to get up at 5am! Those first few days are so hard. But, it seems to get easier to get in the routine after that. Having your meals planned makes it easier also. I'm still a work in progress and had baby #6 5 months ago tomorrow. I know you can do it!
  • bdenitto
    bdenitto Posts: 210 Member
    I am 38 and a mother to a 2 year old daughter. I am blessed to be a stay at home mom, but I struggle everyday to find time to exercise and plan meals. My daughter is my motivation. I want to set a good example for her. Anyone can add me as a friend.
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    Hey! I am 29 working mom of 4 also! I have slowed down over the last week or two and that is not what I want to see happen!
    I log everyday - anyone feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • Hey! I know the feeling. Please feel free to add me as a friend! We're in this together! Any help I can give I am more than willing to! Anyone else who needs the support, please feel free to add me too! I know I need it! :-)
  • fpelletier
    fpelletier Posts: 365 Member
    Welcome! I am a sahm to 3 girls (13, 8, and 3) and I nanny for another 3 yr old! Between the kids, working and sports, it is hard to find time, but in order to succeed we have to! Whether it's getting up a little earlier in the morning and doing 15 mins of walking (better than nothing!) or waiting til they go to sleep and working out, as long as you're getting in your time, it's all good. For me and I think most will tell you the key is to start counting calories. Doing that alone will help you lose. Log daily, good or bad, keep going and don't get discouraged if you don't lose tons right away. it will take time. I meal plan every 2 weeks, decided what meals we're having for dinner and make an exact list. Sure there are a few days here and there we eat out, but I plan that into my daily allowances when possible.

    I've been on MFP since May, I occasionally work out (read: not enough!) and have lost 32lbs. I am 1 lb away from my first mini goal (losing 10% of my body weight). It's easy to get distracted, but tell the kids (especially if they are old enough to understand) you're doing so you can be healthy and see them grow up. My kids know i am not really dieting, just eating better/healthier so I can live a long time.

    Feel free to send a friend request, I log food daily & try to check in with my friends at least every other day. Good luck on your journey!
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    aren't those 4 kids motivation enough?
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    Hey, there. I am 32 and a mother of 3 +1 who works full time. My kids are my motivation. I love being able to run, dance and play with them. I love being able to give my 60 lb kids piggy back rides. Finding time can be hard, but if you truly want to do it, you will. I personally run or go to the gym on my lunch hour at work. Before that I would do a work out DVD as soon as I got home, or sometime during the day if I had a day off. The kiddos loved watching me bust my hump, and sometimes they joined in, and it was a great way to get started. I wish you the best and I hope that you are able to accomplish your goals.
  • missyjg99
    missyjg99 Posts: 246 Member
    I'm 37 and a mother of 2. I have a 3 year old (whoever qoted terrible twos never had a 3 year old) and an almost 3 month old little boy. I was really active on mfp before getting pregnant last October. I had lost almost 50 lbs but gained back 35lbs of that with the pregnancy. So I'm ready to start working towards losing this weight. I try to log every day, but it's really hard with little ones. I only have 2 kids and work full time so I know how I feel. But add me as a friend and I will try to be supportive!