Working out twice a day?

Let me be clear on what exactly I am asking. I want to know if you know of any known risks that says it is not a good idea to work out twice a day. Despite what my schedule or habits are. I know if I am over doing it or if I can't handle it. I know it is something I have to ease into like everything else.


I am seriously considering trying to work out twice a day (morning & night). I would like everyone's opinion on whether this would be a good or bad thing (and why). Also, what kind of food would you recommend for breakfast when having a morning work out. I am not sure if I should eat prior to the workout or after the workout (or both).


  • koing
    koing Posts: 179 Member
    Bad idea for most people.

    Just stick with 3-4x a week. That is PLENTY of exercise for most people.

    Why do you want to train twice a day? Are you not seeing results with what you are doing? Do you work weird shifts that mean you can't train 3-4x a week properly?

    What sort of work outs do you intend to do?

    Lots of questions that need answering before someone can give you an accurate answer.

  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    If you can handle it, keep it up. I have done two-a-days in the past and I still do it now, a couple times a week (run early in the day, then do strength later in the PM).

    It's important you eat enough to keep your strength up and also pay attention to your body. If you need a rest day, take it. Don't risk injury for the sake of burning an extra couple of calories.

    ETA: I should also say, if you're working out twice a day, keep one workout easy or moderate if you're going hard on the other one. Don't over do it.
  • BigD06
    BigD06 Posts: 130 Member
    ^^^ Good answers......
  • Kaety03
    Not necessarily a bad idea, since I do this 3-4 times per week. I work from home, so I always go out for a jog/walk each morning for about 30 minutes and then do some sort of aerobics class in the evening. Sometimes, my legs feel like jello, but I push through it. I will usually eat half a protein bar to eat before I go out in the morning.
  • lilmestydaze
    lilmestydaze Posts: 28 Member
    I feel that if I begin working out twice a day that I will stay more on track. One thing that I notice when I work out in the morning, is that I am always tired the rest of the day. I thought it should be the opposite?

    I am a graduate student, so my hours are kind of wacky. By the time I get home at night, I feel to drained to work out. But like I said, when I work out in the morning, I feel drained all day. I just have gained a lot of weight over the summer and want to get in shape as quickly as possible.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    want to get in shape as quickly as possible.

    It's not going to be quick.
    By the time I get home at night, I feel to drained to work out
    when I work out in the morning, I feel drained all day
    You currently can't even handle working out ONCE a day, and you want to DOUBLE that?
  • PupPupMomma
    If you think you can handle it, great. 2 things to think about.

    1. If this is entirely new for you, you will likely burn out. For most people, the diet change and moderate exercise is a lot to adjust to. I just wouldn't want to see you burn out and give up because it is so much at one time. I started with daily morning walks with the dog. Anything above that (now 4 times a week cardio after work) is bonus. I would commit to one session and then go from there.

    2. If you are judging your success by the scale, remember your body will need some time to adjust as well. Don't get frustrated if the scale isn't sharing your enthusiasm for your new routine.

    Good luck!
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    You currently can't even handle working out ONCE a day, and you want to DOUBLE that?

  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I am seriously considering trying to work out twice a day (morning & night). I would like everyone's opinion on whether this would be a good or bad thing (and why). Also, what kind of food would you recommend for breakfast when having a morning work out. I am not sure if I should eat prior to the workout or after the workout (or both).

    Very hard to evaluate the what without knowing the why. Why do you want to workout 2x a day?

    Very generally speaking, it's fine given enough sleep and calories.
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    want to get in shape as quickly as possible.

    It's not going to be quick.
    By the time I get home at night, I feel to drained to work out
    when I work out in the morning, I feel drained all day
    You currently can't even handle working out ONCE a day, and you want to DOUBLE that?

    ^^ All this.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    I do.
    sometimes 3.
    I do 2 to 3 hours cardio a day, 7 days a week.
    works for me
  • koing
    koing Posts: 179 Member
    want to get in shape as quickly as possible.

    It's not going to be quick.
    By the time I get home at night, I feel to drained to work out
    when I work out in the morning, I feel drained all day
    You currently can't even handle working out ONCE a day, and you want to DOUBLE that?

    ^^ All this.

    ^^^ THIS

    People shouldn't be giving advice without knowing the persons lifestyle. It's ridiculous.

    OP just train 3-4x a week. Get use to your morning sessions first. Fix your sleeping and eating habits out. You shouldn't be feeling so drained for the rest of the day.

  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Bad idea. You'll burn yourself out.

    Though some people just looooooove working out, so it's a personal choice.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    --The More you work out, the bigger the deficit, the bigger the loss
    -- Speeds up your metabolism
  • ag27404
    ag27404 Posts: 47 Member
    I feel that if I begin working out twice a day that I will stay more on track. One thing that I notice when I work out in the morning, is that I am always tired the rest of the day. I thought it should be the opposite?

    I am a graduate student, so my hours are kind of wacky. By the time I get home at night, I feel to drained to work out. But like I said, when I work out in the morning, I feel drained all day. I just have gained a lot of weight over the summer and want to get in shape as quickly as possible.

    Have you been to the doctor? If you have a sudden increase in weight (without any good explanation) and feeling tired, there could be something medically going on. It could be graduate school, but I would get a good check up prior to trying to do two work outs a day.
  • Lemongrab1
    Lemongrab1 Posts: 158 Member
    Bad idea. Your body isn't even accustomed to working out once per day, if you double that workload you're just going to give it up completely either due to exhaustion or injury.
    Instead of working out twice, why not just lengthen one workout?
    So if you're doing 30 minutes twice per day 3 days per week, do 45 minutes once per day 5 days per week.
    However a more reasonable number for your current level of fitness is 30 minutes.
    Getting the body you want isn't a fast process, that's just media-hype. It doesn't need to be a snail's pace, but it won't be at lightning speed either.
    Control your diet, make sure you're getting a 500 calorie deficit per day, and include strength training twice per week.
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    Losing weight is not a fast journey if you want it to last.

    You say you already are tired after a morning workout and are tired when you get home before even doing a workout so why do you think you'll be able to do 2 workouts in 1 day?

    If you have the type of stamina to do 2 workouts then go for it, but I think you'll find you will burn out relatively quickly and then quit all together. Your best best is to find something that you can sustain for the long hall and do your 3-5 workouts/week.

    If you have the mentality that you want the weight gone NOW, then you are already on a losing course.
  • wrgawife
    wrgawife Posts: 61 Member
    I work out twice a day like 2 days a week most weeks. I do a lunch class and then an evening class. I like that face that i can stretch my workout. i am concentrating on the numbers. You have to do at least 240 minutes of cardio or more for weight loss. I try to make sure i get that in my 240 with in the the the 1st 3 days if my schedule allows me. ( I am busy mom with 2 boys in football). Then every things else is bonus and i can fell better.
    Do what works for you. I need more cardio as i get into eating better.

    I then try to incorpated weight training. But like u i get tried in the evenings and don't feel like working out after work football practice and dealing with cooking, homwrk, and husband....

    I also would recommend if you walk for like 10-15 minutes 2-3 times out of the day that will count to. For me cause i work at a desk I try to walk at every 10 minutes til like at
    9:50, 10:50 and then at 1:50. to wake myself. up. not sure if you can do that.
  • redredfox
    redredfox Posts: 76 Member
    I usually find that a morning workout sets me up for success the rest of the day! If you wake up and work out, you will tend to make more healthy decisions throughout the day.... who wants to ruin a fabulous morning workout as their day progresses? Two a days certainly are not harmful, so why don't you try it out for a while? Give it a solid and consistent try for 14 days and see how you feel. You can ALWAYS cut back to once a day =)
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    I worked out twice a day last summer, and did too much, didn't eat enough, and lost my period for 6 months. I don't recommend it, unless you are talking a 20 min cardio in the am, and then maybe some weights later. But an hour in the am and then another hour in the evening= no.