Weight fluctuations... Everyday....



  • kaykaylyn
    kaykaylyn Posts: 84 Member
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Stop weighing yourself DAILY !!!
  • steve2kay
    steve2kay Posts: 194 Member
    I really don't get why anyone would ever recommend not weighing. It makes no sense. I guess if you need to ignore data to feel better about it... but that simply cannot be the right answer. Understand the data, don't ignore it. Fluctuations are normal, don't let them upset you so much you short yourself on valuable information about your progress.

    Completely agree. Weighing weekly doesn't mean that fluctuations go away. They can have an equally negative mental effect - all the work for the week and I've lost nothing. Weighing myself daily allows me to see these fluctuations for that they are.

    I'm not saying it's for everyone but I get confused when people say your weight fluctuates so you should just weigh yourself once a week.
  • l911jnt
    l911jnt Posts: 164 Member
    I really don't get why anyone would ever recommend not weighing. It makes no sense. I guess if you need to ignore data to feel better about it... but that simply cannot be the right answer. Understand the data, don't ignore it. Fluctuations are normal, don't let them upset you so much you short yourself on valuable information about your progress.

    Completely agree. Weighing weekly doesn't mean that fluctuations go away. They can have an equally negative mental effect - all the work for the week and I've lost nothing. Weighing myself daily allows me to see these fluctuations for that they are.

    I'm not saying it's for everyone but I get confused when people say your weight fluctuates so you should just weigh yourself once a week.

    I would rather weigh daily. I wanna know what is happening and if I weighed just weekly and I happened to be retaining alot of water that day it would upset me more than if I see it go up and down daily knowing that its just the water!
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    I weigh daily.
    After running a half marathon on Saturday (my first!) I gained 8 pounds within 24 hours. I knew it was my salt and water intake, my body holding onto whatever it could to repair itself in its time of stress. I took two rest days and kept my calories under 2000 (day of race I ate ALL the food) and today I'm back at the pre-run weight. It wasn't fat.

    Try using a measuring tape and watch your inches. About twice a month I get the measuring tape out and check out where I've lost fat. It's slow but sure, and tells you when you can buy smaller clothes :wink:
  • mush_mellow
    mush_mellow Posts: 10 Member
    Chandanista, I found your real life story about your personal weight fluctuation to be very eye opening. Thank you. My body fluctuates from 0-10 lbs depending on that time of the month, and time of day. I weigh myself daily - but only counting my actual weigh ins once a week (normally on Saturday or Sunday), in the morning right after going to the bathroom. My true measure of results is how my body feels day to day.
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    I am glad my story could help :) I count my weight only if it's been the same for a couple of days in a row, at the same time of morning (first thing, around5-5:30 AM). Anything else, I consider a fluctuation.
  • crackur
    crackur Posts: 473 Member
    happens to everyone......I quit weighing in.....and just weigh ever so often...maybe once a month now.....but I can't remember my last weigh in. I look in the mirror =).
  • I went from 172 to 179 in the course of a day and nearly cried. Subsequently, I realized that it had a lot to do with the fact that I started running again. My tissue retained water because it was repairing itself, and I drank probably a liter and a half of water when I finished my run.
    It's hard to not constantly weigh yourself when you want to lose weight, but you either have to come to terms with the fact that your weight fluctuates a lot daily or stop weighing yourself so much. :P
    Best of luck! Don't let it discourage you.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I weigh myself every day, once a day, in the morning (except when I'm not at home that morning). I observe the long-term pattern of what my weight is doing. Some days it goes up. Sometimes it stays the same for a couple of weeks. The overall pattern, though, is that it is going down. I do get (mildly) excited when it goes down, but I don't get upset when it goes up or stays the same, because I can see the big picture. I like seeing the data. I like seeing that what I'm doing is working. I don't get it when people who are trying to lose weight don't want to know what they weigh.