Why you could be tired or stuck in a no loss rut

Potassium and weight loss

Because Potassium helps us to build muscles, helps our muscles work properly and helps us convert the food we eat into energy, it is particularly important to those of us who have weight loss goals.

Bigger muscles burn more calories, so by helping us to build slightly bigger and stronger muscles, Potassium has a direct impact in helping us to turn our bodies into calorie burning machines.

By helping to provide the energy we need, helping our muscles (including our heart) work efficiently and effectively and ensuring a proper balance of electrolytes, Potassium helps us exercise daily, which is critically important to anyone wanting to shed a few unwanted kilos.

Because Potassium is excreted from our body in sweat, those of us who are exercising to lose weight need to be extra diligent, conscious of the fact that we also need to be replacing the Potassium lost during exercise.

As you can see, because daily exercise is a critical element to successful long term weight loss and improved general health, all of us with weight loss goals need to have sufficient levels of Potassium in our bodies at all times.


  • Junken_Diraffe
    Junken_Diraffe Posts: 716 Member
    Humans need sufficient levels of potassium, weight loss goals or not. That's why they pumped it into my arm when I was in the hospital for over a month. (for the record, that's really effing painful)
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Wow. Someone posts something, under Food and Nutrition, that they learned about NUTRITION, that could possibly be helpful to someone else that is dealing with fatigue and plateaus, and the nasty comments start flowing. Yep. Welcome to the MFP forums.

    To the OP- Thank you for sharing this. It might possibly be just the thing someone needs to hear.

    I am bumping this thread in case there IS someone who could use this information.
  • Krissy563
    Krissy563 Posts: 47 Member
    Next time please cite your source instead of passing off others' work as if it were your own. The OP's post comes from http://weightloss.com.au/articles/healthy-diets/potassium-and-weight-loss.html.
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