Stuck at 152lb, Tips/Friends would be loved!

I have been stuck at the same weight since I have hit puberty, and the only way I have lost weight was because of depression and I gained it back 3 months later! Always been 150-160lb!

-I'm 20 years old
-What worked/is working for you? Share!


  • You sound just like me! Friend request sent!
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    I looked at your profile -- limiting yourself to 800 calories a day sounds drastic and unhealthy.

    Use these links to figure out your BMR and your TDEE. You should always eat above your BMR to keep your bodily organs functioning properly. To lose weight, you should eat below your TDEE.

    Good luck!
  • You gotta find the healthy options that work for you. I personally don't eat a ton of fruits and vegetables, and I know that's not good, but I've found other options to help me lower my daily intake. I eat a ton of tuna, eggs, and I've swapped basically every food I have with the "low fat" or "lite" versions of them. Also if you wanna eat, then get out and do something to earn it. Again, maybe not the best values on here, but I love going for a 3 mile run so that I can have a greasy burger for dinner. I haven't had any trouble losing weight the times I have actually been completely honest with mfp. No cheating!
  • Hey there, Jessica! Welcome!

    It sounds like your current lifestyle has helped you maintained your weight, which is certainly better than gaining, but I totally understand your desire to lose more. :) Here are some tips that have personally helped me:

    -Drink A LOT of water. Cut out ALL sugary drinks - soda, coffee, and yes, even juice. I use drops to flavor my water, such as Kool Aid. The accumulation of sugary drinks and high salt/sugary foods makes your body retain more water, and the best way to get rid of it is to drink water and abstain from those things, or take them in moderation. I cut them out from my diet entirely and MAYBE have something like Coke Zero once in awhile. I do drink tea as well (no sugar added)
    -Eat 5 "meals" a day instead of the standard breakfast, lunch, dinner. My meals range from 200-300 calories or so each, and I eat about five or six times a day. You could try to have at least a protein and veggies with every meal, and eat every 2-4 hours. This keeps your metabolism going. What got me to gain weight fast was skipping meals and having one big meal at the end of day.
    -Speaking of meals, track your calories! Know how much you need to lose, and try to stay around your minimum needed. You could use an online calculator or speak to your doctor/a dietitian about your specific caloric/nutritional needs in case you have to take your health history into account.
    -Exercise. Something as simple as fast paced walking 30mins a day gives you a great benefit. I incorporate both cardio and strength training. I lift weights three times a week, and intense cardio two times a week. But, I walk everyday for at least half an hour.
    -If you have cravings, find healthier substitutions OR indulge it in once a week. Saturdays are my most notorious days for eating awful, so I always allow myself to eat certain things that I normally wouldn't eat regularly if I have a particularly bad craving. That doesn't mean spend a whole DAY eating something you know you shouldn't, but do so for a meal or a snack..but only a certain amount! My guilty pleasure is dark chocolate and fried stuffs. :)
    -Sleep well, and manage your stress. Sleep and stress is highly overlooked, and go hand in hand. If you're exercising and eating well, stress/lack of sleep can put a HUGE damper on your weight loss progress and overall health. Take care of your body AND mind. :)

    Best of luck to you!
  • Jessicahanzlik
    Jessicahanzlik Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks for all the tips and advise guys!!! I'm learning so much and I just started today!!!
  • Just to toss out there, the 5 meals a day thing doesn't "speed up your metabolism" or anything like that. Weight loss is about your calorie deficit. If you would rather eat 2 bigger meals you'll still lose weight if you stick to the right number of calories. The 5 meals thing works for some people, and it could work for you, by all means give it a try, but it's not a be all end all.
  • ctodd58
    ctodd58 Posts: 7 Member
    Also make sure to include weights/strength training in your fitness regimen. When the body is at rest, a pound of muscle burns more calories than a pound of fat, so adding muscle mass (this doesn't have to mean "bulking up," mind you) is a crucial, often-missing part of overall fitness. Just 2-3 strength training sessions a week can rev it up. I'd recommend getting some free weights and a kettlebell to start! Maybe start at 8-10 lb weights and an 8-10 lb kettlebell (more or less depending on your comfort with weights), then move up from there. A note: Though conventional wisdom has been to use lighter weights with more reps, there are thoughts that heavier weights and lower reps might be better for women wanting to get toned than previously thought. Kettlebell swings are supposed to be one of the best full-body strength training workouts. I think you'll notice results faster (especially in measurements/sizes) if you add in weights!

    And make sure you consume your fair share of protein!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I looked at your profile -- limiting yourself to 800 calories a day sounds drastic and unhealthy.

    Use these links to figure out your BMR and your TDEE. You should always eat above your BMR to keep your bodily organs functioning properly. To lose weight, you should eat below your TDEE.

    Good luck!

    ^this. 800 calories is not going to do you a lot of favors in the long run. You may lose the weight, but you risk a lot of side effects, low energy, vitamin deficiency, and muscle loss in the process. And the percentage of people who keep the weight off after such a dramatic diet is very low. Please either use MFP's defaults (eating back at least a portion of your exercise calories) or use the links above to help figure a reasonable calorie goal for yourself.
  • Chickyjd
    Chickyjd Posts: 136 Member
    Hey everyone - I'd love some new friends that actually take an active role in supporting me, as I will with you. Don't want any non-supporters (No commenting etc...) Send me a message with request :)