C-Section Pictures



  • SpartyGirl35
    SpartyGirl35 Posts: 5 Member
    This is after 2 c-sections. Now I don't have any better before photo's then this, this is my first every stomach photo (the top photos)


    The last 2 photo's are my most recent photo's. The pooch is going away and it can go away, but you need to do more then just lose weight, you need more then just cardio, you need to add strength training in.

    you look great. be proud of the work you are doing. :)
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    No photos....certainly not after my last section. I had 2 c sections. 14 & 7.5 years ago. I'm down 30 lbs from my post preggers highest weight. I have a flat tummy and wear a bikini to the beach and wear a size 6. You most certainly can have a smaller tummy!!
  • This is after 2 c-sections. Now I don't have any better before photo's then this, this is my first every stomach photo (the top photos)


    The last 2 photo's are my most recent photo's. The pooch is going away and it can go away, but you need to do more then just lose weight, you need more then just cardio, you need to add strength training in.

    You have no idea how much seeing this gives me hope... I started doing some strength training at the school gym but its only once a week.. I wanted to do cardio and it at the same time.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    Thank you guys, I just took a new photo today, really had no intentions on doing it but I rubbed my belly this morning and noticed a difference so I decided to take a photo to see if I could really see it. Do you see it?

    This is T25 results too.

  • Jgonz1203
    Jgonz1203 Posts: 20 Member
    This is after 2 c-sections. Now I don't have any better before photo's then this, this is my first every stomach photo (the top photos)


    The last 2 photo's are my most recent photo's. The pooch is going away and it can go away, but you need to do more then just lose weight, you need more then just cardio, you need to add strength training in.

    Your results are amazing!! Great job!! I had a c-section almost 10 years ago, but I never really took losing the weight seriously till now. I can see that my lower stomach is getting smaller, but I wondered if that skin would ever really go away. Your pictures are inspiring!
  • I didnt have C sections but I have had 3 pregnancies and a RUINED tummy =p I'm short (5'2" is pushing it) and gained a ton of weight with my first pregnancy at 16. I weighed right around 180 when I deliverd. My second (21) I started at 140 and gained 30 pounds. My third (23) started at 140 and delivered at 159 (I knew how hard it was to take off the weight and was more careful!) I started exercising 2 weeks postpartum. I still had the pooch and lose skin at my lowest 125. The more I lose the worse it looks! Luckily its easy to hide! even just underwear cover it! I dont know if that is helpful! I'll attatch pictures.

    free uploader
  • evdenapoli
    evdenapoli Posts: 164 Member
    You go first.

  • blah2989
    blah2989 Posts: 338 Member
    I have NOT had a c-section, but I have the same issue. Pretty sure its on my profile pic. Im still losing weight. Im 217 right now ( 5'5")- I shrunk since Ive lost 30lbs hahaha!
  • rhye
    rhye Posts: 104 Member
    What does having a c section have to do with being 100 lbs overweight? C section=/= fat. You're more likely to not have a flat belly after losing weight from skin stretching from being obese rather than an incision below your bikini line.

    You're more likely to not have a flat belly WHEN A PERSON USED TO LIVE INSIDE OF IT. The C-section is a unique situation because they move or in some cases even cut through abdominal muscle. In addition, if someone has a long healing time that is time they cannot be exercising. Also, there is scar tissue, which is less elastic. In all pregnancies, the abdominal muscles stretch a lot and can also separate. When you are fat, skin stretches, but with pregnancy it's the actual muscle that stretches.

    (My son's almost 2... sooo not pleased with how my stomach looks. It's so much worse than just being overweight. It just hangs and ugh but at least the stretch marks are faded a bit. Doing lots of ab exercises to try and shrink the waistline but I don't know if the skin will ever snap back. And I didn't have a C-section so I didn't have to deal with that extra).
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    What does having a c section have to do with being 100 lbs overweight? C section=/= fat. You're more likely to not have a flat belly after losing weight from skin stretching from being obese rather than an incision below your bikini line.

    You're more likely to not have a flat belly WHEN A PERSON USED TO LIVE INSIDE OF IT. The C-section is a unique situation because they move or in some cases even cut through abdominal muscle. In addition, if someone has a long healing time that is time they cannot be exercising. Also, there is scar tissue, which is less elastic. In all pregnancies, the abdominal muscles stretch a lot and can also separate. When you are fat, skin stretches, but with pregnancy it's the actual muscle that stretches.

    (My son's almost 2... sooo not pleased with how my stomach looks. It's so much worse than just being overweight. It just hangs and ugh but at least the stretch marks are faded a bit. Doing lots of ab exercises to try and shrink the waistline but I don't know if the skin will ever snap back. And I didn't have a C-section so I didn't have to deal with that extra).

    Exactly. You may have a mommy pouch whether you had a C section or not. I had 2 very large babies that stretched skin to the limits and have extra skin from belly button down that even 30 years later, lots of exercise and no extra weight refuses to budge. My neighbor had 2 C sections and within 6 weeks is bikini ready again. Just the luck of draw on genetics a lot of the time.
  • Thank you guys, I just took a new photo today, really had no intentions on doing it but I rubbed my belly this morning and noticed a difference so I decided to take a photo to see if I could really see it. Do you see it?

    This is T25 results too.


    What is T25 and you look great, you can tell a big difference!!
  • What does having a c section have to do with being 100 lbs overweight? C section=/= fat. You're more likely to not have a flat belly after losing weight from skin stretching from being obese rather than an incision below your bikini line.

    You're more likely to not have a flat belly WHEN A PERSON USED TO LIVE INSIDE OF IT. The C-section is a unique situation because they move or in some cases even cut through abdominal muscle. In addition, if someone has a long healing time that is time they cannot be exercising. Also, there is scar tissue, which is less elastic. In all pregnancies, the abdominal muscles stretch a lot and can also separate. When you are fat, skin stretches, but with pregnancy it's the actual muscle that stretches.

    (My son's almost 2... sooo not pleased with how my stomach looks. It's so much worse than just being overweight. It just hangs and ugh but at least the stretch marks are faded a bit. Doing lots of ab exercises to try and shrink the waistline but I don't know if the skin will ever snap back. And I didn't have a C-section so I didn't have to deal with that extra).

    Thank you for posting this, because I found it very offending of the previous poster for being point blank rude. There are ways to state things without seeming offensive and many don't understand what someone that has had a C-section deals with. Thank you so much!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    Thank you guys, I just took a new photo today, really had no intentions on doing it but I rubbed my belly this morning and noticed a difference so I decided to take a photo to see if I could really see it. Do you see it?

    This is T25 results too.


    What is T25 and you look great, you can tell a big difference!!

    Focus T25 http://www.teambeachbody.com/workout-routines/focus-T25 it's a workout DVD by Shaun T. the same guy who did Insanity and Turbo Abs.
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    I am also in the same boat. I gained about 15lbs from steroids and IVF medications then thankfully only gained another 15lbs in pregnancy. But it was all in my tummy. My stomach was so huge people kept asking if I was having twins, and when I would say "no, just one healthy baby" people would say are you sure? It was really starting to piss me off by the end. I ended up with a c section and I have a lot of extra skin hanging now. I was overweight before becoming pregnant, but I still had a flat stomach. I was so worried my stomach would never go back because my sister (who is tiny and in shape) never completely lost hers.

    TheFitHooker, you look amazing! You are such an inspiration! I am on day 9 of level 1 of 30ds. No results yet except that I find most of the exercises are so much easier now (except push ups, they are my only downfall). I plan on doing it twice then go to focus t25. Which program did you find worked more of your stomach? My problem areas are my stomach and back. :-)

    Mammaspunk, the 30 day shred DVD is only about 28 (with stretching and warm up) minutes long so it is easy to fit in to a busy day. That is one of the reasons I chose it. I run my own business and have an almost 11 month old baby who keeps me very busy. He takes two naps and I usually work during his naps but I started doing a workout during his morning nap. He only sleeps an hour and some days less so he wakes up before I finish the workout, so I needed something that was under half an hour. This works perfectly.
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    I didnt have C sections but I have had 3 pregnancies and a RUINED tummy =p I'm short (5'2" is pushing it) and gained a ton of weight with my first pregnancy at 16. I weighed right around 180 when I deliverd. My second (21) I started at 140 and gained 30 pounds. My third (23) started at 140 and delivered at 159 (I knew how hard it was to take off the weight and was more careful!) I started exercising 2 weeks postpartum. I still had the pooch and lose skin at my lowest 125. The more I lose the worse it looks! Luckily its easy to hide! even just underwear cover it! I dont know if that is helpful! I'll attatch pictures.

    free uploader
    Thanks for posting, you look great! Your waist is definitely shrinking and you can see your stomach muscles are becoming defined. How long is turbo jam?
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    i think for me at least it also depends what kind of section you had

    i had 2 VERTICAL incicision c section , plus have had twins (twice) - and had 2 other abdominal surgeries
    I have little hope of ever being a "flat belly"
    im over 40 - i have a front butt and a back butt

    needless to say if you could spot reduce that would be awesome - i know its going to be a problem area for me no matter what weight i have

    i have pictures on my profile, i hold a lot of my weight in my stomach/abdomen...
    ill let you know in another 100 lbs ...
    i know when i have lost in the past it got smaller - but didnt go "flat"
  • I don't think people who haven't had a C-section can know how much it changes your belly. I've always had weight issues, but never really had a belly, and now I've got a ledge there and I find it very hard to engage my core although I'm not giving up. I get it. I haven't ruled out a tummy tuck at some point, if I lose weight and find it's still gross. (yes, I called my belly gross--sue me).
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    I might as well ask here since this thread is about c sections. Have any of you that are doing lots of different crunches finding the muscles are very sore where your scar is? I mean my upper abs are sore, but in a I had a good workout kind of way. My lower abs hurt when I move certain ways and it feels like when I was healing after surgery. Not quite as painful, but different than normal muscle burn.
  • Selunca
    Selunca Posts: 208 Member
    I didn't have a whole lot to lose anymore, but one of the first places I lost was my little 'apron' and the fat under my C-section. Now its just a stubborn spare tire.

    Its just fat. The more you lose the better you will feel about it.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I might as well ask here since this thread is about c sections. Have any of you that are doing lots of different crunches finding the muscles are very sore where your scar is? I mean my upper abs are sore, but in a I had a good workout kind of way. My lower abs hurt when I move certain ways and it feels like when I was healing after surgery. Not quite as painful, but different than normal muscle burn.

    You may have some adhesions from the scar. I didn't have a c section but had a hysterectomy done back in the day when they did them by the same method rather than internally. It used to pull and itch and the doctor said it was just adhesions that would break and it would stop doing that. It did stop after a while and I really think breaking those bonds helps the muscle get back into shape. On a side note, I shattered my knee joint not long after that and had adhesions form so I couldn't move my knee. The solution to that was for the PT to lay me on my stomach and very quickly shove my foot up to my *kitten*. Pretty sure they heard my scream up on the 3rd floor but it really felt better after the initial pain so probably breaking them up in your abdomen would be good too.