Any other breast cancer survivors?



  • Karaloftinutah
    Karaloftinutah Posts: 2 Member
    I didn't have breast cancer but I was diagnosed with Stage 3B Anal cancer at the age of 34. I, too, was probably in the best shape of my life. I was running, cycling, and doing yoga. I was entering lots of century bike races as well. I am a mom to three children, 12, 11, 9. It has been tough but I feel like I am getting to the point where I am the healthiest I have ever been (not just fit, but everything is starting to fall into place).
  • lisamarieayotte
    lisamarieayotte Posts: 8 Member
    Congratulations to all the survivors!

    I just joined the site about a week ago and I haven't made any friends yet... I was actually just going to use the site as a personal log, but I have since discovered that I need support as much as the next person.... Friends, anyone?

    I too, am a breast cancer survivor. I was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer (3C) at age 28 EIGHTyears ago. I was an active, non-smoking vegetarian. Go figure, right? In retrospect, my oncologist told me that he did not expect me to live longer than 2-3 years, but 8 years later, I am still here and NED.

    Aside from going through a mastectomy, chemo and radiation, one of the hardest things I found was dealing with weight gain. I gained about 40 lbs in less than a year once I started taking Tamoxifen and getting Zoladex injections. (I am still on Tamoxifen, stopped injections 3 years ago.) As a result of the meds and such, I did not have my period for 7 years and I am sure that the Tamoxifen, coupled with the menopausal symtpoms prevented me (or made it ridiculously hard for me) from losing weight. Every few months or so, I would start an exercise routine and then give up because I wasn't losing weight or seeing results (wrong mentality, I know. I should have just persevered for my health).

    Well, just over a year ago my period returned and with its triumphant return came my ability to lose weight. I have lost about 14 lbs within the past year without diet or exercise. This (miraculous) weight loss has now motivated me to try to get back down to my "before cancer" weight or size. I was 135 lbs at the time of diagnosis, my highest weight was 175 and now I am 160. While I have 25 lbs more to go, I am not going to really focus on the number, but rather how I feel. I am on day 7 of the 30 Day Shred and I have been watching what I eat for the past week and a bit.

    While I have started and stopped exercise regimes in the past, for some reason, I think this time it is going to stick. I hope I'm right!
    (My 3-year-old told me he was proud of me this morning for doing my exercises - so cute!)
  • I am 47 and was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer, but after many surgeries and treatment I got serious about losing weight and lost over 20lbs to now have freakin menopause mess with my body so badly that I have put on more that I lost 3 years I am looking for all the help I could get to get back to where I felt much better about myself.....friend me!
  • NRBreit
    NRBreit Posts: 319 Member
    Male breast cancer survivor here. Surgery, chemo, and rads in 2009/2010 at 40 years of age. Still taking Tamoxifen. Then I got my butt in gear with exercise and eating right. I've never felt better than I do now. Hang in there!
  • izzwizz_london
    izzwizz_london Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone. I just joined this week so still settling in. I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in 2009, aged 49. Triple negative doesn't respond to any of the drugs so I am drug free! I lost 10 kilos (22 pounds) during treatment and felt really good at that weight, but it has crept back on over the last couple of years. I put that all down to my bad habits. I'm here to lose it all again over the next few months, and feel better and healthier as a result :)
  • {{{hugs}}} to all the other survivors. We've all been thru so much. This time is for US.

    I was also in the best shape of my life. I had just lost over 50 pounds and got to enjoy my fit new body for 3 months when the call came. I put on 15 from all the surgeries and tamoxifen. I'm determined to get my strength and figure back. It's only been a few months since my last surgery, so it's like beginning again.

    Recently my 13 year old picked up some of my dumbbells and asked me to teach him how to workout. It's been 2 months, and he's remained faithful to his program. I asked him why the sudden motivation, and he said (it's hard not to cry here), "You mom. You never gave up after everything you went through. Each time you came back from the hospital, you picked up the weights again. Sometimes just the 3s, but you never gave up. When I don't feel like working out, I think about you not quitting."

    It's very hard to keep fighting to get back and then getting pushed back down again, but I'll never let that boy down. I may not be as strong and cute as I was a year ago, but I guess I'm someone's hero now. :)

    Best of luck to all survivors.
  • 3senuf
    3senuf Posts: 2
    Hi - I was diagnosed in August 2011 and since that time, I have gained 10 lbs. I am 44 years old. I am finding it extremely difficult to lose weight, especially since I started taking Tamoxifen and I can't believe how the weight is distributed.....I swear its all in my belly! I've had it and I'd really like to lose 10 lbs, but I at this point, I would be happy to lose just 5 lbs. I'm hoping that since Spring is here (although you wouldn't know it where I am living) I an anxious to get back out walking and exercising more!
  • LadeJones
    LadeJones Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all...I have been on here for about a week and absolutely LOVE this site so far. I have acquired many friends on here but I'm wondering if there are any breast cancer survivors that would like to be friends? There are many reasons that I am changing my life and losing weight but at the top of the list is my health. I was diagnosed with breast cancer 3 months after my 37th birthday (and BTW, I was the healthiest and most fit of my entire life at the time). After surgery and during treatment I packed on about 20 pounds...six months after treatment I got pregnant. Well...during pregnancy I really packed on the pounds and now I'm in full gear to get rid of this weight. I know that being overweight is horrible for your health and it also increases your risk of reoccurrence of cancer and damn it...I'm going to do what I have to do to so that it NEVER comes back. I'm wondering if there are any other cancer survivors out there that would like to be friends and help each other through this weight loss/life change...

    Hi, Just wondering how is the workout going. I'm a recent breast cancer survivor myself and would love to know your progress.
  • nyhynes
    nyhynes Posts: 5 Member
    I would be one! Can't believe how similar our stories are with the exception of my daughter who came 7 months before I was diagnosed I was diagnosed with stage 2 grade 3 BC. I was 33 at the time. I just finished treatment at the end of December 2012 and opted for a double mastecomy with immediate reconstruction rather then radiation which was done in late Feb as they told me my risk of reoccurance was 30-40%. Scary stuff and I never want to waste another year of my life going through that again. So now I after going from best shape ever to access baby weight topped on by an additional 30lbs from chemo and steroids I am truly on a mission to feel alive again and do everything possible to prevent any form of reoccurance. I was always a runner and have not ran since June 2012. I have just started running the past 2 weeks and am using a 10k training app to work me back into it. Since I got this going I also felt it was time to stop the emotional eating and get my diet back into check and have been using myfitnesspal for the past week and loving it.
  • nyhynes
    nyhynes Posts: 5 Member
    I was also diagnosed with triple negative BC in June 2012. It's such a an overwhelming diagnosis with lots of twists and turns and no clarity. All my treatment and surgeries are behind me but now my biggest issue has been getting out of the emotional eating Ive done to cope with it all and to try and get my butt moving again to loss the weight and keep it off. One of the frustrating things the oncologist told me as I am trying to loss the weight is that it could take up to 6 months for the effects of the drugs to get out of my system and possibly making it more difficult to loss. Just starting so we will see if this stands true.
  • shermone1
    shermone1 Posts: 4 Member
    hi, I also have breast cancer or should i say had. I was diagnosed last august, i finished up my chemo in feb and radation in march. I also gained 20 lbs and have been fighting to get it off, I started doing the insanity workout about a month ago and using my fitness pal but still having a hard time reaching my goal !!! I too was in great shape before cancer, I ran three days a wk and was a big spinner but it still happened, I hope your doing well with everything!!!
  • freyjafish
    freyjafish Posts: 1
    I have been cancer free for four years, and I STILL haven't lost any of the weight I gained during treatment. Hoping this helps. I need to lose about 30 pounds. We can do it, right?
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    I have been cancer free for four years, and I STILL haven't lost any of the weight I gained during treatment. Hoping this helps. I need to lose about 30 pounds. We can do it, right?

    yes, we can!! dedication and focus are the key. I have lost about 15 pounds since the end of january...10 to go!
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    I am an Inflammatory Breast Cancer Survivor diagnosised in Feb 2010. I am BRCA+ and triple negative. Went through 6 rounds of chemo, bilateral masectonomy / ovaries removed, and 3 months of radiation. Living with lymphodema as a result of the radiation. One failed reconstruction surgery due to radiation damage and just scheduled my second attempt in August of this year. I actually lost almost 30 pounds last year on MFP, but became depressed after the failed surgery and gained it all back and then some. Would love some friends to go on this journey with.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    I am an Inflammatory Breast Cancer Survivor diagnosised in Feb 2010. I am BRCA+ and triple negative. Went through 6 rounds of chemo, bilateral masectonomy / ovaries removed, and 3 months of radiation. Living with lymphodema as a result of the radiation. One failed reconstruction surgery due to radiation damage and just scheduled my second attempt in August of this year. I actually lost almost 30 pounds last year on MFP, but became depressed after the failed surgery and gained it all back and then some. Would love some friends to go on this journey with. have been through a lot! Sorry the road has been so rough. Glad to see you "back on the horse"!
  • magicusk
    magicusk Posts: 1
    I'm thriving stage 4. currently on Xeloda and Femara and I have gained around 25 pounds since being on those. My Dr. keeps advising me to lose weight. I work full time and my scans have been stable since treatments began again in 2010. I hate looking in the mirror or seeing photos of myself. I know I need to do better and here I am back on fitness pal and would love some friends to share and motivate each other to succeed.
  • allynady
    allynady Posts: 59 Member
    I am currently in treatment for Stage 3 BC. Diagnosed on my 40th birthday. I am trying to prevent weight gain from the steroids and herceptin because i already have 20lbs I need to lose. Add me if you want, I am encouraged by all of you that have gotten through treatment and are not letting BC run your life, it's hard to imagine for me right now.
  • Linthesky
    Linthesky Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all,

    I had breast cancer 2yrs ago chemo and radio and was on tamox for 2 months , off for 6 months and now I am on arimidex.
    I was 185 before surgery and when up to 212... I took 10 pounds in one month at the end of the chemo....

    My body now agrees to loose the weight... I say agrees as I believe the chemicals were in the fat and that I needed to get rid of the chemicals for the fat to go away.

    But now my body is cooperating ... So don't desesperate if it takes a while for your body to adjust especially if you are doing all you can do...
  • bri1720
    bri1720 Posts: 254 Member
    Congratulations to all of you SURVIVORS and hugs to all of you FIGHTERS!!!

    I have never been diagnosed, but know too many people that have. My first exposure to Breast Cancer was when I was about 19 years old. My aunt who lived in New Jersey (I live in Chicago) was diagnosed. I had never heard of Breast Cancer and thus did not know the severity of it at the time. I was unable to go and visit and the next time I saw her was at her funeral. I was 21. It is because of her that I do everything I can to support any and all people that are diagnosed with any Cancer. I participate in walks and hold several fundraisers to do whatever I can to help find a cure. This year will be my 5th 2-Day Avon walk (2nd this year alone). I walked in June in Chicago and will walk in New York in October. I proudly walk for all of you!!!!

    I currently have a close friend who beat Stage 3 Breast Cancer, but the Cancer came back in her spine. I also lost a high school classmate at the age of 33 to Inflammatory Breast Cancer.

    Too many people are being diagnosed at a younger and younger age and this has to stop. I commend all of you for fighting and pray that your recovery and successes continue. You are all strong and can do this!!!
  • Basilic1960
    Basilic1960 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I was diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer late December of 2011 at the age of 51. I was on a combination of her2 targeting therapy as part of a drug trial (Herceptin and Tykerb) prior to surgery, then followed up with 4 cycles of Adriamyecin, Cytoxin, 4 cycles of Taxotere overlaping with 9 more cycles of Herceptin. I also had radiation twice a day for a month. I had my last infusion of Herceptin on April 25.

    I was already overweight before treatment but somehow escaped gaining weight during treatment (though I'm sure I lost a lot of muscle). Since treatment, though, I have been watching the scale inch up and recently had to buy a larger size of pants. More than anything, this has motivated me to put the breaks on gaining any more.

    Though I signed up with MFP a while back, I have not been using it, so am learning my way around now.