How do I get motivated? I'm becoming Obese.

I really want that awesome body but it's like, no matter what I do I'm not motivated.
I can say "oh, I'll eat in my macros and workout today." the second I say it, I've gone into the kitchen made and devoured a sandwich, chips, cookies ... I don't know how to do it.. i really, seriously don't..
The more I think about it and say i'm going to do it.. the more i eat.. the more i lay in bed..

I don't understand myself.....

I was 172 and now I'm 179 in 1 1/2 weeks /:


  • mirrinias
    mirrinias Posts: 80 Member
    Get checked out for depression. What you just described sounds exactly the way I was when I gained my weight. I know many people here are going to be like "don't go get antidepressants, eating less and exercising will fix it!"

    That may be true..but I think antidepressants have their place in the fact that they can get you out of that slump enough to care about your weight, eating habits, and exercising. I don't think they're a good permanent solution, but if it can help get you started, then they're worth it.

    I was on antidepressants for, oh, 3 years. Did I lose any weight during that time? No. Did my mental health improve? Yes.Now I'm off them, and feeling motivated and stable enough to lose weight.

    You sound like an emotional eater like me. It is hard. You feel anxious, or unhappy, and it manifests itself in craving food or the impulsion to eat, and you may not even recognize that the reason is from anxiety or unhappiness!

    Now a small, practical step to start you out: do not have chips and cookies in the house. If you are forced to go out and get them every time, you may start to think differently about having those chips and cookies.
  • t1954
    t1954 Posts: 81 Member
    Please read my profile. Maybe it will help you. Feel free to PM me with any questions.
  • Alexdur85
    Alexdur85 Posts: 255 Member
    I do the same thing. Sometimes I just can't stay out of the kitchen. Start with one thing at a time. Try drinking water if that's not a strong point to start then when you feel like you've accomplished drinking enough water try getting into a fun exercise routine that you think you can stick to and do that for a bit.. then work on your food..

    I say water first because you don't want to be dehydrated when you work out.. and when you drink enough water you eat less because you're body isn't confusing hunger with thirst.