Probiotics - whens the best time to take?

mynameis Posts: 1
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I've been struggling with digestive issues (I either have constipation or diarrhea, no middle ground) and was thinking about trying probiotics. I've always struggled with this - I changed all my eating habits a while ago (cut out ALL sodas/coffee/tea and most sugar) I make sure I eat enough dietary fiber daily, I hoped these changes would help - but so far it hasn't.

There's not really a lot of information that I've found on Probiotics. I mean there are several sites talking about how great they are - but nothing tells you exactly how to take it? I'm assuming its 1 pill daily (I read the back of a few boxes at the store) but when do you take it? Morning or night? with food or without?

Any suggestions would help greatly! Thanks!


  • zcostilla
    zcostilla Posts: 23 Member
    I take a prebiotic in the morning before breakfast and a probiotic supplement with dinner. Not saying that's the only way, but it's what was recommended to me by GNC who makes what I use.
  • dhible
    dhible Posts: 3 Member
    This is something that you might want to consult a doctor about before taking a supplement like that. GNC is an AWESOME tool for the well informed, but the sellers are not always the most knowledgable about your specific issues and goals. It's just my advice, you can take it for what it's worth :)
  • nalia08
    nalia08 Posts: 252
    I did it by trial and error. I tried two at night after a meal to see the effects and compared to taking 2 in the morning before my workout. I prefer two in the morning before my workout. I feel that it gives my body enough time to digest what I ate the night before.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    From what I've read, a good Probiotic should contain AT LEAST 6 billion CFU, and nearly 10 strains of probiotics. The one I am taking now is 30 Billion CFU and 8 strains. I take one first thing in the morning at least 1/2 hour before eating or drinking coffee. I too have suffered from digestive issues, and have been diagnosed with IBS-C (constipation). Have you talked to your doctor? I am on the medication prescribed for IBS-C called Amitiza and it seems to be helping!
  • sherhop
    sherhop Posts: 25
    I always had the same problem, I was diagnosed with irritable bowl syndrome. Since increasing water intake and eating plenty of fiber at each meal, it hasn't been such a big problem anymore. I don't have to take the med now nor take my morning fiber supplement. Good luck
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I was taking them in the morning on an empty stomach, when I would remember, which was not often. I've found that eating yogurt (just regular or Greek, not the specially marketed kind) is easier to remember and helps quite a bit with digestive issues like that.
  • zolamercedes
    zolamercedes Posts: 46 Member
    I was having a similar issue earlier this year... but my last ditch effort before going the probiotics route was to cut yeast out of my diet. ALL BETTER!!! Sometimes you're tummy is out of balance, which is what probiotics help with, but try also cutting yeast out and see what happens. Hope it works for you. I know what a drag this issue can be so I hope you get better soon!
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    I take a Probiotic (extra strength), made by Metabolic Maintenance before bed. I get this from my Naturopathic Physician. But you can find good products in health food markets like Whole Foods.

    BRAVO on cutting out coffee, tea & SODA! :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    You may also have some food-related allergies? My gut is sensitive to wheat & dairy. I've been eating gluten free (no wheat or wheat gluten,) now for several months & feel better. I also feel better not eating any dairy ( eggs don't bother me), and processed foods.

    Eat organic whole foods whenever possible, avoiding fast foods, processed foods.

    Best of luck! :love:

    p.s. drink LOTS of water... at least 64 oz. a day! :-)
  • holly2424
    holly2424 Posts: 15
    I have some digestive issues also, and find that taking a probiotic before bed makes me wake up feeling less bloated. It's all about the balance of good bacteria vs. bad bacteria. Probiotics help promote the growth of the good stuff. Here's what i use, also the metagenics brand:

    My naturopathic Physician also had me do a cleanse with the metagenics stustain ultra clear powder for two weeks. This combined with the probiotics will really jump start the good bacteria growth. Now I just take the probiotics.

    Also - both products above are wheat and dairy free in case you have allergies.

    Hope this helps.
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