Moderation not clean eating



  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    Eating clean is more for those who want to build lean muscle and tone things up. I ate in moderation during my weight loss part, but now cleaning things up but still not 100%, I've noticed a lot of changes since doing this but no you don't have to eat clean to lose weight.

    Have to eat clean in order to put on lean muscle? As in bulking?

    Not bulking, I don't want to bulk but I want to gain muscle, I know nothing about bulking, like how to bulk, it isn't something I'm interested in.
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    Eating clean is more for those who want to build lean muscle and tone things up. I ate in moderation during my weight loss part, but now cleaning things up but still not 100%, I've noticed a lot of changes since doing this but no you don't have to eat clean to lose weight.

    Have to eat clean in order to put on lean muscle? As in bulking?

    Not bulking, I don't want to bulk but I want to gain muscle, I know nothing about bulking, like how to bulk, it isn't something I'm interested in.

    Gaining muscle is bulking. Doing a clean bulk will depend on how much of a surplus you have. You dont have to eat "clean", IIFYM but its not like you can hit your macros eating pizza and icecream all day.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    My daughter's school is having a fundraiser at Cold Stone Creamery tonight. Dinner will be ice-cream. :drinker: (She will have a healthier dinner with her dad beforehand, but I won't have time for anything else.)

    In for a Large Peanut Butter Perfection!!!! Nom Nom Nom!!!! OP nothing wrong with moderation, just hit your Macro's and caloric intake and you will do just fine..... Best of Luck
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Eating clean is more for those who want to build lean muscle and tone things up. I ate in moderation during my weight loss part, but now cleaning things up but still not 100%, I've noticed a lot of changes since doing this but no you don't have to eat clean to lose weight.

    Not true.
  • aetzkorn14
    aetzkorn14 Posts: 169 Member
    Eating clean is more for those who want to build lean muscle and tone things up. I ate in moderation during my weight loss part, but now cleaning things up but still not 100%, I've noticed a lot of changes since doing this but no you don't have to eat clean to lose weight.

    Have to eat clean in order to put on lean muscle? As in bulking?

    Not bulking, I don't want to bulk but I want to gain muscle, I know nothing about bulking, like how to bulk, it isn't something I'm interested in.

    Gaining muscle is bulking. Doing a clean bulk will depend on how much of a surplus you have. You dont have to eat "clean", IIFYM but its not like you can hit your macros eating pizza and icecream all day.

    I have to agree....bulking is bulking. Eating a salad vs a can of premade soup isn't going to effect how you put on muscle. I will say I think clean eating makes loosing weight easier because you tend to eat fewer calories. However I don't believe in "I don't have time to eat clean". You make time for what is important. I've been a college student working two jobs, you either use it as an excuse or make time. Eating clean isn't that big of an inconvenience if you prepare yourself. Don't get me wrong, I eat processed foods as well but I never make an excuse when I do. I'm getting to the point where it is harder to loose my weight and I slacked off on my clean eating and I noticed a difference in how I felt. Processed food makes my stomach hurt and I feel like crap when I eat it.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Convenience food is convenient.
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    You will find no "judgy eyes" here. What works for this person will not work for a different person.

    I honestly do what I can. Some days I go over on carbs, sodium, and sugar. Some days are squeaky clean.

    It sounds like you are doing great. I wish you continued success.
  • blondiebabe92
    blondiebabe92 Posts: 132 Member
    I will say I think clean eating makes loosing weight easier because you tend to eat fewer calories. However I don't believe in "I don't have time to eat clean". You make time for what is important. I've been a college student working two jobs, you either use it as an excuse or make time. Eating clean isn't that big of an inconvenience if you prepare yourself. Don't get me wrong, I eat processed foods as well but I never make an excuse when I do. I'm getting to the point where it is harder to loose my weight and I slacked off on my clean eating and I noticed a difference in how I felt. Processed food makes my stomach hurt and I feel like crap when I eat it.

    This is what I am talking about. It is like shaming when others don't/can't want to eat clean. I am very happy you were able to find time. Some of us honestly can't.

    This is part of the reason I posted this. I hate when people say oh you won't lose weight or you can always make time. Honestly in my schedule I can't. Everyday even my weekends are schedule out. I have been losing weight fine. I agree with every has different things work for them but enough with the shaming from both sides. And please don't assume people can make time. Sometimes my workout is my dance class for my arts general education credit and that's it. Sometimes my workout is at the gym on the bike studying or researching on my kindle.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I will say I think clean eating makes loosing weight easier because you tend to eat fewer calories. However I don't believe in "I don't have time to eat clean". You make time for what is important. I've been a college student working two jobs, you either use it as an excuse or make time. Eating clean isn't that big of an inconvenience if you prepare yourself. Don't get me wrong, I eat processed foods as well but I never make an excuse when I do. I'm getting to the point where it is harder to loose my weight and I slacked off on my clean eating and I noticed a difference in how I felt. Processed food makes my stomach hurt and I feel like crap when I eat it.

    This is what I am talking about. It is like shaming when others don't/can't want to eat clean. I am very happy you were able to find time. Some of us honestly can't.

    This is part of the reason I posted this. I hate when people say oh you won't lose weight or you can always make time. Honestly in my schedule I can't. Everyday even my weekends are schedule out. I have been losing weight fine. I agree with every has different things work for them but enough with the shaming from both sides. And please don't assume people can make time. Sometimes my workout is my dance class for my arts general education credit and that's it. Sometimes my workout is at the gym on the bike studying or researching on my kindle.
    I see no shaming in that post.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    My daughter's school is having a fundraiser at Cold Stone Creamery tonight. Dinner will be ice-cream. :drinker: (She will have a healthier dinner with her dad beforehand, but I won't have time for anything else.)

    I posted recently about my day where my 2 main meals consisted of a 9" Spicy Black Bean Pita, from the Pita Pit for lunch, a snack or two, and basically... a large Drumstick McFlurry for a late dinner. Shortly after arriving home, I had that feeling in my stomach, that I was in for a quick trip to the bathroom. Which turned into like 3 trips.

    After was all said and done... I felt much lighter, and without a before and after scale reading... I figured I'd probably lost about 2 lbs. Regardless, and irregardless.... it was SO worth it. So, enjoy your ice-cream dinner.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    While I am a lot older than you, I, too, am on your wagon - EVERYTHING in moderation. I will not feel deprived. We each have to do what is best for us! Our life, our choice!

    Totally agree. I strive to eat more fresh stuff, more vegetables, etc. But that does not mean (FOR ME) that my diet has to be 100% "clean"...that is just not realistic for me.

    Aldi has a bunch of quick entrees that are supposedly more "natural" but I know they're loaded with sodium and preservatives. However, they're low calorie and delicious (sesame veggie bowl, stuffed Southwest sandwich) and as a busy woman who works full-time and has a bunch of other stuff on her plate, you better believe I'll have one for lunch or dinner a time or two each week.

    I used to work with a woman whose idea of dieting meant stocking up on low cal and fat free 100 cal packs, Lean Cuisines, Vitamin Water Zero, etc...then that is all she ate. Everything from a package and most of them individual portions. Now I wouldn't like that, personally. But if it worked for her then it's not my place to say it's bad!
  • blondiebabe92
    blondiebabe92 Posts: 132 Member
    I will say I think clean eating makes loosing weight easier because you tend to eat fewer calories. However I don't believe in "I don't have time to eat clean". You make time for what is important. I've been a college student working two jobs, you either use it as an excuse or make time. Eating clean isn't that big of an inconvenience if you prepare yourself. Don't get me wrong, I eat processed foods as well but I never make an excuse when I do. I'm getting to the point where it is harder to loose my weight and I slacked off on my clean eating and I noticed a difference in how I felt. Processed food makes my stomach hurt and I feel like crap when I eat it.

    This is what I am talking about. It is like shaming when others don't/can't want to eat clean. I am very happy you were able to find time. Some of us honestly can't.

    This is part of the reason I posted this. I hate when people say oh you won't lose weight or you can always make time. Honestly in my schedule I can't. Everyday even my weekends are schedule out. I have been losing weight fine. I agree with every has different things work for them but enough with the shaming from both sides. And please don't assume people can make time. Sometimes my workout is my dance class for my arts general education credit and that's it. Sometimes my workout is at the gym on the bike studying or researching on my kindle.
    I see no shaming in that post.
    the whole point of this topic, is about using the moderation and also how a clean eater would message me and shame me for eating processed in the context, the mentioned post to me personally felt a bit shaming. The poster, who I am sure is very lovely and did not mean anything by it, said they do not believe the excuse I don't have time. In previous posts I have said that I don't have time. To me at least, it felt that it was bit of shaming. I am not trying to make the poster look like a jerk, I promise. I just felt a little stabbed at and maybe I am just too sensitive but that is how I felt and I tell people when I feel something.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    in....for the clean eating debate that never ends...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Eating clean is more for those who want to build lean muscle and tone things up. I ate in moderation during my weight loss part, but now cleaning things up but still not 100%, I've noticed a lot of changes since doing this but no you don't have to eat clean to lose weight.

    so if you don't eat clean you can't build muscle? whhhhaaaattttt????
  • shauna9127
    shauna9127 Posts: 13 Member
    Girl you are preaching to the choir! I posted a simple topic earlier and got ripped apart by people saying "your problem is that you you are eating processed foods" annoying. I am happy with eating in moderation, everyone just needs to be supportive :)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Girl you are preaching to the choir! I posted a simple topic earlier and got ripped apart by people saying "your problem is that you you are eating processed foods" annoying. I am happy with eating in moderation, everyone just needs to be supportive :)

    but you won't build lean muscle......
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    I don't even believe in "everything in moderation." I believe in "everything I can eat and still meet my calorie and macro targets."

    But the bottom line here is you have to find something you can live with. A lot of people do the "I'm a badass because I don't eat anything I didn't grow/raise/kill with my own two hands" thing for a while, and then when they realize they actually enjoy dirty, icky, God-forsaken PROCESSED foods, they jump off the wagon. I know this because I am one of those people.

    If your goal is to lose weight and you have figured out how to do that while still eating the things you like, then forget what everyone else says. In the long run, that's the only way to be successful.
  • If you are a clean eater and you criticize the people who are using the moderation idea, LEAVE US ALONE! You made your choice and we made ours.

    When people used to do that to me, I usually just told them that the moment my food choices started to have a negative effect on their goals, then we could discuss it.
  • aetzkorn14
    aetzkorn14 Posts: 169 Member
    I will say I think clean eating makes loosing weight easier because you tend to eat fewer calories. However I don't believe in "I don't have time to eat clean". You make time for what is important. I've been a college student working two jobs, you either use it as an excuse or make time. Eating clean isn't that big of an inconvenience if you prepare yourself. Don't get me wrong, I eat processed foods as well but I never make an excuse when I do. I'm getting to the point where it is harder to loose my weight and I slacked off on my clean eating and I noticed a difference in how I felt. Processed food makes my stomach hurt and I feel like crap when I eat it.

    This is what I am talking about. It is like shaming when others don't/can't want to eat clean. I am very happy you were able to find time. Some of us honestly can't.

    I wasn't shaming you, sorry you took it that way. I just don't believe in excuses. All I am saying is it is not harder to grab a banana than it is a bowl of cereal. Not all clean food takes hours to fix. I eat my share of junk, and I know how my body responds to it, but I also understand your different than I am. Just from personal experience it is easier to eat fewer calories/loose weight when eating clean, or at least it is for me.
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    I think you need to have mfp friends who're doing the same kind of eating plan as you are. If you don't want to eat clean, fine. Befriend 'everything in moderation' people instead.