How many days a week do you work out/exercise?

amkingrn Posts: 35 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Just wondering how many days a week everyone exercises/works out? In the month I have been watching what I eat, exercising and following MFP I have went from not wanting to work out once a month to not wanting to take a break from working out for one day. I think I have almost become addicted to I don't know if its the feeling alone that I get from it...I feel wonderful after I work out!!!...or the wonderful results I am seeing or just the numbers of seeing those calories burned on my MFP profile page!!!

I have just read a lot that you should rest your body a day or two a week. I just don't know if I can go a day without doing something and by something I mean I want to do really exercise and burn at least 300-400 calories a day. I love yoga but I don't feel it burns enough calories. Right now I am pretty much doing a couple different circuit training videos at home and switching them up every other day.

I am a SAHM of two toddlers and my only option for working out is something like dvds at home. We live more than 25 miles from the nearest gym, I don't have a treadmill or anything and there is really nowhere near that is an option to go walk/jog outside...especially with 2 little ones...

Just wondering if I am going to do more damage than good by working out so often...



  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    I walk 2 times a day and gym 2 times a week
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    At the very minimum, 4 days a week - two with my trainer, and two on my own for cardio. Then I try to get out once on the weekend as well. =)
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    I work out every day... and have no issues. You have to listen to your body, so if you're sore or tired, then take time to rest.

    Some of my work outs are a lighter intensity than others... good luck!
  • heyzoos
    heyzoos Posts: 21
    I workout 6 days a week, rest every 5th day. I mix up my exercises a lot. One day I will be focussing on maximal strength, next I will be interval sprinting, next I will be doing body weight circuits, then explosive strength work. My exercise sessions are intense and don't last more than 45 minutes, some are only 15 minutes! Every 4 weeks I have back off strength sessions to realise my gains.

    This way I don't ever over train, which IMHO is the number one reason people give up exercise, or get injured.
  • I am a stay at home mother of 3 and 2 of them are home with me during the day while the oldest is in 3rd grade. I know what it's like trying to workout with the kids. I have recently started walking around my neighborhood with the younger 2, using my double stroller. I walk in the morning and a few times a week i walk to get my daughter from school which is 1.1 miles away from our home. For exercise I do it pretty much everyday, even if it's a family walk on the weekends i add that in. I do try to take One day of rest, which is typically on my weigh-in days. I do have a treadmill which is what i started walking on till the weather cooled off, and i do the Slim in 6 DVD from Beach Body. I get what you mean though, I feel really good after workouts and it's really hard not to do them for even a day. Your rest day doesn't have to be no exercise, it is different for everyone. Yoga, Stretches, Walking, just something "lighter" than what your use to doing throughout the week.
  • I heard the same. and yes exerising is addictive. I exerise 5 days most weeks.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    I jog 3 miles a day mon-sat. and then on sundays me and my fiance play tennis or go swimming or do something outside with the kids...
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I exercise every day. 3 days a week I do water aerobics/swimming. 7 days a week I ride my bike for 15-30 minutes as fast as I can push myself. 4 days a week I walk/jog (c25k three days per week, one day of alternating laps around the middle school track on my bike and jogging/walking). I do DVDs a minimum of 3 times per week, but I aim for 5, and I do three days of circuts of jumping jacks, push ups, jumping rope and sit ups. I haven't gotten burned out yet from it, I love the way it feels.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    There are actually a number of reasons, both physiological and psychological, that we feel good after a workout. Among them is the fact that working out releases the same chemicals that get released when we eat chocolate, called endorphins. There have also been studies that show that people actually believe they look better when they workout. I think it has to do with focusing on the positive as opposed to the negative we usually focus on when looking at ourselves.

    I know I feel my best after a workout, and I workout HARD. The next day I'm usually so sore I can barely move, but right afterwards I feel like I can take on the world.

    I coach football, so at the moment that's my main cardio. Sometimes I also do HIIT if I feel motivated, but I don't follow a schedule. I listen to my body. If it's tired, I rest. If it has energy, I use it so it doesn't get stored.

    My resistance training is another thing entirely. I lift 4 days in a row, then rest 1 or 2. I follow this self-developed split;

    day 1- legs
    day 2- chest
    day 3- back/biceps or back/shoulders
    day 4- shoulders/tricpes or arms
    day 5- rest

    I also work my abs and calves every 3 days with intense short sessions wtih heavy resistance, for 3 reasons; Those are weaknesses for me, those muscles recover quickly so I can work them more often, and those two groups have mostly fast-twitch muscle fibers, which means they need heavy resistance more often to stimulate growth.
  • mckval
    mckval Posts: 64 Member
    I've worked my way up to 6 times a week at the gym. It has been a great turn around for me, as well, to WANT to work out. That was never my mindset. I'm just running (pun intended!) with it, while my body seems to crave it. (I push toward between 400-500 calories burned on those days.)
    Good for you, that you are so dedicated with those little ones and no gym to retreat to. Hang in there, and just pay attention to your body.
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    I usually workout 5 days a week. Sometimes 6. I think its fine to work out everyday if your feeling good about it. I dont think it is bad whatsoever if your body can handle it!
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    4 days a week. I try to get a workout in over the weekend but usually doesn't end up that way.
    Zumba twice a week, and Running twice a week. I need to get some strength training back in my life though.
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    I do Crossfit. The general formula is 3 days on/1 day off. Often I will go for a bike ride on a "rest" day though.
  • clohessy
    clohessy Posts: 394 Member
    6days I do three miles on treadmill,three miles on outdoor track, 30 minutes of kettlebell worx or Jillian Michaels kettlebells or 30day shred. Built up to this workout over 6 months:happy: . But it works I keep jogging the same but switch up exercise part . Works so far.::happy:
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    I caught the bug, and I do 6 days, and if I can, Ill do cardio on Sunday at the gym, which is about one mile from my house

    I started 3 times a week, lol, and 10 minutes a work out, can you imagine.,

    Now Im 6 to 7 times a week, 2 hours at a time.....I m doing this because my Drs appointment is Dec 21, and I wanted to lose enough that Im completely taken off the milder form of blood pressure medicine that Im on yeah, Im a little extreme, but I have an agenda

    to be at 210 by Dec 21 and Im closer and closer to my goal. Im doing this for my health..If I play around, it may hurt me in the long run. I just am addicted to this goal, and for the reason of wanting to be healthy for years to come, Im staying focused.........

    Soooooo, lol, no, Im doing 6 days a week, and its not killed me.........Good luck, Lloyd
  • redhotsmacker
    redhotsmacker Posts: 227 Member
    Like you, I think I have become addicted to exercise as well. I agree with others though about listening to your body. There are some days that I just have a sense of overall tiredness...those are the days I take rest. Most of my workouts are at home as well. I have 4 kids, 3 of which are under 4. So between taking care of their needs, I also keep my house spotless, cook all meals and find the time for myself. I also run a business out of my home for extra income. I think when your kids are young the best thing you can do is enforce routine. My schedule works well, but it took some time to get everyone used to it. I don't usually workout until after my younger kids are off to bed. Which in my case is usually by 8pm. From then on, I workout for about 90 minutes/day. I look forward to my workouts, seems to kill off any stress accumulated throughout the day before I go to bed. My workouts are all done at home. I do DVD's as well as walking on my gazelle. For the most part about 6-7 days a week.

    If you are looking for a treadmill or some sort of cardio machine you should check out your local classifieds. Most people sell machines for really cheap! Also be sure to check out the kijiji and craigslist websites for local listings!
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