Hi! I'm a newbie! It's good to be here!

Hi. My name is Jesse and I just started myfitnesspal as per my physicians suggestion. I went to see her for an introduction/quick first check up, and when I got weighed, I was completely floored. My cheap digital scale said I weighed less than her scale. So when I got home, I ordered a new fancy digital scale which was similar to the one my doctor had. Anyway, I started working out 10 days ago by walking on the treadmill, doing hills @ a 3.5 mph speed for 30 minutes. I feel great whenever I work out. I go down to the gym daily (The suggestion was 3 days per week, but I figured that if I don't overdo it on the treadmill, I could work out every day.) Unfortunately, I didn't work out yesterday because the maintenance is working in there, making repairs right now and they won't be open until tomorrow, @ the earliest.

I'm a vegetarian and have been for @ least 3 months. I've been feeling better not eating meat, but I didn't keep track of my diet. I'm glad I started this program because I can see how much I'm eating and it puts my goals in perspective. I have been eating well and just enough, although I could eat more calories. But I noticed that my appetite has changed. I'm eating oatmeal or cereal in the morning, occasionally with a small avocado or and apple; lunch consists of a Luna bar; and dinner is usually a Middle Eastern wrap sandwich that is very light but quite satisfying.

Before filling out my daily update, I weighed myself and found out I lost 3 lbs.! I'm very excited and feel very encouraged by my progress. I'll be keeping this up for a long time, even after I reach my weight loss goal. I want to make sure that I stay on track and never go back to where I am now.

Anyway, onward and upward! :smile:


  • ractrev
    ractrev Posts: 426
    It sounds like you are off to a great start! Welcome!
  • ReikiLove
    ReikiLove Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you! :smile:
  • Runningcircuits
    Welcome! These boards are great if you ever have questions. I'm pretty new myself and am liking it here a lot.

  • rsemsem
  • Seabee74
    Hi and welcome .. I am also new and I think you'll find the help here to keep you motivated and also to answer some of your questions!
    Add me if you'd like to ...