I need help guys...

I did Calorie counting back in 2009 and lost quite a bit of weight mixed with excersize and herbal life.
I have since started back and am sooo confused. I have about 60 pounds to lose and really want a jump start but after a round of HCG and losing the weight and then gaining it all back I decided of everything I have done I was most consistant with CC and excersize. I need an appetite suppresant just to get me through the begining stages of shrinking my appetite to help me stay on track with CC. My confusion is I have heard about a pill called ACE that I was thinking about using just to get started in addition to eating healthier and CC and Excersizing. My question is that I was also told low carb would really take the weight off. with all of the advice out there it really gets confusiong on what to do. Should I just eat under my Calories and excersize and use ACE or should I add another layer and also try tyo make sure that 80% of calories come from Protein and eat low cal.. help... I don't want to burn out before i accomplish my 60 pounds of weight loss.


  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I did Calorie counting back in 2009 and lost quite a bit of weight mixed with excersize and herbal life.
    I have since started back and am sooo confused. I have about 60 pounds to lose and really want a jump start but after a round of HCG and losing the weight and then gaining it all back I decided of everything I have done I was most consistant with CC and excersize. I need an appetite suppresant just to get me through the begining stages of shrinking my appetite to help me stay on track with CC. My confusion is I have heard about a pill called ACE that I was thinking about using just to get started in addition to eating healthier and CC and Excersizing. My question is that I was also told low carb would really take the weight off. with all of the advice out there it really gets confusiong on what to do. Should I just eat under my Calories and excersize and use ACE or should I add another layer and also try tyo make sure that 80% of calories come from Protein and eat low cal.. help... I don't want to burn out before i accomplish my 60 pounds of weight loss.
    As you've experienced, very low calorie diets like HCG don't work long term. As for Herbalife and those other shakes, pills, why bother? Eat real food at a sustainable calorie deficit. I have lost 120lbs (30 before starting on here) by doing just that. I don't cut carbs, I don't eat 'clean', I don't do low fat or ANY of that. To lose weight, eat at calorie deficit, meet your macro and micro and fiber goals for overall health and exercise for fitness. This is an excellent starting point:


    Or here:


    Good luck!
  • missmariah18
    missmariah18 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you so much. What is the macro and micro? One last question when you first put in your information and it asks you if you are sedentary or? I work in an office so i sit most of the day but then I excersize. If I keep it at sedentary and then just add my excersize in every day when do I change the calorie intake? at 10 ibs lost or?
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Macro is macronutrient and micro is micronutrient. The links posted do an excellent job of explaining how to set everything up. I recommend spending some time going through them. There's a lot of goof information there. As for changing your calories, 10 lbs is a reasonable amount to recalculate at.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Agree. Just work your way through the info. in the links and come back if you're unsure.

    All the best to you! :smile:
  • Princess_Lee2013
    Princess_Lee2013 Posts: 48 Member
    Hello! Here are my two cents on where you're at and just to give you a bit of context I have TOTALLY been where you're at - I tried to get off my excess 50-60 lbs for a few years trying so many tricks for jump starts that included home HCG injections, medically administered injections through a weight loss program, abusing thyroid medication, using appetite surpressants, the list goes on and on and on - and like you seem to already know - the best way to do it is by diet and exercise. Here are some tips that helped me shed 50 plus pounds in the past year:

    *You mention low carb and I highly advocate this: but do it the reight way. For me, I followed the advice on "marks daily apple" which shows 50-100 grams of carbs for the optimum, steady weight loss range and 0-50 for "aggressive" weight loss. Eating in this range will also likely put your body into "ketosis" - again while others advocate this is not great for your health, there is definitely a camp on MFP and in the world that swears by this. I found that while in "ketosis" I would lose an avg of 2-3 lbs a week. I was more liberal with carbs on the weekends, but didn't go over 100. Again, I found this pattern of eating very easy to follow - but I think as long as you are "planning" your meals, and being concious of healthy, clean eating you don't need to necessarily go "low carb" if you don't feel it's right for you. Another thing that worked for me though, was figuring out delicious, healthy meals that I looked forward to and eating them over and over again; or some variations of the same thing...during the week and then having something like chicken wings as a cheat meal on the weekend.

    *However - I think that while you are indicating that you don't want to burn out - you should keep in mind that it's a journey. Like I say - it took me a year and I was constantly re-evaluting and planning and setting small goals. It's great that you have a long term goal but I would start by making small changes to avoid this burnout, feeling of frustration/desperation.

    *Start by say; committing for the next month to exercising x number of times a week and not going over x number of carbs; calories, etc....and track your measurement and weight. Take it day by day, week by week, month by month and know that consistency is your biggest friend thorughout the whole journey.

    *Feel free to msg me with any specific questions or veiw my diary! GOOD LUCK!!!!!
  • Dorothyslancaster
    I am finally starting to figure out what works for ME. I started a "diet" a year ago with a goal of losing 20 lbs. in all my dieting, I gained 20. Here I am, with 40 to lose! I am ok with that now, well, not really, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.
    I gave up on "diets" sort of. Eating healthy and cutting the calories! and working out seem to be the way to go. Currently, I wanted a kick start help, so I am taking Raspberry ketones with green coffee bean extract to help with the energy boost. I have only been taking them a week, and I have lost 6 lbs. most likely water weight. I have also, cut my calories!!!! the diet I am on right now, is a 3 400 calorie meals. so 1200 calories. This seems to be working for me, cause I can eat what I want, I just need to stay in my calorie range. If i want something sweet I reach for the sugar free jello chocolate jell o cup that is only 100 calories. Yesterday, I was craving chinese food, I looked up the Pamnda Express menue, and swapped out rice for veggies and had my kung pao chicken bowl at only 330 calories. For me watching the calories and getting used to healthier choices.. veggies ect. seems to be working and most likely will be an overall lifestyle change instead of just a fad diet. Portion control is what it seems to be coming down to. Cutting out the junk food. At night, I eat cucumber slices with Tajin to give me the crunchy salty satisfaction that I would normally get from eating chips. WIth the 400 calorie goal I am not depriving myself of anything. I don't find myself hungry all the time or wishing I could just eat that whatever it is, but can't because it doesn't match my diet. I will start working out next week. I think overall, find what works for you, and go with it!
  • missmariah18
    missmariah18 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you so muc. I am going to view your diary as well.. I appreciate all of your help. :)
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    I have about 60 pounds to lose and really want a jump start
    I don't want to burn out before i accomplish my 60 pounds of weight loss.

    Here's something you might want to think about. You'll hear, 'it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change,' around here, alot. Well, IMHO, eating at a calorie deficit is a diet... but, the point is.... if all you think about is that 60 lbs..... once you lose 'em, you'll almost surely gain 'em right back, and more. You need a more long term plan, than just how to drop that 60 lbs. I know... I know.... you figure, you have LOTS of time to figure out what to do next.... But, if you go at this all willy nilly, you are almost guaranteed to fail. Whether or not you choose to 'jumpstart' your weight loss is up to you.... but, again, IMHO, what you need to do, is come up with a plan, that is sustainable for the rest of your life.

    So, if you decide to use some kind of 'diet aid' pill, now... or do low carb, or whatever.... are these things sustainable? If you choose to start with a plan that isn't a permanent lifestyle change, I strongly suggest, you start considering the exit strategy from that plan, NOW. Either that, or just eat at a deficit until you are at your goal weight, and then transition into maintenance.

    I hope that helps.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I have about 60 pounds to lose and really want a jump start
    I don't want to burn out before i accomplish my 60 pounds of weight loss.

    Here's something you might want to think about. You'll hear, 'it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change,' around here, alot. Well, IMHO, eating at a calorie deficit is a diet... but, the point is.... if all you think about is that 60 lbs..... once you lose 'em, you'll almost surely gain 'em right back, and more. You need a more long term plan, than just how to drop that 60 lbs. I know... I know.... you figure, you have LOTS of time to figure out what to do next.... But, if you go at this all willy nilly, you are almost guaranteed to fail. Whether or not you choose to 'jumpstart' your weight loss is up to you.... but, again, IMHO, what you need to do, is come up with a plan, that is sustainable for the rest of your life.

    So, if you decide to use some kind of 'diet aid' pill, now... or do low carb, or whatever.... are these things sustainable? If you choose to start with a plan that isn't a permanent lifestyle change, I strongly suggest, you start considering the exit strategy from that plan, NOW. Either that, or just eat at a deficit until you are at your goal weight, and then transition into maintenance.

    I hope that helps.


    Lifestyle changes

    A "diet" is a project ....something temporary. When you are done with the project ....then what? Your next project will be "how the heck do I keep this weight off?"

    I don't want to start another project......I want to be done, once & for all. I am done with diets. I'm not doing low carb ... because I won't eat that way in the future. I'm not taking drugs, because I need to figure out how to keep from being hungry (hint** protein, fat and fiber ...cut out processed food which is less filling). If I want to eat out of boredom ....drugs would not combat this. I need to LEARN how to keep the weight from coming back.