Insanity starters september ?

Any of you starting insanity this month ? My first round on monday and it would be nice to have someone come along the ride with me and give me a kick up the *kitten* when i feel like giving up lol ?


  • i've done 2 rounds of Insanity and still do it a couple times a week. FR me if you'd like. Love the program! I was nervous the first time, but I've grown to really enjoy it.
  • leanne0605
    leanne0605 Posts: 183 Member
    I started my first round on Monday (9/23). Feel free to add me
  • mayra26
    mayra26 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey I am in my second week of insanity, I would like to go along of the ride. I could use the motivation.
  • Hey all

    Ill friend request you's now , just recieved it in the post and im so excited i dont want to wait until monday lol how did you prepare for it ? Or did u just jump straight in ? I think the hardest thing for me will be food as mad as that may sound :/ x
  • What's the best way of getting hold of the DVDs for Insanity? :)
  • Helloo! Newbie here! I'm planning to get started Monday (although am really tempted to start today) :-D Feel free to add me!
  • I picked it up from amazon for £110 inc delivery , i have seen them going on ebay for £50-£70 used though x
  • Yes! I just started Insanity. I just started week 2 yesterday. I am frustrated because I have actually gained weight and my feet are killing me. I had knee surgery when I was 16 and have never had problems with it again until I started Insanity (I am 32 now). I have also always worked out barefoot and when my knee started to swell I did start to wear workout shoes, which has helped with the swelling, but now my feet hurt. I am going tonight to get a heart rate monitor to make sure my calorie intake is enough and also to get new shoes since working out barefoot is not an option for me at this point. Hopefully these 2 things help and I can stay on track with the workout because I do like it.
  • On Monday I started Shaun's newest video Focus T25. I have finished both Insanity and T25 so this is round two for me. This time I'm adding weight training 3 times a week. So some days I do T25 early in the morning than about 8 hours later I lift weights. Feel free to add me I know how intense Insanity is from the get-go. Anyone else feel free to add me as well. I would love some more active friends :)
  • I am on week 4 of insanity and completely loving the program. With each week I feel stronger but am yet to see any weight loss. Anyone else facing a similar situation ? Any tips /reccomendations would help.
  • Bran0879
    Bran0879 Posts: 3 Member
    Add me as a friend. I just begin this past Monday, 23 Sep. I would love to help in any way I can.
  • markpmc
    markpmc Posts: 240 Member
    Welcome. Get yourself a nice set of cross trainer shoes and hang on for the ride. I've done 2+ rounds and still do one occasionally for cardio. Feel free to add me.

    Insanity is easy to start, just push play and try to keep up :)
  • I am starting week 2 today...Haven't lost any weight yet so hoping for some shedding this week!
  • Well i survived the fitness test (just about) feeling good even if my results are a bit crap ,

    Switch kicks 70
    Power jacks 39
    Power knees 80
    Power jumps 22
    Globe jumps 7
    Suicide jumps 11
    Push up jacks 22
    Low plank oblique 31
  • I am also on week 4 and have gained a couple pounds, but lost inches. I did take 4 days off because of being away, and during that time I lost weight, so I think that the weight gain is just my muscles. Don't get discouraged take measurements instead of weighing yourself.