What's your workout routine?

I am currently two weeks into the DVD Insanity and I'm also eating healthy. My plan is to eat right and workout for the rest of my life!! I never want to look at a pic of myself and feel disgusted. I'm already planning ahead on what I will do when I'm finished with Insanity, any ideas?


  • FrankiesSaysRelax
    FrankiesSaysRelax Posts: 403 Member
    I do the new rules of lifting for women (a heavy lifting program) 2-3x a week and then HIIT (high intensity interval training) workouts 2-3x a week. For my HIIT workouts I usually keep them under 30 minutes.
  • DawnOBRN
    DawnOBRN Posts: 290 Member
    I currently do Orange Theory Fitness 3-4 days a week and Bikram yoga 3 days a week. When my new work schedule takes effect I plan on doing OTF 2x and yoga 2x per week. I also like to do a hike or 2 a week if the weather permits!

    I eat a 40% carb/ 30% prot/ 30% fat ratio.

    Do what you enjoy and what makes you happy and you shouldnt have a problem making exercise part of your life. There are so many different activities and programs out there, dont restrict yourself to just one or two things.
    I love Groupon because they have allowed me to try out new classes I never wouldve before like Ariel Yoga!! (fun & really hard, but I spent most of the time laughing at myself)!
  • fitwithniki
    I do the new rules of lifting for women (a heavy lifting program) 2-3x a week and then HIIT (high intensity interval training) workouts 2-3x a week. For my HIIT workouts I usually keep them under 30 minutes.

    Do you go to a gym, or come up with your own routines at home?
  • fitwithniki
    I currently do Orange Theory Fitness 3-4 days a week and Bikram yoga 3 days a week. When my new work schedule takes effect I plan on doing OTF 2x and yoga 2x per week. I also like to do a hike or 2 a week if the weather permits!

    I eat a 40% carb/ 30% prot/ 30% fat ratio.

    Do what you enjoy and what makes you happy and you shouldnt have a problem making exercise part of your life. There are so many different activities and programs out there, dont restrict yourself to just one or two things.
    I love Groupon because they have allowed me to try out new classes I never wouldve before like Ariel Yoga!! (fun & really hard, but I spent most of the time laughing at myself)!

    Yoga sounds really fun, I've never tried it! Do you eat fruits?
  • andrewj87
    Well I finished Insanity a while ago and I'm almost finished the first month of T25. It's surprising how much "eating clean" and doing 25 mins of high intensity interval training a day makes..! Can't wait to see the results after the last two phases of T25.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I'm already planning ahead on what I will do when I'm finished with Insanity, any ideas?
    Depends on your goals.

    Generic response? Pick up really heavy things a few days a week. Get strong. Feel super.
  • FrankiesSaysRelax
    FrankiesSaysRelax Posts: 403 Member
    I have all the eqiupment for NROLFW in my basement. For the hiit workouts i usually use fitnessblender.com to find one with the timeframe I have for that day.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I do a program called Visual Impact for Women, which is for women who want to be trim and stronger, while not increasing any parts of the body that are already big enough. It has strength training and cardio (interval and steady state) components, but recently I've been doing only the strength training because of fear of aggravating an injury.

    My gym isn't convenient and if I can't make it, I try to dance to fast music for 10 to 30 minutes. It's not the same as the gym, but it's better than nothing.

    I bought a monthly unlimited offer at a yoga studio and plan to go to classes to increase flexibility. I've done yoga a few times in the past. I hope I'll develop a foundation and will either continue on my own or keep going to classes.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    Right now I'm in need of serious fat loss so I have been doing massive amounts of cardio with light weights.

    My schedule currently is:

    T, Th, Sat Zumba for an hour (some days there are weights along with)
    M, Friday - 30-45 minutes on the treadmill and upper body light weights
    W and Sunday nothing

    Mix in there line dancing for at least an hour every other week.

    I'm trying to keep it fun so that I continue this as a forever lifestyle change.
  • simplycorey
    simplycorey Posts: 721 Member
    I'm currently doing Insanity (I start month 2 on Monday) again and some days I do Dance Central on the Kinect or take a long walk with my son right after. This is my 3rd attempt doing Insanity. I made it through 4 weeks the first time and completed it the second time a few months ago. I need to figure out what I am going to do once I finish again!
  • stillnot2late
    stillnot2late Posts: 385 Member
    Right now I'm in need of serious fat loss so I have been doing massive amounts of cardio with light weights.

    My schedule currently is:

    T, Th, Sat Zumba for an hour (some days there are weights along with)
    M, Friday - 30-45 minutes on the treadmill and upper body light weights
    W and Sunday nothing

    Mix in there line dancing for at least an hour every other week.

    I'm trying to keep it fun so that I continue this as a forever lifestyle change.

    Sounds like lots of fun!
  • FourIsCompany
    FourIsCompany Posts: 269 Member
    I do New Rules of Lifting for Woman 3 times a week. It's a ~6 month program. I'm in week 4, I think. I also take a water aerobics class twice a week and walk 3 times a week, training for a 5K.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Monday-Cardio Intervals-60 Minutes
    Tuesday-Cardio 30 minutes- Abs 30 minutes
    Wednesday-BodyPump or BodyAttack Class-60 Minutes
    Thursday-Cardio Intervals-60 Minutes
    Friday-Freestyle Day(Whatever I feel like doing)
    Saturday-Cardio-30 Minutes, Strength Circuit 30 minutes
    Sunday-Active Rest day

    I also do 30 Minutes of Yoga every morning and 45-60 minutes every evening.
  • Michelle_dirtracer
    Everyday is different for me.

    Last Thursday - worked legs at the gym

    Friday - Ran 2.5 miles

    Monday - worked arms with machines

    Wednesday - ran 2 miles

    Last night: (loved this workout)
    ran 1/4 mile
    3 sets of lunges (25 each set)
    ran 1/4 mile
    3 sets of kettle ball squat (upped weight each set)
    ran 1/4 mile
    3 sets of wall sits (1min, 45sec, 30sec)
    ran 1/4 mile
    3 sets of cross fit squats
    ran 1/4 mile
    3 sets of butt squeezes (1min, 45secs, 30sec)
    ran 1/4 mile
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I do 3 days of HIIT workouts on my treadmill (combination of walking on an incline and sprinting for the first half and then I just run for the second half) and 3 days of heavy lifting (compound lifts) per week. I alternate days so it's weights, cardio, weights, cardio, weights, cardio so I give my muscles a break in between. I take Sundays off.

    I do about 65-70 minutes per workout.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Since I got back off my bum and started exercising, I've done Zumba (Cardio Party set), then Zumba (Exhilarate set), C25k, Turbo Fire and I just started ChaLEAN Extreme.

    Hiking, bodyweight exercises, dumbbells and a few other things have been thrown in along the way, but basically I do better with a program where someone tells me what to do each day. :ohwell:
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    My workouts are home made and outside in the elements regardless of the weather. I do a lot of Caveman type of stuff, rocks in all shapes and sizes that I carry, some are so heavy I do good just to lift. Then I have all the home made stuff, Brake rotors that are glued together, I put a tow truck chain through and drag or pull them, 42.5 lb sanbags that I place all around my back yard, Then I have 6 ft scaffold set up, I run to the bags, pick one up then runa nd throw it on the scaffold. That one is a serioussssss butt kicker, thy that with 11 bags you'll find out real fast where you are at, lol.. I also have wide array of tires for flipping and throwing, smaller ones for beginners or those not wanting to flip a tractor tire. Sledger hammers weighing btween 6 - 55 lbs that I made , for slamming on the tires, list goes on. Oh yeah almost forgot, I typically have a bonfire going at the same time, esp in the fall and winter or for night workouts, people come over and fall in luv with it. They all say working out outside by the fire gets them pumped, pretty primal. Them you can chill out by it afterwards :) When I can I bike also....
  • wknmom
    wknmom Posts: 73 Member
    My workouts are home made and outside in the elements regardless of the weather. I do a lot of Caveman type of stuff, rocks in all shapes and sizes that I carry, some are so heavy I do good just to lift. Then I have all the home made stuff, Brake rotors that are glued together, I put a tow truck chain through and drag or pull them, 42.5 lb sanbags that I place all around my back yard, Then I have 6 ft scaffold set up, I run to the bags, pick one up then runa nd throw it on the scaffold. That one is a serioussssss butt kicker, thy that with 11 bags you'll find out real fast where you are at, lol.. I also have wide array of tires for flipping and throwing, smaller ones for beginners or those not wanting to flip a tractor tire. Sledger hammers weighing btween 6 - 55 lbs that I made , for slamming on the tires, list goes on. Oh yeah almost forgot, I typically have a bonfire going at the same time, esp in the fall and winter or for night workouts, people come over and fall in luv with it. They all say working out outside by the fire gets them pumped, pretty primal. Them you can chill out by it afterwards :) When I can I bike also....

    This sounds AWESOME!!
  • drazani
    drazani Posts: 98 Member
    I recently finished my first round of insanity, now I'm doing insanity 3x a week and YAYOG (you are your own gym - a 10 week program of Bodyweight exercises) 3 x a week, I also do 2 sessions of Krav Maga (self defence) a week.
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    My workouts are home made and outside in the elements regardless of the weather. I do a lot of Caveman type of stuff, rocks in all shapes and sizes that I carry, some are so heavy I do good just to lift. Then I have all the home made stuff, Brake rotors that are glued together, I put a tow truck chain through and drag or pull them, 42.5 lb sanbags that I place all around my back yard, Then I have 6 ft scaffold set up, I run to the bags, pick one up then runa nd throw it on the scaffold. That one is a serioussssss butt kicker, thy that with 11 bags you'll find out real fast where you are at, lol.. I also have wide array of tires for flipping and throwing, smaller ones for beginners or those not wanting to flip a tractor tire. Sledger hammers weighing btween 6 - 55 lbs that I made , for slamming on the tires, list goes on. Oh yeah almost forgot, I typically have a bonfire going at the same time, esp in the fall and winter or for night workouts, people come over and fall in luv with it. They all say working out outside by the fire gets them pumped, pretty primal. Them you can chill out by it afterwards :) When I can I bike also....

    Thank You, a young lady who is training for Miss Kansas wants to workout with me, I was like ummmmmm okayyyyy.... lol... Then there's a guy who owns a Crossfit gym that came over and was blown away, he did really well cardio wise but some of the stuff was too bulky for him. I'm sure after a time or tow he'd adjust though, but overall he loved it....

    This sounds AWESOME!!