first personal trainer

I just hired my first ever personal trainer, and although excited, I am very nervous as well. I've never had any experience with a one-on-one personal trainer, or with a standard gym really, so I am wondering if anyone out there has any tips as to what I should be looking for... Something that will help me know if he is awesome, average, or if he's not gonna be worth my time? We haven't had our first session yet, and he knows I am a little insecure about the whole experience, and that I am trying it for 2 weeks just to see how it goes once. So in the meantime, any great advice?


  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
  • CoachDreesTraining
    Well first, he/she should sit down with you and talk goals, exercise history, medical conditions, injuries, etc. They should also give you some sort of movement assessment. This could either be its own session, or done prior to each exercise.

    To begin the session, it is important to do some sort of warm-up. If they put you on a treadmill for 5 minutes then start the session they probably are a bad trainer.

    Each week, if not every session, you should perform some sort of squat, hip hinge, pull, and push exercise. Adding some sort of loaded carry, and unilateral leg exercise would be a good idea, too. If your trainer puts you on the leg extension and leg curl machine, run away.

    I feel spending any more than 5-10 minutes doing cardio is a complete waste of your money, regardless of your goals (weight loss is from eating less, not running on the treadmill).

    To end, it would be a good idea to spend 5 minutes stretching, or performing some other cool-down technique.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Ideally you want a trainer with a degree in exercise science or a good certification (ACSM, NSCA, NASM, etc), at least 6-12 months experience, and one who doesn't give all their clients the same exact routine. You would need to watch them with other clients to determine this.

    Make sure to clearly express your goal. Not "get in shape", but articulate specifically what you want to change, by how much, and by when. Then ask for a plan.. a weekly schedule.. to meet your goal.

    Don't ask for or accept a meal plan unless he has credentials to give such advice. But do be up-front about any food issues that could affect your ability to reach your goal.

    About 4 days before the session, go in and do 2 sets on the leg press machine, the chest press machine, the seated row machine, and the shoulder press. Otherwise you might not be able to move the next day. ;-)

    Let us know how it goes!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I just hired my first ever personal trainer, and although excited, I am very nervous as well. I've never had any experience with a one-on-one personal trainer, or with a standard gym really, so I am wondering if anyone out there has any tips as to what I should be looking for... Something that will help me know if he is awesome, average, or if he's not gonna be worth my time? We haven't had our first session yet, and he knows I am a little insecure about the whole experience, and that I am trying it for 2 weeks just to see how it goes once. So in the meantime, any great advice?

    I have worked with 2 different trainers, and I love both my "boys"!

    If you can, go in to the gym, and watch them work with other clients. I watched my first trainer work with women for months before I hired him.

    Cutting you down is NOT the way to motivate you. Neither one of my trainers has ever raised his voice in anger, or belittled me to "encourage" me. Yet somehow, they make me want to show them that i CAN do it.

    If something doesn't feel right ( physically, or gut instinct) don't be afraid to tell them. After I almost had an asthma attack with Brian, he is very conscious of my breathing, and asks me if I am OK if he thinks I am breathing too hard. If I don't think something is possible, I WILL argue with him. A few weeks ago he challenged me to a 3 minute plank, and I told him I would try it if he planked with me ;)
  • cask16
    cask16 Posts: 196 Member
    Bump - we're thinking of doing th same so would be keen to hear how you get on x