Something Yummy

BettyBeth14 Posts: 171 Member
Hi Guys

Its friday treat night and Im planning on cooking, now i've got around 5/600 calories for a meal, but dont klnow what to make....any suggestions?!?!?!



  • clahut
    clahut Posts: 211 Member
    As long as you are not vegetarian...

    How about a nice lean bit of steak grilled, some dry fried mushrooms and onions and some home made sweet potato chips (just baked in the oven with a little bit of low fat cooking spray to make sure they don't stick). I have something similar (without the mushrooms) earlier this week for 615 calories.

  • BettyBeth14
    BettyBeth14 Posts: 171 Member
    Im not a veggie, however I dont eat stak :-( but it does sound yummy, might try it with chicken.....xx
  • BettyBeth14
    BettyBeth14 Posts: 171 Member
    Im not a veggie, however I dont eat stak :-( but it does sound yummy, might try it with chicken.....xx
  • squishyfishy
    I'm away to throw this into my slow cooker

    Beef & Aubergine Curry
    Preparation Time: 5 minutes
    Cooking Time: 8 hours
    Serves: 4 Calories: 279 per serving

    2 Aubergines
    500g Beef, Stewing Steak,
    1 Can/400ml Coconut, Milk, Low Fat,
    2tbls/40g Curry Paste, Red Thai,
    2 Sm Onions
    2 Tsps/10g Garlic Puree
    1 Tsp/3g Chillies, Dried, Flakes
    1 Cube/5.8g Stock Cubes, Beef, Dry Weight, Oxo

    Chop all veggies into bitesize chunks.

    If you are making this in a slow cooker, bung it all in, give it a stir and leave for as long as you like!

    Posted this before I saw that you didn't eat steak, it worls nice with pork too and I'm sure it would be good with chicken.

    If you are cooking on the hob, fry off the onion and garlic until golden.

    Add the beef and brown it on all sides.

    Add the aubergine and coat it in all the pan loveliness.

    Stir in the curry paste, coconut milk and stock cube.

    Leave to simmer until the beef is tender, the aubergine is smooshy and the sauce is nom.

  • clahut
    clahut Posts: 211 Member
    Ooo - the beef curry sounds nice, but I don't like aubergines. I guess I could substitute some other veggies though...
  • squishyfishy
    This is a fab chicken recipe too, tastes just like chip shop curry sauce.

    Chip Shop Style Chicken Curry by NatalieFrederick
    Preparation Time: 15 minutes
    Cooking Time: 20 minutes
    Serves: 4
    Calories: 260 per serving

    3 Breasts/480g Chicken, Breast,
    1oz/28g Curry Powder, Medium,
    1 Tablespoon/5g Coriander, Seeds
    10g Ginger, Root, Raw, Pared,
    1 Sm Onion/90g Onions, Raw,
    100g Mushrooms, Button,
    1 Serving/85g Peas, Frozen,
    1 Can/295g Soup, Chicken, From Heinz, Canned, Weight Watchers
    50g Creme Fraiche, Extra Light,
    1 Clove/3g Garlic, Raw

    Mix together the curry powder, coriander seeds and ginger and garlic to form a paste. Slice onion in to 2cm squares and cut mushrooms into quarters

    Cut chicken into 5cm chunks and fry in a pan with fry light spray.

    When chicken is coated add paste and onions and continue to stir occasionally until onions are translucent. Add mushrooms and heat through

    Add chicken soup and cook on a simmering heat, add peas and big tablespoon of creme fraiche

    Serve with rice... mmmm

    To be extra good, add prawns or make egg fried rice, we have a bag of prawn crackers with this... yum
  • determined99
    Beef and Aubergine curry sounds toooooooo yummy :noway:
  • squishyfishy
    Its fab and you can just make it spicier by adding more or hotter curry paste. I normally use Thai yellow as I prefer that to the red.
  • BettyBeth14
    BettyBeth14 Posts: 171 Member
    Now im not a beef earter, but the chicken one sounds awesome, adn I absolutely looooovvvveee ship shop curry sauce!!! x
  • squishyfishy
    Its one of my favourites, it seems like a lot of curry powder when you 1st make it but its really tasty.
  • gingajoy
    I've been making Thai red curry quite a bit -- lush with prawns or chicken! Dead easy too. Don;t skimp on the fresh ginger or coriander/cilantro.

    also love Indonesian peanut sauce drizzled over a veggie stir fry:-)
  • karenpinkchick
    That sounds so yummy!!

    I make satay chicken using chicken, onions, mushrooms, waterchesnuts, Low fat coco milk (1/4ish can), chicken bovril (enough to make more saucy, tablespoon 0% total greek yoghurt, curry powder and a table spoons peanut butter.... Its so so nice :smile:

    Also make salmon pasta using salmon, onion, mushrooms, green beans, spinach, chilli powder, light sweet chilli philadelphia, tablespoon sweet chilli sauce and greek yoghurt..... Lush also :smile:

    All this food talks making me hungry and im off to bed after a night shift!! Im usually in bed by 9 but been talking to my friend in the Philippines... and starving but am out for tea 2nyt so didnt wanna eat b4 sleep!!
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    How bout a chicken/black bean burrito with lettuce, mushrooms, salsa, sour cream. I love those.
  • hooks1953
    Tuna/chicken salad pocket. It has everything you will need to make a meal. Lettuce, tomato and whole wheat salad pockets and Starkist Tuna or Chicken. Very filling and good for you. No cooking unless you just want to then boil a chicken breast and dice it up. Yummy indeed.
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    Try this recipe, its awesome, easy to make and will fit into your calories.
  • karenpinkchick
    Bethanybear what did you decide for tea?

    Im having duck breast in ornage jus with asparagus and sweet potatoe at blue coyote.... Its so nice but I dread to think how many calories!! My brother will want to share garlic bread for starters also im sure... Not eaten yet today tho as ive been sleeping!!
  • chezkie
    chezkie Posts: 55 Member
    Mmmmm, Gingajoy that sounds sooooo yummy!! Mmmmmmm, peanuts *must not raid the cupboard* hehe. I've seen some fantastic recipes on here and they've really inspired me...there I was thinking I'd be eating grilled chicken and salad everyday for the rest of my life! :noway:
  • squishyfishy
    The beef and aubergine curry was gorgeous, will definately make that again.
  • BettyBeth14
    BettyBeth14 Posts: 171 Member
    Woops, Thank you all for the suggestions....however the naughty edvil in my ear was too much and no food was consumed, just lots of Vodka!!! Which led to falling off the wagon again this weekend :-(

    Ate out alot, so can't even work out the cals of what I did eat!!! Woops!!

    Never mind, back on the wagon from Lunchtime today as I have a slight hangover from a bottle of wine and late night playing monopoly last night haha!!!
