Sometimes dizzy - Not eating enough?

Hi Guys,

I have been on my new eating program for nearly 5 months. My start weight was 320 lbs, and I am 43yrs old male at 6ft 3 inches. My TDEE was around 3200. I thought I would eat at my goal weight TDEE, I thought it would be easy for me to stick too rather than changing my eating habits as I went down in weight. So, I have been eating at around 2250 calories per day for 5 months.

Anyway, the first 3 months I lost 14lbs then I stopped losing weight for 6 weeks. Then over the last 2 weeks I have started to lose weight again, the only thing is for the last 2 weeks, I get the odd dizzy spell or the feeling of being not well.

Is this normal when dropping calories? Am eating too little? I still think I am eating quite a bit.

I was speaking to someone the other day who asked if I had diabetes and when I said no, he was surprised as though I should have because I am so big ; - (. Is diabetes that common amongst larger folk? Now, I am concerned I have diabetes because of the dizzy spells ; - (

Any tips or ideas? Should I up my calories (even though I am losing weight) or should I eat different items? Or maybe eat more often? My diary is open for all to see.



  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member

    Just stick at it - everyone feels a little off sometimes. You'll feel so much better and healthier as you lose more weight.

    Go to the doc, though if you continue to have health concerns.

    Also - it's more accurate to weigh everything - I notice you use tsp, tbsp. & cups - could it be you are just eyeballing your servings? Also your bread is always the same weight and the bacon is 'generic'. Accuracy in logging will really, really help no end. You've lost 14lbs in 5 months which is really a little slow for your starting weight. Are you logging every last little morsel?

    All the best :smile:
  • Lyns180
    Lyns180 Posts: 49 Member

    Firstly, well done on your weight loss so far!

    Second, I'm no expert by any means, but looking at your diary, could it be dehydration? I see a lot of coffee but only like 2/3 cups of water?
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    If go and get checked out at your doctor's.
  • Jessb1985
    Jessb1985 Posts: 264 Member
    I recommend seeing a doctor, if only for the fact that if you haven't been for a while you will be able to get a full check up and ask them about the dizzy spells then. I found out a year or so ago I was insulin resistant (which is a high risk in my family) and puts me at risk for diabetes and I had no symptoms apart from being overweight.

    Congrats on your weight loss and hope you feel better soon! :)
  • AA1ex
    AA1ex Posts: 223 Member
    Diabetes is quite common in larger folk, so depending on when the last time you saw a quality doctor, you may want to talk to them about it. Try to remember it may not be diet related either, inner ear issue, brain functioning, needing glasses or updated prescription.

    Water is very important too, so try carrying a water bottle to help you stay hydrated.

    Also everyone adjust differently, congrats on your progress so far and hope you have further success.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    I feel light headed when standing when I haven't had enough water.
  • shed50kg
    shed50kg Posts: 69 Member
    I was actually just at the doctors a few weeks ago for another issue, which has now gone. They did a check of blood pressure and said my blood pressure is fine. My dizzy spells started just after my visit.

    It could definitely be dehydration, I really struggle drinking water. I cut down to coffee for a while to try to get me to drink more water but it did not work. I will make it a priority to up my water to see if it stops the dizzy spells. It is probably more a light headed feeling than dizzy spells.
  • fatboyruss
    fatboyruss Posts: 33 Member
    See your doctor - make this the issue. It may be something trivial / maybe not, but that person is the one to tell you. Work with your doctor, or whoever he/she refers you to work through this.
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    I was actually just at the doctors a few weeks ago for another issue, which has now gone. They did a check of blood pressure and said my blood pressure is fine. My dizzy spells started just after my visit.

    It could definitely be dehydration, I really struggle drinking water. I cut down to coffee for a while to try to get me to drink more water but it did not work. I will make it a priority to up my water to see if it stops the dizzy spells. It is probably more a light headed feeling than dizzy spells.

    What I do is I use tea/coffee as a reward for drinking water. If I fancy a tea/coffee, I tell myself I can't have it until I have had a bottle of water! Its actually worked really well! I'm now drinking at least 8cups a day and I feel much better for it!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I was actually just at the doctors a few weeks ago for another issue, which has now gone. They did a check of blood pressure and said my blood pressure is fine. My dizzy spells started just after my visit.

    It could definitely be dehydration, I really struggle drinking water. I cut down to coffee for a while to try to get me to drink more water but it did not work. I will make it a priority to up my water to see if it stops the dizzy spells. It is probably more a light headed feeling than dizzy spells.

    I find that I have better luck drinking my water if I keep a water bottle close at hand. Just like some people mindlessly snack if there is food within reach, I find that I will mindlessly drink if I have water within reach. To make life easier, I use a 32oz bottle and aim for 2 of them MINIMUM per day ( my goal is 4). I also have silly rules like I can't have a second cup of coffee until I drink a whole bottle of water.
  • Debbjones
    Debbjones Posts: 278 Member
    Type 2 Diabetes was once most commonly referred to as age/weight onset. So yes, type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes can definitely be related to weight. If someone overweight, diagnosed with diabetes, changes their diet and experiences weight loss, they can "change" their diabetic diagnosis. I for one, am one of those individuals. Although weight loss and a diligent diet is not a cure for type 2 diabetes (there is no real cure), an obese individual can change their status... my doctor has changed my diabetic status, however, she has warned me I am (and will always be) pre-dispositioned for diabetes. As a result I eliminated all sweets and most sugar from my diet.

    All that said, low blood sugar levels will make you feel dizzy... but other health conditions will cause dizziness as well. Rather than take advice on a message board like this, I recommend you see your physician and have a FASTING blood test performed. The standard glucose test checks your blood glucose at the time the blood is drawn. A fasting glucose test, or HBA1c test will evaluate your average blood glucose. The average blood glucose will give you a better overall picture of your blood sugar levels (a standard glucose test will give elevated results if you ate sugar within a few hours of the test, an HBA1c test is the average level of glucose in your blood over a period of days or weeks).

    I would not be overly concerned, but if your dizziness persists, you should seek professional advice. It would be ill advised to ignore frequent dizzy spells, they could be a sign of a more serious condition.

    Let me end this with the disclaimer that I am not a medical professional. I work in the medical field but I am not a medical professional... If you are looking for medical advice your best source is your physician.

    Great success in your journey. :-)

    One more comment... blood sugar levels is not the same as high or low blood pressure, and yes dizziness may also be attributed to high blood pressure.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I feel light headed when standing when I haven't had enough water.

    This for me but I have discovered that my dizziness is due to my low blood pressure and lack of water which contributes to the dizzy spells from the now I make sure I drink my water...I hate that feeling of holy crap am I gonna wake up on the floor.
  • Celuwen
    Celuwen Posts: 80 Member
    I got dizzy in the first few months of dieting. I went to talk to my doctor about it and after all the tests came back fine, he said that I had probably cut my calories too severely, too quickly. He told me to up my calories for a while and see where I got to. I ate at around maintenance (just over possibly, because I gained a couple of pounds) for a few weeks, then slowly lowered my calorie intake. Once my body had adjusted, I lowered it enough to start losing weight again.

    In my case I was eating a lot before I started dieting and my body wasn't happy with the sudden loss of so many calories, even though I was still eating rather a lot. When I increased my calories, the dizziness did fade and when I lowered them more carefully and more slowly, it didn't return.

    The first point of call though, should definitely be your doctor.
  • Mongognom
    A trick I use to get enough water is to have a bottle of water that I bring with me. It's 3 cups, so I know that from breakfast to lunch I have to drink the entire bottle and I refill it twice and that is my goal for the day.
  • tkillion810
    tkillion810 Posts: 591 Member
    Several factors can contribute to dizzy spells. First and foremost, I would get it checked out by a medical professional to rule out any health issues (diabetes, inner ear infections, sinus problems, low or high blood pressue, etc). If everything checks out well, consider what you are doing when the dizzy spells occur and the time of day in relationship to your meal pattern. Is it occurring during workouts? If so, are you doing exercises that require you to get up and down rapidly, such as burpees? Try eliminating these type of movements in workouts temporarily and replacing them with other moves. Are the dizzy spells happening when you haven't eaten for a few hours? Do you just eat three meals a day, or do you allow for small snacks in between? Hope this helps give you some things to consider and that it gets resolved soon!

    Congrats on your success thus far!