eating high levels of PB and nuts, just to gain?

I've been trying to gain for 6 months, gained about 5 but I have probably 10-15 to go. Is it bad to eat 6-10 tbsp to get in the additional calories? Is too much fats going to be bad? I'm hitting m 100g protein goal and carbs are usually at 200g on average. I'm just tired of not gaining and eating a lot of PB seems like the easiest and yummiest way out. is this much fat (8g/ tbsp, plus any other fats I get daily) going to harm me? I'm using PB with just peanuts, nothing too processed with sugar/salt/oils.


  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    There's nothing inherently bad with natural nut butters, the only thing would will want to consider is the balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fats in your diet.

    That is more PB than I would want to consume each day (considering health, not deliciousness), but if you do want to have a large amount at least ensure you have a decent amount of good quality omega-3 in your diet / supplementation.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Peanut butter is perfectly healthy, especially if you are using it as a weight gainer. It is one of the best (which makes it unhealthy for many people who aren't in need of a good weight gainer).

    The idea that omega fats need to be balanced is pretty much just unproven speculation, but it sure helps to sell expensive grass fed beef.
  • hi,
    See if you have problem gaining wt 1st get your thyroid profile done and see a doc.
    its definitely bad idea to eat 6-10 spoons of PB.
    In Stead you can have a lot of chicken ,fish, cheese, egg, bacon, veggies.
    you can also start strength training because it helps.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Its fine

    If it fits your calorie goal.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    it's fine. But I'm blown away that anyone bulking is only taking in 100 grams of protein per day.

    eat more food insteady of putting away half a jar of peanut butter every day.
    rice, quinoa, pasta etc. put olive oil,coconut oil, or butter on those. Then eat them with some type of meat.
  • thefewsteps
    thefewsteps Posts: 201 Member
    Well I'm a very short female and not a bodybuilder. I also am a vegetarian.
  • This site is good for tracking your calories, but the totals for your macros they give you are BS.

    For example, I'm a 5'11" male weighing 173 lbs currently. I want to gain 1 lb of muscle per week, so it tells me to eat 100 g of protein, 90 g of fat and the rest is all carbs (all 369 g worth!!!). That's a lot of carbs!!! This is not the correct macronutrient spread for me if I actually want to look good while I gain.

    Instead, I aim for 170+ g of protein, 100 g of fat and the rest of my calories are carbs. I used IIFYM (if it fits your macros) to determine these figures.
  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
    Do you lift? Or do cardio? I am a Peanut butter Junkie and I tell you is is entirely okay to eat that. I can eat like 5tbps some days and I don't even gain. Lol. Peanut butter is yummy and calorie dense so it's okay :3 You've got this!
  • Good in moderation, you need on avg .45g per lb of lbm so if it fits into your macros eat eat eat
  • Soccermavrick
    Soccermavrick Posts: 405 Member
    Now this is slightly off topic, but if you are trying to gain weight, then is 100g enough protein daily? .4, .6, 1.0, 1.5 grams per lbs of ideal weight.
  • thefewsteps
    thefewsteps Posts: 201 Member
    Now this is slightly off topic, but if you are trying to gain weight, then is 100g enough protein daily? .4, .6, 1.0, 1.5 grams per lbs of ideal weight.

    yes, because i'm less than 100 lbs right now.
  • PB is fine to eat, if its relatively natural, unprocessed.
    But to be honest being vegetarian is going to hold you back a lot in gaining weight. (Sorry but it's the truth).
    Not sure if you're vegan, lacto-, ovo-, or just vegetarian...but animal source foods are the best for gaining weight (muscle rather than fat)
    PB is fine as a snack, but I wouldn't be relying on it to do anything significant in and of itself
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Do you lift? Or do cardio? I am a Peanut butter Junkie and I tell you is is entirely okay to eat that. I can eat like 5tbps some days and I don't even gain. Lol. Peanut butter is yummy and calorie dense so it's okay :3 You've got this!

    Came on here, lost some weight, read about how wonderful PB is for you and put the weight back on again! I know it's down to calories in/out, but I need to be careful about what I read and choose to believe from this forum!
  • Now this is slightly off topic, but if you are trying to gain weight, then is 100g enough protein daily? .4, .6, 1.0, 1.5 grams per lbs of ideal weight.

    yes, because i'm less than 100 lbs right now.

    Your doing really well. 10 to 15llb would take you to 115 llb. Fat from peanut butter would only help you.
    For vegetarians a few things I found that helped:

    If it fits your macros then whole milk might be a good option
    Eggs are another one, you could throw 4 togeather with some cottage cheese and bake it - makes a good crustless quiche
    Nuts in general will help you.

    Good luck
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    that's usually how I'd knock out my remaining calories, it'll help you gain
  • Redshank
    Redshank Posts: 2 Member
    If you don't mind protein powders there are plenty of options out there - I tend to add a scoop (usually based on hemp or pea proteins) into any smoothies I make. I occasionally have one for breakfast made from a ripe banana, 100g (ish) of strawberries (or other berries), a handful of baby spinach, couple of dates dates (for sweetness), unsweetened organic soya milk, a tablespoon of ground linseed and a scoop of protein powder.

    I'm not that fussed on macros - I like running so I'm happy munching carbs - but if that's you're thing you might want to have a play around. But it works out about 500kcals with 35g of protein (although the protein will vary depending on your protein powder - you can get more in their easy enough).

    I'll also chop up a full block of organic beech-smoked tofu into a large mixed salad with a good drizzle of extra virgin olive oil if I fancy (about 250kcals, and 25g-30g protein depending on the brand of tofu) or occasionally have a ball of low-fat mozzarella as a snack (about 24g protein - I'm not bothered about fat content, I just happen to buy the light version) and eat it like an apple! lol

    (I'm veggie too btw).