Protein Powder or not?

Hello everyone :) I'm 19, 5'4 and 126 pounds. Recently I've lost about 8 or so pounds from my summer job and I'm not really looking to loose any more weight. However, I am looking to build some more muscle. I do Krav Maga (a form of martial arts) about 3-4 times a week for an hour. I've noticed over the last couple days or so that I'm always below on my protein (because I'm a student and don't cook large meals often and don't really like a lot of protein foods) and I was wondering whether protein powder would be beneficial? Any thoughts would be appreciated!


  • pavrg
    pavrg Posts: 277 Member
    If you're not getting your protein from eating, then yes it's beneficial.

    If you are a typical American eating a very meat/chicken-heavy diet, then it'll come in handy on the rare occassions you don't eat meat or chicken with every meal of the day.

    PS: If you don't lift weights then you don't need the often quoted 0.72 g of protein per lb of lean body mass. In fact, you probably only need 1/2 to 2/3 of that. How much protein are you eating and what do you estimate your lean body mass to be?
  • MilliDenney
    MilliDenney Posts: 45 Member
    I don't know if I would advise protein powder for you. You can also get a good amount of protein from yogurt, and that's an easy food, no need to prepare a big meal. Plus, as far as I'm concerned, a LOT tastier than the powder.
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Simply upping your protein intake will not add muscle.
  • init2fitit
    init2fitit Posts: 168 Member
    Yeah, I typically don't eat eat meat with every meal so I've been looking into protein supplements as well as they're an easy fix, and I'm tired of being like 50 under on my protein macros. Ntm, I think it will help with my carb intake.
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    Simply upping your protein intake will not add muscle.

    This^^ You also need to weight train 3-4 times per week. However, I have recently added protein powder to my daily food intake because, while I manage to get enough protein in my lunch and dinner, I simply don't get enough protein in at breakfast to meet my daily protein goal (I don't eat eggs or any sort of meat at breakfast), and I really don't have time in the mornings to be making things like protein pancakes, so part of my breakfast is now a protein shake with almond milk.

    So yes, if you don't really have any other sources of protein you can add, find a yummy powder with a good nutrition profile and add it in if you think you need to.
  • lebaker310
    lebaker310 Posts: 164 Member
    I do a decent amount lf strength training but I don't eat a lot of meat or dairy on a daily basis so I use protein powder. My boyfriend is bulking so we usually have large amounts laying around. I like to throw a scoop in my morning green smoothie. They don't have to taste bad! I have found a few that are pretty good like banana cream or French vanilla. Even throwing it in the blender with a banana and some nut butter is good if you don't want it with just water. Or like another poster suggested use it to bake.

    The amount lf protein my bf consumes can get kind of expensive. If you just want to try it you can get some for like $16 at Walmart. I have a Vitamin Shoppe across the street that has a huge variety including organic and vegan. They just have a buy one get one sale and have a rewards program. I have also gone to The Ultimate Sports Nutriton Store when I wanted to try protein and they gave me a shopping bag full of samples.
  • Kate814
    Kate814 Posts: 145
    I've been using protein powder for a long time. I have trouble meeting my protein intake without it, but I do eat 5x a day and lift 5 days a week. Just keep in mind, some protein powders have a lot more carbs/sugars/crap in them then others, and some taste awful. If you do decide to get one, check the nutrition facts and if you don't like the taste, try a different brand... some are really good.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    Use protein powder if you can't get enough protein from your regular diet, it's not necessary to use protein powder at all, it's a supplement for when you can't hit your macros :wink:
  • harms97
    harms97 Posts: 15 Member
    I Love my vanilla protein powder from Walmart. I use it once a day, most days in a fruit/spinach smoothie and it's delicious! Seems to keep me full longer.