The people are gone. In need of more people.

A lot of the friends I made when I first joined have disappeared, so I guess I'm looking to replenish ^^" Come and be my friend!

My name is Lorna, I'm 28, I live in the UK, and I have just over 70lbs to lose. You don’t have to be a certain age, weight, gender, or live in a specific geographical location to be my friend, but I feel like some people prefer basic stats before they make this kind of life altering decision, so those are mine (;

I would like to say that I'm good at keeping people motivated on their own fitness journey, but the fact that about 80% of my original friends seem to have given up belies this. Still, I do try and I'm always up for a chat and helping in any way I possibly can. I'm new to this myself, so I suppose there isn't much advice I can offer, but I'll do what I can.

I am very large at this point, but I don't hate my body or anything like that. This is a very positive weight loss journey, because I've been through the whole 'at war with myself' deal, and frankly, it stinks. This isn't about the way I look, but about my health. I've been having back problems because of my weight, but more than that, it's effecting my menstrual cycle, which is impairing my chances of having children in the future. At this point I’m not wholly certain I even want kids but I’m not going to leave my body in need of repair if it’s a case of simply living a healthier lifestyle.

I’m a writer, so I spend a good portion of my day sat on my behind, which I suspect to be the biggest factor in my rather portly size. I also tend to skip meals, which is dreadful, I know, but something I’ve not succumbed to since joining MFP, so yay for me! I’m upping my exercise regime to help counter the fact that I am quite literally sedentary for most of the day, and starting on October 8th I’ll be working a part time job in a shop to help get me financially through the upcoming holiday season, so that should help too!

This has turned into a rather vast wall of text now, so I’m going to stop. All that remains to say is that if you think I could be the friend for you, then drop me a line! I would love to meet you (:


  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    It says you only joined this month though.. why did you lose so many friends so fast? lol.. add me if you want :flowerforyou:
  • neenorROAR
    I know, it's a little sad, isn't it? Most of the accounts have been inactive for about two weeks now, so either they've decided that they're perfectly content with their bodies after all, or they've found a different way to motivate themselves? I would also say it's possible I've driven them off with my inane babbling, but I'm far too modest for that ;)
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Hehhe.. yeah wondering what you did. I babble lots too though.
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    I babble too...most of mine is pretty perverse but i do not discriminate. ...
  • neenorROAR
    Babbling is good for the soul! That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. Besides, language is a gift and you don't have to always be eloquent to have meaning. It's good to communicate (:
  • Funkenstein7
    There is babbling, and this is fun.
    But my preference is going off on strange tangents!
    I'm new to all this, so hi y'all! :tongue:
  • sarah456s
    sarah456s Posts: 98 Member
    Haha, nice babbling style!
  • 2eyeshazel
    Hi everyone! Just joined and starting this weight loss process!
  • ButterflyDame
    ButterflyDame Posts: 111 Member
    how lot of babbling going on here:happy:
  • CherylG1983
    CherylG1983 Posts: 294 Member
    Pick me, pick me!

    I'll be 30 next week, and over the past three years, I've gained 50 pounds! I have no idea where the weight came from, especially considering I eat much healthier now than I ever have in my life. But, like you, I am a writer. I spent the past three years behind a desk editing, and just took a new job, where I will still be stuck behind a desk. All I can figure is all that sitting around has slowed my metabolism.

    My plan is to start swimming on Monday. I say Monday, because I'm getting my NEW CAR on Monday, and it will drive me to the gym! I plan to do either swimming or yoga five days a week. Once I've gained some stamina, have controlled by breathing, and maybe lost a few pounds, I will do yoga, swimming, and some light weights.

    The trouble is, I don't think there is anything wrong with my diet. Smoothie for breakfast made with banana, unsweetened chocolate almond milk, 1 tbsp. peanut butter OR 1 cup frozen raspberries and a teaspoon of chocolate protein powder (also unsweetened.) Coffee when I get to work... I've been using sugar, but I'm going to pick up some stevia today. I usually have a salad or whole wheat wrap for lunch (olive oil and vinegar dressings mostly). I snack on fruit, like kiwi, strawberries, grapes, or cherries. For a little energy burst, I will have four or five dark chocolate-covered almonds. Then for dinner, I will have a 5oz. portion of chicken or steak, with a cup of veg like carrots, broccoli, asparagus or corn, with boiled or roasted potatoes, or some sort of rice (usually made with low-sodium chicken broth and veggies). Sometimes I'll have leftovers for lunch, usually about half the portion I would have had at dinner. I drink lots of water, at least 2L a day. If anyone can see anything I'm doing wrong there, let me know!

    So, I'm not sure how many calories I consume a day, or how many I should be consuming. I also don't know how much or how long I should be swimming for, what to eat before/after, all that sort of thing.

    I admit, I'm not a fitness junkie, but I want to be. We're going down south on vacation in the spring, and I want to look at least decent in my swim suit. I'm probably getting married within the next year or so, and I want to look damn good in my dress. So, it has to be done! I'm really just uncomfortable in my body. I used to be a Size 9 before all this started, and now I'm a 16/18. Yuck!

    SO... I will be your friend! I need A LOT of motivation and encouragement.... but I can GIVE that as well!
  • neenorROAR
    I have to admit, when I first posted this I read back through and thought: "No one is going to answer this. You sound like a moron."

    It's good to know that being a moron is welcomed, however, so thank you! I look forward to getting to know you all better, and be sure to drop me a line if you want to chat or vent, etc. We can all babble together!
  • neenorROAR
    Pick me, pick me!

    I'll be 30 next week, and over the past three years, I've gained 50 pounds! I have no idea where the weight came from, especially considering I eat much healthier now than I ever have in my life. But, like you, I am a writer. I spent the past three years behind a desk editing, and just took a new job, where I will still be stuck behind a desk. All I can figure is all that sitting around has slowed my metabolism.

    We do have some very similar stats there! It's good to meet another writer as well (: I think you're right about the metabolism being slowed by being almost totally immobile. I'm thinking about getting one of those cycle doodahs that go under the desk, you know? That way even if it's only very light, I can move and work at the same time. I think exercise is key for people like you and I, just because we really don't move much in our professional life. I don't know about you, but I used to suck down horrific amounts of caffeine while I worked, probably causing me to never feel hungry and miss meals. It's not a good lifestyle choice, really.

    Still, it's good to meet you! Swing by my page sometime ;)