Hit a wall

gazoo66 Posts: 5
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I wanted to post this to see what other people's experience was. I lost about 7 lbs in the first 3-4 weeks at a pretty good quick pace - I was very happy. However, for about two weeks now, I've hit a wall or plateau and no more weight loss. I'm consistently below my target calorie number by a at least 50-75 calories. I'm not exercising, but I wasn't doing that during the 7lbs loss trend either.

I had a friend of mine suggest I check my waist inches because he said I might not be dropping weight but rather losing inches. I haven't been doing those measurements on my plan, I probably should have. I did lost about 1-1.5 inches since I started but I don't know how much I've lost since I hit the plateau.

The frustration comes in because I was really overeating before this and I've extremely cut down on my intake, and all I get is 7lbs and no more? My recommended target is 1490 cal and that was for a lb a week. I was probably eating double that beforehand so I would figure I would get better results. Like I said, it was great for a while but now nothing.

Does anyone have similar stories?


  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    You may need to drop your cals down for 2lbs lost. Or slip in some quality gyn or dvd workout time. if neither of these work for you most of us have some form of cable, find the FIT channel and tune in.
    You will have to do something, you just need to make a choice Food or Fitness or Both
  • I have the same thing, but hang in there because after about 2 weeks I just started losing again. I have done this same thing in the past, and every time, once I got past this I started really seeing results.
  • I know that it is hard to hear, but If you add some exercise every day and stay within your calorie range, you will lose! I have done the dieting alone thing so many times, thinking that I'm active enough during my day that I didn't need to do more, but did the same thing, I would lose great for the first couple of weeks then bam! Nothing! This time, I head to the gym every morning for an hour of treadmill, weight machines and exercise bike, and I have lost every week since the end of July!!! Sometimes just a pound, but a loss every week so far.

    Give it a go. You are young, you can do this!
  • Well I am doing some walking, so I guess it's not 0 exercise. I hit a similar wall like 3 weeks ago, and then I dropped like 2.5 lbs in a week. But this wall is lasting much longer than that one. Thanks all for the tips.
  • I notice a big difference in my weight loss numbers in what I'm drinking. (Even if it's really innocent) For instance, if I start indulging in Diet Pepsis in the place of some of my water, I start losing a lot slower or stopping completely. It has to do with sodium and water retention (I think). When I am back on straight water, the numbers start dropping again.

    I also had awful eating habits (I'm talking fast-food 2-3 times a day) and I am shocked when I go days without losing since my diet is so much improved. Sometimes I wonder if my body is in some type of shock from the major calorie change. In my experience, when I am overly strict with my calorie number, it doesn't help the weight loss at all. The weeks where I am moderate go better. But, I do exercise. Most days it's just a 20min. walk with the dogs, nothing nutty.

    If you're getting discouraged, try looking at a larger picture. You lost quick in the beginning (ahead of your own goal). Maybe your body is catching up to it all. If you still have dropped 4 lbs at the end of a month, you are still doing well. Just keep it up. Also...I always get a kick out of going to the grocery store and picking up 5lb bags of flour. The fact that I somehow of lost that amount from somewhere on my body is a hoot!
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    Hey, neighbor! I'm just up the road in Rockledge. If you make your diary public, I can take a look and see if there'e an issue with your food intake. You don't have a lot to lose, and that makes it a little slower usually. Open your diary and I'll see what's going on.
  • I'm not quite sure how to do that, but I will look around. Yes, I don't eat real well, but it's not fast food either. I don't eat too many vegetables, it's a cultural thing (Cuban). I have started eating more salad, broccoli and asparagus occasionally.

    It might be a water intake issue. In the beginning I was drinking loads of water to curb the appetite (which worked nicely I might add), but my stomach shrank a bit and I don't drink as much. I usually drink water for lunch, and a diet coke for dinner. Breakfast is milk (2%).
  • gardenimp
    gardenimp Posts: 185 Member
    I had a steady weight loss for 16, then 4 weeks NOTHING. Drove me crazy! Then suddenly drop 2 1/2 pounds. I personally think it depends on how much you have to lose to begin, then when you hit a percentage of fat lost, your body take a while to adjust. A side note on exercise. I underdstand not having time to exercise.....believe me I hit the ground running at 5:30 every morning and don't stop til 8:30 or 9:00 at night. I try to walk on my breaks and lunch might only be 15 to 20 minutes, but you need to rev you metabolism. When you cut calories your body's natural defense is to slow your metabolism to conserve calories (energy). And another side effect to exercise is that you'll firm up and not have "lose skin" look of weight loss. Keep your eye on the prize you'll get there!!
  • thelima
    thelima Posts: 234
    I don't eat too many vegetables, it's a cultural thing (Cuban). I have started eating more salad, broccoli and asparagus occasionally.

    Ha! Sounds real familiar. I grew up not knowing what a green veg tasted like at all. Instead, platanos, yucca, rice were our sides. A friend of mine said that we Cubans didn't believe in vegetables. ::g::

    I've made it a point to try a bunch of different things - baby zucchini, asparagus, snap peas, etc. I tend to buy them in ready-to-steam bags so they are easy to make.

    Also, the water is key to loss. After four weeks and a huge loss, I hit a plateau, too - without changing my habits. I drank a lot of water normally, but I forced myself to cut back on sodium laden foods and upped water by another 8-16 oz a day (up to 14 servings). That helped immensely and I dropped 3 lbs in one week, which I'm sure was a lot of retained water.

    Give it a little time, check your daily sodium and see if you can cut back and increase your water intake.


    Maria (aka The Lima)
  • Thanks all. That very same day I drank 6 cups of water, and when I weighed in the next morning, 1/2 a lb! So I'm back on again with the water. Have now last 8lbs so far. It has still slowed down the, but I'm not giving up.
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