In need of a pick me up

Ok, so I've been working at getting back in shape seriously for the past two months. I've lost about 12 pounds, I've been sticking with my exercise every day even with school starting back, and I've been doing a good job of eating well 6 days a week and giving myself a break 1 day a week. I've made excellent progress and am back to the point where pictures of myself in a bathing suit don't cause an immediate reaction of horror.

And this is exactly the point where I always lose it and fall off the wagon.

My husband is being great and very supportive. I just came off a recovery week combined with no weight loss because of TOM timing issues, but I lost weight again this week, I have not however, worked out every day this week like I was supposed to. My motivation is just gone! I'm cranky and I just don't want to keep doing what I know is working. I'm mostly just venting at this point. I know what I need to do, but if anyone has any really excellent tips for keeping up motivation when horror of what your belly looks like is no longer driving you, I'd love to hear them!


  • BigDaddy0825
    i wish i had some great words of wisdom ... unfortunately, i am struggling with the same issue!!

    but, this i know ... you are doing a GREAT JOB!! keep it up ... you owe it to yourself to be the very best!!
  • ShadeBlossom
    ShadeBlossom Posts: 99 Member
    Do you have any progress pictures? For me, all I have to do is just THINK about looking at my before picture and I want to go work out. It's probably not healthy, but I can recall in excruciating detail every miserable, shameful, self-hating feeling I ever had when I was at my heaviest. Thinking about all that helps me get back on track when I'm feeling like I want to give up.
  • judykat7
    judykat7 Posts: 576 Member
    You should take the time to figure out why you want to get in shape and what inspires you. If it is all about your belly then maybe your mission is accomplished and all you need to do is maintain. But maybe it is to make the belly better or have awesome arms or legs others only can dream of? Maybe to run or swim or be competitive at something? I personal set myself a challenge every month which keeps me going all month. Yeah - it is ONLY me I would be letting down if I didn't complete my challenge but that is enough to keep me going. It is too bad you have to shut down for TOM. I have been in that situation and it isn't just a week - it ends up being 3. Fortunate for me I can plow through that now with just a day or so of reduced activity.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Motivation comes and goes. The main thing is to be consistent. Most people on MFP do not jump out of bed every morning raring to go. We have to make a plan and then work the plan.

    Most importantly to me, is the fact that I am doing this to be healthy. So the way I see it - there is no end zone, no finish line. I do what I need to every day to stay healthy.

    Good luck.