30 day Shred, Ripped in 30 AND other exercise = 0 results

So I completed the 30 day Shred a few weeks ago and because I didn't see the same changes that so many other people have, I decided to get the next video Ripped in 30 as well as sign up to a gym and start a diet of 1200kcal per day.

So far I've lost 4lbs but I can't see any difference in the photos from day 1 to day whatever it is now (about 7 weeks in).

Granted I don't stick rigidly to the diet at the weekend but I am working out 5-6 times a week and watching my calories during the week.

Everyone keeps saying that these things take time but I've already done it for 7 weeks and it doesn't feel much better.

Please help! Why is it taking so long?


  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    I'm sorry you're having a hard time - I know how frustrating that is. Have you been taking measurements? Sometimes those will go down when the scale does not. Do your clothes fit any differently? You may want to track your diet just for a weekend or two, you could be going way over and not know it (this I know from personal experience, lol). Also, do you drink plenty of water? Heavy workouts can make you retain water sometimes.
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    Maybe you need to stick rigidly to the diet 7 days a week. You probably are undoing all you have done through the weekdays.
  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member
    You could be eating too little. I don't know your stats (age, height, weight), but for most people 1200 calories is too low, especially if you're exercising. I saw results with those videos by eating 1600 calories a day, and more on days I exercised.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    None of those videos are enough exercise to create huge body changes. They're lightweight cardio and lifting. You'll lose weight by sticking to your budget every day and you'll gain fitness doing the videos. If you want visible muscle changes you need to lift heavy and do some real cardio
  • squidge00
    squidge00 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 4ft 11.

    My starting weight was 10 stone and i am now 9 stone 9.

    I work out 5-6 times a week and my net calorie intake is 1200 or lower (for example last night i ran to the gym 15mins, spinning class 30 mins, core workout class 15mins and ran home 15mins).

    This is the first time i've ever been on a calorie controlled diet since i had an eating disorder 15 years ago so i don't know if my body has automatically gone into starvation mode and is holding onto fat, or whether it's because i'm eating too little, or because i'm too impatient to see change etc etc

    My lightest weight in recent years was 8 st 13, which is still classed as overweight for my size, but i was very slim and very fit. When i was training for a marathon i weighed 9st 3 and that is what i am aiming for now. In my head i know that the best and quickest way for me to lose weight is to take up long distance running again but i have a lot of meetings in the evening so being able to do a fitness video at home is more convenient. I fit in a few short runs because they help with fat burning and you get more calories burned, but i'm hoping to get pregnant soon and i don't want to get into a routine of long distance running when i know i wont be able to carry it on when i'm pregnant.

    Incidentally when i am doing the fitness videos i am lifting 5kg on each arm so hardly a small amount.

    Advice or just some support to keep me going is much appreciated!
  • squidge00
    squidge00 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi (in response to Mokey41)

    Thanks for your reply - i am lifting 5kg on each arm when doing the fitness videos and i am combining them with spinning classes, swimming and running.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    None of those videos are enough exercise to create huge body changes. They're lightweight cardio and lifting. You'll lose weight by sticking to your budget every day and you'll gain fitness doing the videos. If you want visible muscle changes you need to lift heavy and do some real cardio

    This is not true.

    I lost 13 inches and 8.5 lbs in 8 weeks doing 30DS. And I had meeasurable muscle change.

    I went from not being able to do pushups to doing them all non-modified.

    That being said OP if you are doing all that exercising you should be eating more food to fuel those workouts. 1200 doesn't seem to be enough and are you eat your exercise calories back???
  • Regan45
    Regan45 Posts: 191 Member
    I am on Day 4 L3 of the 30 Day Shred. I have only lost 5 pounds but I didn't have much to lose by the time I started the video.
    I do feel much more fit. Jumping jacks and squats are no longer agonizing!
    I also had not exercised in YEARS. It sounds like you consistently work out. Maybe it's not enough of a work out for you?
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    Op I think you need to recalculate your calorie needs. I had great results with the 30 Ds. I lost 10" and I can't remember how many pounds with it. It was more like 40 days when I was finished though. I was eating around 1500-1600 per day. It is hard for your body to work on recomposition if you are only feeding it enough to keep you alive.
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    Granted I don't stick rigidly to the diet at the weekend but I am working out 5-6 times a week and watching my calories during the week.

    Trying being "rigid" on the weekends for a few weeks and see if that makes any difference. It's highly possible you may be eating more than you think.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 917 Member
    I have 30 Day Shred as well and wore a HRM a couple of times I did it...If I put 110% effort into the workout, I burned on avg 115 cals per session. I dont use it as a weight loss program...just strength work and dont even track the cals when I do it...not worth it.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    If your dieting 5 days out of the week.. lets say creating a deficit of 2500 calories.. and then saturday and sunday you eat whatever you want for all 3 meals and maybe have a few drinks with those meals.. there goes your deficit.. Start logging what you eat on the weekends and maybe watch more of those meals.
  • squidge00
    squidge00 Posts: 7 Member
    The 1200 target is what was recommended by My Fitness Pal.

    I do eat back the calories burned from exercise.

    I don't think i eat much more at the weekend but i will try to be more careful.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    None of those videos are enough exercise to create huge body changes. They're lightweight cardio and lifting. You'll lose weight by sticking to your budget every day and you'll gain fitness doing the videos. If you want visible muscle changes you need to lift heavy and do some real cardio

    You've obviously not looked around this forum, my weight loss and toning up has come from nothing but these videos.

    OP I'd think you aren't putting everything you have into the videos. Like other's have said, you may not be eating enough as well.

    My last run through the 30 day shred, I lost 16 inches and it got me to my goal weight.
  • squidge00
    squidge00 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm certainly not finding the videos a breeze! And i've been using 5kg weights on each arm for the exercises so hardly lightweight.

    In addition to the videos i've also been running, swimming and done fitness classes. For example last night i ran to the gym, did a spinning class and then a core exercise class, and then ran home.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I'm certainly not finding the videos a breeze! And i've been using 5kg weights on each arm for the exercises so hardly lightweight.

    In addition to the videos i've also been running, swimming and done fitness classes. For example last night i ran to the gym, did a spinning class and then a core exercise class, and then ran home.

    Are you measuring? The scale won't be honest with you, the more working out you do, the more your muscles swell from retaining water for working harder then they are use to working. So if your scale isn't dropping, that is why. Don't focus on the scale though, take measurements.
  • sojazzi22
    i did 30 day shred while eating 1200 calories a day plus zumba and these were my results after a month and a half so it definitely does work
    ive lost 15 lbs so far new month i started t25 and ripped in 30

  • lacbrit85
    lacbrit85 Posts: 12 Member
    i did 30 day shred while eating 1200 calories a day plus zumba and these were my results after a month and a half so it definitely does work
    ive lost 15 lbs so far new month i started t25 and ripped in 30


    What a transformation! I just started last night hope to see results like yours!