Please!!! I need some really active friends who respond!

I have been on here for almost a year and while a few of my friends respond to stuff, most do not. Yet, they want my support and response to them. Therefore, I am looking for active friends who will give me support and vice versa. I'm starting to feel alone out here...


  • tx_mom72
    I always try to respond with something :smile: but sometimes feel like I sound like a broken record :ohwell: FR sent. I'm on daily, off & on throughout the day. I don't post negative comments and I don't question someone's choices unless they're asking for that kind of feedback. Good luck, you're doing amazing! Theresa
  • cocopud3
    I have just joined along with my co-worker. I have to remember where this message board is to respond. it is a little harder for me to lose weight and I don't need a pity party or anything. I have hypothyroidism, and my I need new knees due to the military. So being on this is actually helping me watch more what I eat and then if I want to eat a little bit more I better exercise more. I recently bought insanity, so we will see how that works out. I love zumba and riding my bike along with hiking.
  • BobcatGirl110
    BobcatGirl110 Posts: 364 Member
    I think that something "happens" to us in this process....we start out needing one thing but as we lose and gain experience we need something different which means we need a different "type" of friend to help us through the next phase of our process. I'm not sure if that makes sense or not but I have seen it in myself. I don't need someone to say "great day" after I complete my diary anymore....I need people to share what works and doesn't work for them or what they struggle with; perhaps it becomes more "personal" over time when we've found a process that works for us in losing weight we perhaps need "friendships" and encouragement rather than "atta boys" and "way to go" for the things we've come to make a day-to-day activity like eating below calories or getting in a walk :) You've done great so far so be proud of yourself and maybe look for a different type of friend now....perhaps your age, or one who has the same amount left to lose, or who has lost as much as you have....those might be things that motivate you more now???? Just some got this and are looking fab so go be awesome :drinker:
  • ckish
    ckish Posts: 358 Member
    For me it's quality or quantity. I have a small percentage of my "friends" who are actively involved in commenting on what I am doing. Most of those that do comment I have developed friendships with that allow me to realize that if they don't comment on everything I do it is because they are busy with things and they know if I send them a private email asking for some help or just need to rant they are very happy to reply and help however they can. Likewise if a dear friend hasn't said much in a while I will check in via private message to make sure they are doing fine and offer any extra support they might need. I do have some "friends" that is so lacking in contact that I have forgotten their actual names. But the genuine friendships I have made have been worth all of the internet fly by night "friends" that have crossed my path. It sounds like you maybe in need of some extra TLC - I really enjoyed our skype calls. I am happy to schedule a standing skype breakfast or tea chat with you. You are a wonderful person and times like these in my life has forced me to recognize not everyone I know is a friend some are merely friendly aquantances. To me friendship means that I could go years without talking to someone because of life's circumstances but they would gladly take my call and help anytime I need it and vice versa. To me, friendship also means it is MY responsibility to ASK my friends for extra support when I need it and not expect them to be responsible for reading my smoke signals. Just because my friend misses my smoke signals because they get mixed up in the fog of their own life doesn't necessarily mean they don't care. My close friends value that our friendship runs deeper than that. Likewise I have discovered that there are people who pretend to be a friend to suck your support but are never able to return it. In the end, I know who are my real friends and who are just friendly aquantances along for the ride. It was a sad day when I accepted that just because I loved and cared for someone deeply as a valued friend that they did not value me in the same manner. It was painful but once I realized I had no controll over their side of the equation but it helped me realize how important it was to value those that do care for me and cut them some slack if they are not always perfect. After all they forgive and accept me for my imperfections as well. XOXO
  • 1stplace4health
    1stplace4health Posts: 523 Member
    I will add you. Like you, I believe support on here is very important.
  • camcat81
    I will add you, I really need the support too. I am about to embark on a very strict meal replacement diet and am going to have some hard times! Support is everything.