Thanksgiving is almost upon us



  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    My stomach has shrunk and I wont be able to eat more than one plate of food. Hopefully i will be able to do portion control. Im counting on it.

    After sleeping all night, I have revised my answer and quote this for awesome. That's exactly what happened to me last holidays. I could not eat what I normally did in the past - it was not even an issue. This has become my life now and I am used to it. Stick to your plan every other day and you'll find that the same is true for you.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    There is no right or wrong way or answer. My suggestion would be to just not stress over it either way. Myself, I plan on eating all the food on Thanksgiving, and probably leftovers for a few days. I will do the same at Christmas too. I have this figured out FOR ME. My way won't work for everyone. Find YOUR way to deal with it.
  • blondiebabe92
    blondiebabe92 Posts: 132 Member
    Well I am doing a 9 mile race on American Thanksgiving, that is my plan so I can eat a ton of food and desserts. But if there isn't a 9 mile race then just eat and enjoy! Taste a bit of everything and eat your veggies
  • i2rsantos
    focus more on being lucky enough to spend the holidays with your family and friends, than the food situation. The more you focus on the food part, the more it will become the most important part of the day - and it should never be :heart: good luck!

    I very much like this advice. I have been working overseas for 2 months, so I will be focusing mainly on my loved ones on Canadian Thanksgiving. This will mean more talking and only grazing, over a long period of time.

    Although I have to admit the glycogen depleting exercise strategy is attractive to me. :smile:
  • MikaMojito
    MikaMojito Posts: 680 Member
    We don't do Thanksgiving in Germany, but I've already planned Christmas dinner and boy, it's not gonna be low-fat. And I won't care. I will eat it and enjoy it. And the next day, I will probably have another Christmas dinner with another part of the family. And then I will be back to eating healthily. Also, I'll make sure I don't eat a lot on those days apart from the big meal. I've tried quenching my hunger by eating salad etc but it doesn't work for me, so it's only extra calories. I'd rather skip breakfast than Christmas dessert.
  • AshleyMeggg
    AshleyMeggg Posts: 148 Member
    Usually what I do in a situation like this is to eat as little as possible before the event, thus saving more calories for dinner than I usually do, giving some more room to enjoy. But remember if you do that you're going to be more hungry than usual so you'll be more inclined to heap things on your plate. Be smart about serving sizes and you'll be fine. Maybe a little over, but nothing too drastic.
  • swat1948
    swat1948 Posts: 302 Member
    Not looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas but I do not log those two days. I do try to eat within reason but I allow myself treats that any other day I would not. My cheat days are few and far in between so I think it doesn't hurt and I get back on track the next day. I still do my workout and drink my water.
  • sarah456s
    sarah456s Posts: 98 Member
    Well, we do Thanksgiving in November, so there's still a little time for me to plan. My family tends not to serve lunch because we eat kind of mid-afternoon, so I guess the theory is that we're replacing both lunch and dinner with one meal. But I'm usually starving by the time we actually sit down to eat, and have grazed on appetizers from noon onwards. Usually cheese and nuts. Last year, I tried to avoid the fatty appetizers in order to reduce my intake, so I starved all day, started on the wine too early, got drunk because I was drinking on an empty stomach, and then ate far too much after that.

    This year, my plan is to have protein for breakfast, go and do some exercise, actually have a small lunch, NOT stuff my face with cheese and nuts during the early afternoon, and then have ONE plate full of yumminess, and ONE plate of dessert. And not go crazy with wine. But I plan to enjoy my meal - for me, it's always the extras that cause problems - the second helpings, the appetizers, and alcohol. So if I pay attention to them, I can enjoy the actual food more, I think.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I am going to destroy 4 plates of food on thanksgiving. and half a pie

    Oh hellz yeah.
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    Forgot about this on Monday and eat below your cals a bit each day, work out the days leading up to the big eating day (Im crazy enough to probably work out that morning)..have something light until the big dinner and then eat your face off (within reason)
  • hawkeygal
    hawkeygal Posts: 133 Member
    Do what I do--Make your own sides so you know what is EXACTLY in them and you can prelog. While my mom and sister do a lot of the cooking/baking too, I have to make my own sides so they're a "lighter" version of what I'd love to eat, and I also know exactly how much of what is in that dish.

    Also, if you can, get in a workout before dinner. I know I'll plan to do my 30 day shred Thanksgiving AM so I have burned calories to make room for dessert! :-)

    Hope this helps!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Portion size is key for me.

    I am having a girls night slash bachelorette party (in my own honor!? lol) this week, and I'm making a huge Greek dip and pita, and my best friend's bringing cupcakes...everyone will bring something tasty. My game plan is to prepare my plate of savory food with small portions and RESIST seconds, and then have ONE cupcake.

    I will probably still go over my calories and/or some of my macros for that day. But I won't COMPLETELY "blow it" like I would have if I'd just grazed during the whole party.