Hello. I weigh 255 and I want to get started!

Hi everyone. My name is Mugsy (not really;)) and I want to lose about 70 pounds. I guess it will probably take a year. I haven/t exercised in several months. Maybe I will start today. My big problem is I keep putting it off til tomorrow. I'd love to hear from anyone who is dealing with similar issues. I have no motivation at all. ;(

Enough feeling sorry for myself.




  • tootchute
    tootchute Posts: 392 Member
    Well, I'm the kind of girl who said, I'm going to do it every year and it never happened. You can get motivational friends on the site, but the way I feel about this topic, is if you aren't ready to change it's not going to happen. My husband and brother were a big part of the change this year because they finally jumped on board. I hope you get the motivation you need, even at my biggest 360, it took this year and their wanting to change for me to do it.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    go for a walk today. start logging today, dont worry about the final numbers, just get use to logging, using the database. Take small steps towards changing. pick something you can achieve. If you drink your calories, stop doing that this week.

    if you wait until tomorrow, you will be only that much further behind.

    my "motto" on my page is "gotta start somewhere" I wrote that a year ago and over the past year lost 90 pounds. If I had waited, I would still be 250 pounds.
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    no one is going to motivate you if you don't want to do it for yourself...
  • hamminit
    hamminit Posts: 184 Member
    you just got to get up and do it- when you are thinking about the best time to do it- just get up and do it. I always feel great when I hit the gym - just do it
  • hamminit
    hamminit Posts: 184 Member
    did i say just do it? :wink:
  • OsricTheKnight
    OsricTheKnight Posts: 340 Member
    One of the things I find motivating is that it's possible to lose weight faster than you think As you're 255, you can plan on losing 1.5-2 pounds per week or even more. Say you plan on 2 pounds per week - that's only 35 weeks or about 7 months ... think about that, you could be done by April ... before the summer has even arrived.

    I personally love "The Hacker's Diet" and using daily weigh-ins plus charting like trendweight.com to stay on top of it. I also found the information in the hacker's diet book very motivating. I recommend the PDF or ebook editions http://www.fourmilab.ch/hackdiet/

    All of the information and tools I am recommending are 100% free, even free from ads. Good luck.


  • Milynne
    Milynne Posts: 95 Member
    What they said! It's all about YOU being motivated to do this for yourself :)

    I've said year after year "when I lose the weight..." and a few weeks ago I just got fed up. I had a complete heart to heart with myself, opened up the treadmill and jumped on it.

    It's hard. It is a long, sweat-filled, road to travel, but once you decide once and for all that you're ready to do it and have the will power to stick with it, you will find yourself craving the exercise and wanting to log your calories and being so proud of yourself for what you have been able to accomplish.

    I can guarantee you will have family and friends who support you whole heartedly...and on the flip side you will have people who will question you "why bother?" and tell you that you're doing too much, not doing enough, etc. and so forth. You will have your moments of "is it worth it? Why am I torturing myself?" but remember...this is about you getting healthy and happy and you will ALWAYS find friends on MFP who will be there to cheer you up and cheer you on.

    You can do this! WE can do this :)

    Feel free to friend me! I weighed in at 225 and have a long ways to go, but I am confident it will happen!!
  • Hi there Mugsy, welcome to mfp. Let me say, just by posting on here you have taken your first step. I have made some very good, positive, motivated friends on here. We have share all kinds of info that we think might help keep each other on track. Lately some of us have been exchanging recipes. :-). I think you will like the site. Feel free to friend me if you like. Good luck!
  • QuietMorning
    QuietMorning Posts: 28 Member
    Hello! I am also one of those who seem(ed) to have no internal motivation. My best advice is to fake it until you make it. When I started I was always saying after this or after that. That quickly became tomorrow or next week. I put reminders to myself everywhere! The lock screen on my phone even says "One Pound at a TIme" . I have a picture of myself that makes me shudder every time on my fridge. That makes me think about why I am getting ready to open my fridge. I set my alarm on my phone with the name of get up and move. After the first couple of weeks, I am actually looking forward to the feeling AFTER I workout. I remind myself of this whenever I think I'll do it later. I also workout as early as possible because it helps me to not make bad food decisions later. I don't want to kill myself working out just to eat horribly later. Also, be brutally honest with your food diary! It will only help you out if you log everything. I have been tempted to eat something really, really bad before, but the thought of I have to record this stopped me. I have a cheat day once a week, but even then I record everything I eat. Also whenever you feel like giving in or giving up, read the success stories here! They have wonderful tips and tricks to pull you through. I am working and praying that I will be able to share a success story there in the future.
  • mikej1978
    mikej1978 Posts: 362 Member
    You and I are very similar. I weighed 278.4 about 2 weeks ago. Started MFP and seriously reduced my calorie intake and commited 60 minutes a day to cardio. My goal was 50 pounds but I have lost 11 pounds in 2 weeks and have changed my goal to a end weight of 220. If I get there I will probably keep going. I havent been below 200 since 1999.
  • diadia1
    diadia1 Posts: 223 Member
    go for a walk today. start logging today, dont worry about the final numbers, just get use to logging, using the database. Take small steps towards changing. pick something you can achieve. If you drink your calories, stop doing that this week.

    if you wait until tomorrow, you will be only that much further behind.

    my "motto" on my page is "gotta start somewhere"

    exactly this

    and that one too: [/quote] no one is going to motivate you if you don't want to do it for yourself... [/quote]

    small steps everyday do add up at theend of the year. it doesn't have to be all or nothing. everything in moderation. start slowly to end up with big results.
    "a year from now you will wish you would have started today." and
    "tomorrow is TODAY!