HHHHEEEEEYYYYYY!!!!. Not new to the site. But I'm in NEED of active members. I had a very small number of friends on this site and it got to the point were only three of them was active and send encouragement on the daily. I love this site. I have use it many times throughout the years. I want to enjoy it better with a group of active members. Please send friend request if your serious about a healthy lifestyle. I wish everyone the best of luck!!!


  • xxmarysmxx
    xxmarysmxx Posts: 199 Member
    Hi there.. I'm on every day. I'll send request.
  • ajones1227
    ajones1227 Posts: 180 Member
    Hello. I'm on everyday and give support to all my friends!!
  • camcat81
    I plan to be on every day too. I will add you, need to stay motivated!
  • Lisaisfitx6
    Lisaisfitx6 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Looking for friends also, I signed up months ago but never used the site. I plan to be dedicated this time.
    How do I add the weight loss bar?
    I would like support and give same in return, I am still trying to manipulate some of the tools on this site.
  • Emma_GetFit
    I've just started to come back on here now and looking for active friends also.

    I came on for about 9 months without a days break but then stopped coming on altogether but found when I've come back I've lost a few friends