Need some advice please?

Hello everyone!
Alright so I have been on and off this site and suck at sticking to a diet let alone eating healthy funny thing is I don't like sugar or chocolate or pastries but I'm half Spanish so I think all my weight is from the rice and tortillas lol
Anyways... I love salty stuff I hate sugar I need a diet plan or maybe just a friend to help me with this whole journey I know I can lose weight but its so hard and I think I'm addicted to junk!
I probably sound like such a fat *kitten* right now but i am so honest It is extremely hard for me to stick to a diet so can someone help me or tell me how they got to eating healthy whether it took you 6 months I honestly don't care I just want to make this a lifestyle change not temporary but need some tips.
I'm not huge but my a lot of my weight goes to my stomach and thighs
Mainly my stomach but I guess my boobs make me look smaller but I **** you not I'm over 200lbs nobody believes me but I am:(

I hate it!
I have a son too and just want to be healthy for him
I feel so sad right now knowing this has set me back from a lot!
I hope someone responds to me:(
Or helps me out...




  • What worked for me was to gradually make changes, don't change your whole diet at once..your body gets used to the new changes slowly and then overtime you break the bad habits. So start making small changes..('s going to take a while)..and you'll be where you wanna be. Cut down on the rice and tortillas...I love that stuff too. Best of luck!!
  • Thanks:)
    Yea I know it's the carbs that get me
    Flour salt cheese lol & I defiantly think that is my problem the fact that I don't have patience.

    Especially since I want to look like beyonce the next day doesn't help when I step on the scale after a workout lol. .
  • anro86
    anro86 Posts: 790 Member
    I absolutely love eating yummy food, and I am half Spanish also... so I understand all the yummy foods that we are used to eating! Here are a few things I did to cut back- little by little:

    I cut out soda/horchata/and mixed drinks
    I started drinking a lot more water (learned to like Crystal Light for variety)
    I stopped putting sugar in my coffee (learned to like Splenda)
    I started counting all of my calories and thinking about what I was going to eat before I ate it
    I would look up restaurant items on-line before I went out so that I could order the most low cal option
    Started trying (emphasize on trying because I am still trying to do this one!) getting in at least 20 minutes of exercise a day
    No tortillas with my carne, half portion of rice and frijoles...

    Don't know if this is valuable info at all... but it seems to be working for me... in about 2 and a half months I have lost 14 pounds. Still a long way to go... but I'm getting closer!!
  • Oh my gosh girl!! You definitely understand where I am coming from with the horchata, frijoles... Tortillas crane asada...
    Yea I am going to do this or at least for now take out the flour tortillas and just eat corn lol
    Thank you so much for replying I didn't think anyone would but I'm glad I got some tips from a couple so far!


    14lbs is a lot!

    It's so crazy because if I just could stop with the Spanish comida I would lose all my weight lol
    Because I'm a beast in the gym!

    I workout hard like no other but it doesn't help if I eat flour right after!

    Thank you;)

    I'm going to gradually try my best to slowly transition into healthier choices:)
    I think that's the best way to go for someone like me.
    I cannot go cold turkey!