Should I stop running?

I have started the 0 to 5k app. Been doing better than I thought I would. The first week I lost 3.6 pounds. The 2nd week (just completed) I gained almost 6 pounds. Im also experiencing some intense hunger about an hour or so after my 'run'. I am staying within my caloric intake needed to loose. Im so confused about this, and it's stressing me out. I have another 36 or so pounds till I reach my goal and Im a little scared Im going to be going backwards. Should I stop running?


  • I have started the 0 to 5k app. Been doing better than I thought I would. The first week I lost 3.6 pounds. The 2nd week (just completed) I gained almost 6 pounds. Im also experiencing some intense hunger about an hour or so after my 'run'. I am staying within my caloric intake needed to loose. Im so confused about this, and it's stressing me out. I have another 36 or so pounds till I reach my goal and Im a little scared Im going to be going backwards. Should I stop running?

    To actually gain 6 pounds, you would have to eat an excess of 21,000 calories during that period of time. it's pretty unlikely that you actually gained fat. It is more likely that you are retaining fluid for some reason. I would keep running for a few weeks and see if there is any change.

    As far as the intense hunger after the run, are you eating enough? Are you considering the amount of calories you're burning in your calculations for your caloric intake needs? (For instance, if the website says without exercise that you need to eat 1400 calories a day to lose weight . . . but, then you're burning 300 calories, you're only eating a net 1100 calories a day. It may not be enough for you (causing the intense hunger).

    There are others here that can tell you more about calculating the right amount of calories (based on TDEE).
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Absolutely do not stop running. I experienced the same thing, but I kept going and I have now lost about 52 pounds (46 on my ticker, because 6 were before I started mfp). I always have a light snack (of 100-200 calories) just after my run. That curbs the hunger and aids recovery. Plan that as part of your daily calorie allotment. The running will not only drop weight off of you, it will tone and strengthen you. As your cardio fitness improves, you will feel so good that you will find yourself wanting to do even more physical activity. It's just good, good, good! Don't forget that you can eat back some or all of those calories too.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I doubt the gain is 6lbs of fat, more likely water retention. You need to realize that your muscles are working very hard when you run and need to repair themselves, and they're going to 'conserve' water while this happens. How's your water intake? Drinking enough water is also very important if C25K is your first into to exercise for a while. The water weight should drop off in a few weeks when your muscles have adjusted a bit to the new workout.

    As for hunger? I usually get it the next day, and I'll be ravenous. Really there's no way to deal with it other than to have calories 'spare' on your run days. You don't have to run to lose weight but it will do good things for your overall health so I recommend sticking with it if you can.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    Eat back your exercise calories ...
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    Don't stop running! Running for me helped kick my weight loss into high gear and it seemed more consistent when I ran 3 times a week.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    you should complete the program you started.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Some women temporarily gain a few pounds during their time of the month, could that be it? Another thing that can cause temporary gains is having a high sodium day or two. Or as another member mentioned, starting a new exercise routine.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    How much are you eating? With 35 lbs to go, you should be aiming for 1 lb per week and eating back some of your exercise calories.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I have started the 0 to 5k app. Been doing better than I thought I would. The first week I lost 3.6 pounds. The 2nd week (just completed) I gained almost 6 pounds. Im also experiencing some intense hunger about an hour or so after my 'run'.

    You are not far enough into the program to be burning enough calories to have it cause "intense hunger".

    And you're certainly not burning enough to cause 3 and 6 pound fluctuations in fat stores, in any direction.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Were you doing any exercise before starting the c25k program? Even if you were, adding something new can cause a "gain" of water weight due to sore muscles. And with an increase in exercise there should also be an increase in fuel - do you eat back your exercise cals? If not, start. That's how MFP works - your daily goal has you at a deficit already, meaning eat to goal with zero exercise and you'll lose. Exercising creates a much larger deficit, too large, and that's why your exercise cals are added back into your daily goal.

    Food is fuel, gotta feed that body if you want it to perform and burn efficiently.

    Also, if you haven't already, start taking your measurements and progress photos. The scale can mess with your head, showing every little fluctuation, water weight, hormone issues, etc, etc - the tape measure gives you a better view of your progress.
  • Running is not responsible for the gain. There's got to be something else going on with fluid retention. Is your sodium intake insanely high?
  • rhibhi
    rhibhi Posts: 22 Member
    I am by no means an expert so anyone please correct me if I am wrong.
    You've just started a new activity and will be developing muscle. Your muscles are likely retaining fluid at this stage for repair and growth hence the increase in weight. If you continue with what you are doing you will eventually see a loss again. I personally wouldn't stop running due to this, but definitely refer to your measurements as well as the scale during this time as the scale unfortunately doesn't give you an overall picture.
    Well done on getting started with running! I keep trying but keep getting injuries so any progress I make I lose really fast :-(
  • Don't stop running!!! Might help to plan a post-run snack to keep you from getting the post-workout desire to empty the fridge...a little protein to help build muscle and enough fat to help you feel satisfied. I like an apple and some peanut butter between my run-time and dinner...keeps me from eating dinner while still standing at the stove! LOL!:tongue:
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    You're doing something brand new. It will take your body some time to adjust. 2 weeks is not long enough to know any real results yet. Also, if you're hungry, eat! Food is fuel your body needs to function. You can't ask it to start doing more and not give it any more fuel to do it with. Do you track your calorie burns on mfp? If so, eat those calories back! And finish what you've started.
  • Intense hunger is like Im feeling light headed and nervous. Several of you are saying to increase my calories. I think that is it. I try and eat 1210 calories a day regardless of exercise. I have done this since June and I have lost 35 pounds. I was walking over 4 miles a day before I started the C25k ap...and I started that because Im not gasping for breath anymore during my walks. I really have been pushing myself hard on this weight loss. My fluids are very that brings me to the TEDD 1st comment. I googled it and it seems I need almost 1700 calories a day to feed my body with the daily exercise that Im doing. (I run everyother day) I thank you all for your encouragement and GREAT advice. I will add calories to my day and see what happends. I think I may even skip the scale for a few weeks..Boy oh boy the scale sure can mess with your mind when you are trying to do everything right.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Eat back about 300 calories if you are running 3 miles. If you don't do this, you are not eating enough, hence the intense hunger. Don't worry about the 6 pounds. Keep running and keep tracking your food. Eat back your calories on the days you run.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Intense hunger is like Im feeling light headed and nervous. Several of you are saying to increase my calories. I think that is it. I try and eat 1210 calories a day regardless of exercise. I have done this since June and I have lost 35 pounds. I was walking over 4 miles a day before I started the C25k ap...and I started that because Im not gasping for breath anymore during my walks. I really have been pushing myself hard on this weight loss. My fluids are very that brings me to the TEDD 1st comment. I googled it and it seems I need almost 1700 calories a day to feed my body with the daily exercise that Im doing. (I run everyother day) I thank you all for your encouragement and GREAT advice. I will add calories to my day and see what happends. I think I may even skip the scale for a few weeks..Boy oh boy the scale sure can mess with your mind when you are trying to do everything right.

    1700 seems like a better plan. Give that a try for a month to see how things go. Also, adding protein and fats can help with the intense hunger.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Intense hunger is like Im feeling light headed and nervous. Several of you are saying to increase my calories. I think that is it. I try and eat 1210 calories a day regardless of exercise. I have done this since June and I have lost 35 pounds. I was walking over 4 miles a day before I started the C25k ap...and I started that because Im not gasping for breath anymore during my walks. I really have been pushing myself hard on this weight loss. My fluids are very that brings me to the TEDD 1st comment. I googled it and it seems I need almost 1700 calories a day to feed my body with the daily exercise that Im doing. (I run everyother day) I thank you all for your encouragement and GREAT advice. I will add calories to my day and see what happends. I think I may even skip the scale for a few weeks..Boy oh boy the scale sure can mess with your mind when you are trying to do everything right.

    Just remember that with the TDEE you DON'T want to eat back your calories from exercise, but with MFP's calculations, you do. You might want to try slowly increasing your calories, 100-150cals at a time over a few weeks, rather than jumping right up. Taking a break from the scales might be a good idea too as upping your cals AND starting a new exercise routine can sometimes give your body a bit of a shock! Best of luck :)
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I googled it and it seems I need almost 1700 calories a day to feed my body with the daily exercise that Im doing. (I run everyother day)

    From your OP, I gather that you are in week 3 of C2K. If that's your principle exercise, I would not be "eating back" those calories, as they are very very small at this point. Even when you get to 5k (3 miles), based on the weight you are looking to lose, you're only looking at 300 calories per run.
  • SarahWrittenThin
    SarahWrittenThin Posts: 595 Member
    I would venture that your gain is from your muscles holding water trying to repair themselves. It should come off relatively quickly- make sure you keep hydrated.