Should I stop running?



  • jacquelineperrystephens
    dmar00, Info is correct. 300 or so calories is what map my walk/run gives me and that is what I post. not sure why TDEE was at 1700. But, Im not going to go overboard with this. I do feel good about having a snack after my run..probably a protein bar Im guessing. Not gonna stop running..gonna see this through.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I think I may even skip the scale for a few weeks..Boy oh boy the scale sure can mess with your mind when you are trying to do everything right.

  • Maccbow
    Maccbow Posts: 53 Member
    Don't quit running!!!! You will see that once you get going good, weight will start to come off again! Echoing many others, make sure you hydrate!! Also, if I'm running first thing in the morning, (before breakfast) I ALWAYS make sure to have a LITTLE something before the run, like a palmful of almonds (10 almonds or so), or a 1/3 or a 1/4 of a protein bar (depending on the type it is), so that my body doesn't try to hold the metabolism back. If you give your body food first, (even a tiny amount) then, it says, "Oh, it's ok to burn!" Then, I have a nice proper breakfast when I'm through.

    Also, you don't want to quit running, bc you're building muscles when you run, and muscle burns a lot of calories... yes, muscle weighs more than fat, but in the end, the more muscle you have the more you'll burn faster.
  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    As others have pointed out 6 pounds is the equivalent to a bunch of fat calories. Some could be fat loss and muscle gain, but it is likely a water response to a change in muscle exertion. The jump to a much higher level can cause a temporary gain.