Searching for food.



  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    Does anyone else get frustrated with the search feature here on MFP? Am I the only one who feels the search results are bad? I hate having to wade through a list of irrelevant things. Anyone have any tips for reducing the frustration / improving search results?

    For example: I search "zucchini" and I get:
    -Chocolate Zucchini Bread
    -Zucchini Bread with Walnuts
    -Archer Farms Mediterranean Style Veggies
    etc etc.

    "Fresh Zucchini Small" is the FIFTEENTH item in the search list. It makes no sense.

    You have to learn the right words to use. 'fresh' in the search often helps. so does 'generic' or 'whole' depending on what you're looking for.

    Also: sort by relevance rather than by name. That'll do your head in otherwise.

    And finally: the more you use mfp, the easier it gets. Most used items are stored ready for you to simply tick. it gets easier and quicker as you go along. :)
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    How many people who are dieting actually measure out 100g of zucchini? Vs. how many people just buy a zucchini, cut it up, and cook it?

    Counting without measuring?

    Good Luck with that.

    Measuring a zucchini?

    How many cals do you think are in that thing?
    You weigh cheese like it's gold, but zucchini, near enough is certainly good enough - and if you're choosing not to eat that zucchini because its calories will put you over your goal, you have lost entirely all plot whatsoever, about what healthy eating is all about.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    What I do when I eat particular fruits & veggies is type it in like blueberries grams or ounces. It might not be a hundred percent accurate, but I am sure it's harder with fruits and veggies if it doesn't already have a stated calorie count.
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    One of the important ingredients not included in the database is salt. I have been adding recipes and there is no listing for "salt". There's one for black pepper but not salt. I think it's very important to add salt to my recipes because I'm trying to watch my sodium count. Any suggestions or help is most appreciated. :smile:

    Table Salt

    You're welcome.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Yes, I spend most of my day searching for food, then stuffing it in my mouth.
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    For fresh, raw foods, I usually add USDA. Sometimes you need to add the word "raw" if you are specifically looking for raw food because the USDA database also contains entries for cooked foods, so if I weigh my boneless, skinless chicken before I cook it, I want to make sure that I am not over-estimating due to water weight in the foods.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    It's just like any keyword search-you learn how to refine your searches after a while.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    I see no issues with the database.

    Well, I would say that it is a little less than effective in some ways, but it's certainly usable. Learning little tricks like including "raw" or "generic" or searching by brand, etc, make a difference, for sure. It's kind of like following conversations on here without any notifications, or clicking on a link to view a comment - and just getting taken to the beginning of the thread. Truth be told, some of the features could stand some updating. But overall, it isn't anything that keeps me from being able to do what I'm trying to do.

    Yes, I spend most of my day searching for food, then stuffing it in my mouth.

    This was my first thought, too. lol "Me too!"
  • spookiefox
    spookiefox Posts: 215 Member
    Does anyone else get frustrated with the search feature here on MFP? Am I the only one who feels the search results are bad? I hate having to wade through a list of irrelevant things. Anyone have any tips for reducing the frustration / improving search results?

    For example: I search "zucchini" and I get:
    -Chocolate Zucchini Bread
    -Zucchini Bread with Walnuts
    -Archer Farms Mediterranean Style Veggies
    etc etc.

    "Fresh Zucchini Small" is the FIFTEENTH item in the search list. It makes no sense.

    Actually, I think it's the best search function and best database I've seen.
  • spookiefox
    spookiefox Posts: 215 Member
    I wonder if MFP would consider making 2 databases... one for specific, singular food items, and one for prepared things / recipes / restaurant items...

    That seems like it would make the problem you're describing worse.

    When you search any database, you need to choose the correct search terms. Searching for just zucchini should bring up all those other things.
  • spookiefox
    spookiefox Posts: 215 Member
    How many people who are dieting actually measure out 100g of zucchini? Vs. how many people just buy a zucchini, cut it up, and cook it?
    I weigh all my food ..... you would be surprised how much you actually overestimate...

    And by the way they use 100g serving sizes to be convenient . So say i am eating a zucchini that is 256g i would plug in 2.56 servings of 100g
    It makes it incredibly easy to log this way.

    I was going to say something similar, but I choose the dropdown and set it to 1 gram, then add 256 servings! LOL

    The point is, few people "measure out 100g of zucchini," but a LOT of them enter the exact weight of zucchini they ate.
  • SunnyDuckling
    SunnyDuckling Posts: 204 Member
    I lost who said this (sorry!) but:
    I'm finding that a lot of things are plural, so rather than searching for a russet potato, I search potatoes, and then find the options for Potatoes - Russet, and so forth - same for pears, bananas, blueberries, onions, etc.
    This! Makes a difference, really. Search 'tomato' - get lots of random entries. 'tomatoes' and you find the basic one you are after. It took me a while to get my head around this, but since then, so much more helpful :)

    Also, weighing into say - I like having measurements per 100g. As an Aussie, I cannot fathom how ounces work. It just... doesn't... :noway: Grams all the way!! Besides, as others have mentioned, how do I know what size I have in front of me is 'large' 'medium' etc? Especially when sizes are listed in inches?! I'm metric to my bones! :laugh: What I may consider to be a small serving of, say banana or cheese, may actually be a medium or large.

    Measuring everything out and weighing back to 100g is dead useful for me. It gives me something to compare serving sizes and portions with. Cereal was the eye-opener for me. I thought I was having a normal size serving - turns it, it was close to double. Now, I weigh it out (not cup measurements, because often that's very uneven) and I'm finding I am eating more along the lines of how I should, portion-wise.
  • Beachcrazy57
    Beachcrazy57 Posts: 11 Member
    Fantastic!! Thanks, that's a huge help!
  • endlesoul
    endlesoul Posts: 98 Member
    How many people who are dieting actually measure out 100g of zucchini? Vs. how many people just buy a zucchini, cut it up, and cook it?

    I can't answer for everyone but from what I've read many people do. I use to think it ridiculous to weigh food. Now I couldn't live without it. By far you can't get any more accurate the amount your eating. Sure there can be some inaccuracies in the data base but it is so easy to Google what you think is wrong to compare. I agree with what posters have said, being more specific really helps.
    This is the USDA site that is very helpful.

    Once you start weighing food you see how off the calories can be for what a cup of this or that is. Most food labels have it in grams and that is the only way to accurately log your calories.
  • PostToasties
    Iodized salt comes up.
  • salevy
    salevy Posts: 208 Member
    My issue with searching for food is the portion size.

    I'll put in a food item and half the serving size. The only things listed are the actual portion size, 1 piece, or the whole package 48 pieces. Nothing listed for half the portion size.
  • KristinaB83
    KristinaB83 Posts: 440 Member
    Counting without measuring?

    Good Luck with that.

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Have you tried adding in other descriptive words like raw or USDA? I find that helps narrow things for me, especially the USDA part.
  • chumbasmumba
    chumbasmumba Posts: 6 Member
    Start search with "raw" when putting in fruits + veggies.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    My issue with searching for food is the portion size.

    I'll put in a food item and half the serving size. The only things listed are the actual portion size, 1 piece, or the whole package 48 pieces. Nothing listed for half the portion size.

    Why can't you just put 0.5 for half a serving?