Whey Protein shakes

How many protein shakes do you drink a day... and why? Do you mix it with just water each time or milk, or switch it up?
Is there a limit on the amount you can drink a day, and what are the benefits of doing so?


  • KristinNicole82
    KristinNicole82 Posts: 164 Member
    I drink protein shakes because I am looking to build muscle. It is difficult for me to get enough protein just by eating meals so I supplement. I drink a shake directly after my workout. If you are not trying to build muscle I would not recommend increasing your protein intake because if you are not burning it off it can be stored as fat. I personally do not feel protein shakes should be used as a meal substitute. They do not have complete nutrients, I would try to get protein from lean meat such as chicken, turkey or egg whites. You can also get protein from almonds or hemp seeds.

    I always mix mine with water because I dont want the excess fat that is found in milk.
  • LishLash79
    LishLash79 Posts: 562 Member
    I drink one a day... I lift heavy and struggle with getting enough protein in my diet and frankly need more energy etc.

    my fav, 1 scoop protein powder, 2tbsp cocoa, 2 tbps PB2, a handful of frozen ice, one frozen banana, and a cup and half of almond milk.. YUMMMMM
  • arson714
    arson714 Posts: 117 Member
    Usually 2 mixed with water. Although every few weeks I will change from Whey protein to Carnivore, which is beef protein.
  • agggie550
    agggie550 Posts: 281 Member
    To meet my Protein Macro in an attempt to build massive amounts of muscle. I drink 4 Shakes a day and two protein bars on top of the rest of the food that I eat. I mix them with water. But the shakes vary first one is Whey and powder peanut butter, next one is whey, Casein, Powder peanut butter, and creatine, third is the same as the second and last is Casein and powdered peanut butter before bed. I mean they dont taste amazing but they do the job so I cant complain. Oh and I have a Dark Matter shake after lifting but before Cardio, and that has protein in it two.
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I drink one a day... I lift heavy and struggle with getting enough protein in my diet and frankly need more energy etc.

    my fav, 1 scoop protein powder, 2tbsp cocoa, 2 tbps PB2, a handful of frozen ice, one frozen banana, and a cup and half of almond milk.. YUMMMMM

    That sounds great! I might skip the cocoa and just use chocolate flavored protein powder.
  • starshine420
    I mix mine with milk and fruit and honey, sooo good! usually replaces a meal or snack for me. I only have them once a day.
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    I drink one whenever I need to be sure to get close to my protein macro. This usually works out to a couple a week. I try to get most of my protein from food.

    When I do have a shake, I tend to just add a scoop of powder to plain water. Sometimes I use milk if I want to up the total protein and have a little more flavor.
  • Kari121869
    Kari121869 Posts: 180 Member
    I usually drink mine as my evening 'snack' - I always have a 'munchie' attack around 7-8pm so instead of filling up on carbs, etc I'll make a shake. I use ISO whey protein vanilla (sometimes chocolate), half a banana, 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk, 1 tbsp of light PB and a handful of spinach (equals about a cup). Tastes awesome - I get my 'sweet tooth' craving filled and the protein helps me reach my macros.

    If it's the weekend and I'm busy, etc I'll have the same shake for breakfast or lunch...
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member


    drink the number you need to top off your protein goal each day if you can't meet the goal with regular food.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Protein shakes are great! You don't have to use whey, but it's the most popular/more people like it.

    I will have a shake as a snack (I use Spiru-tein - it's around 100 cals/15g vegan protein) or as meal replacement for dinner if I've had a big lunch, as a "cheap calorie" dessert, or if I'm not very hungry. Of if I'm starving before going out to eat, I'll have one and it helps me to order less at dinner (and not reach for the basket of bread/chips/etc). If you get vanilla protein powder, you can mix just about anything in with it, or you can keep it simple with just water. Try experimenting with your favorite flavors - fruits are great (berries, banana), or you can emulate dessert (vanilla protein powder, cinnamon, cloves, some canned pumpkin, stevia, milk of your choice). I'd rather have a tasty 200/250 cal protein shake for dessert than the alternative.

    Good luck!
  • popularzero
    popularzero Posts: 1 Member
    I drink protein shakes Twice a day on work days. I drink protein shakes to help promote muscle growth, and as meal replacements. I do not however use Whey protein alone when I use a protein shake as a meal replacement. I mix a whey protein that has no less than 25g of protein with a meal replacement shake powder if I am doing so as a meal replacement. Right now I do this for two out of my three meals, and for my meal replacement powder I use Herbalife Formula 1. I do not however use herbalife protein powder (not exclusively anyway) because I prefer Whey protein, and most of the time even with a distributor discount good whey protein can be bought for cheaper on bodybuilding.com. I also use the Herbalife 24 Sport version of Formula 1 to avoid soy as I share my herbalife meal replacement with a family member that has a thyroid problem, and regular herbalife meal replacement (along with most other meal replacement powders) are soy based and soy is bad for people with thyroid problems. I mix my shakes with 8 to 10 oz of water and a little bit of ice then blend it though if you have extra calories to burn milk can provide some extra vitamin d and calcium, and can help with flavor/consistency if you don't like how it mixes with water. From what I hear as far as amount of protein you can process during a 4-6 hour time period depends on your weight, and activity level. The rule of thumb I hear from most people that get results is more than 30-35 grams of protein in a shake for a 4-6 hour time period is overkill and won't be processed well by your body even if you are super active. The benefits of protein are mostly to help build muscle, but having a minimum of 20 grams of protein in any meal you eat also helps you feel full for longer periods of time which may help stave off cravings for unhealthy snacks.
  • Kari121869
    Kari121869 Posts: 180 Member
    Yes, sorry - the whey shake I drink IS a protein shake as well.. guess I should've mentioned that...
  • mnapier3
    I just recently started drinking a whey protein powder and always immediately after I lift. Like some of the other posters I want to build muscle and I don't feel I am getting enough protein through whole meals, so until I do I will supplement with a protein shake.

    I'm using Phase8 by MuscleTech in milk chocolate and I use skim milk instead of water. I just prefer using that over water; adding skim milk to it makes it like a milkshake for me! Almost like a tasty dessert or a big heaping glass of chocolate milk.

    If you are considering taking one definitely do your research, check out the company, read the reviews extensively, etc. Everyone's opinion on supplements, especially protein powders, can vary. I've been working out consistently 6x a week for 9 months now and I literally just found one I like! I think GNC or other stores of that nature might have sample packets you can pick up.

    EDIT: Should note phase8 is a blend..sorry. Didn't want to give the incorrect info of it being a solely whey protein.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    One or two a day.

    Most mornings, I have one in the morning as breakfast. Mixed with milk, ice, PB2 sometimes.. or mint extract (it's chocolate protein).

    If I lift or take a class in the evening, I'll have another shake. I use it to reach my protein goals and to help with muscle repair.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Usually once a day, in the morning.

    One scoop with 1 cup of Unsweetened Almond Milk! Usually ends up at 200 calories.