Well that was disheartening...



  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    lots of people can't lift the bar in the beginning. That bar (esp if it's an Oly bar) is 45 pounds.

    That's heavy.

    Many people start with bodyweight exercises that is doing the moves and gaining the proper form before adding weight...and then they add small and go large over time.

    don't worry about the bar, it will come.

    Faster than you think it will.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    You just keep at it, woman. You will get better if you stick with it.

    And someday when you lift the most you ever thought you could lift, you'll think back to your first workout and you will be SO proud of how far you've come! You got this.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Why are disheartened? You should be so proud of yourself but not giving up! First off all, you should be giving yourself a high five for waking up and getting to the gym. Secondly, instead of walking out of the gym, you decided to continue with your workout and decide to work on your squat progress one day at a time.

    That was a beyond successful workout out in my books!
  • spatulathumbs
    spatulathumbs Posts: 125 Member
    You are strong for even getting up, ahead of the curve for trying and a badass for sticking with it. Everybody has to start somewhere, and you did what you could and went for it! I hereby bestow upon you the official virtual "I Lifted A Heavy Thing" badge of courage. :)
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    I think you're awesome for a few reasons.

    1. You walked into an active duty military gym alone.
    2. You walked into free weight area alone, you weren't intimidated.
    3. You tried!
    4. You recognized your limitations.
    5. You stayed and did something else.
    6. You came to get help here, you didn't just give up.

    I decided to do Stronglifts, walked into the weight area that was empty at the time, and turned around, I was so intimidated. I did a few little things things talked to a trainer.

    If you're interested in what I'm doing to work up to Stronglifts, send me a message and I'll fill you in.

    You're awesome!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Lots of people would have just walked out of that gym, never to return. You didn't do that. You should feel great!

    Keep working and you'll get to where you want to be. With your fantastic dedication, I have no doubt that you will make it happen.
  • Danim423
    Danim423 Posts: 2 Member
    You got up and kept going even after a struggle. You did awesome! Don't stress yourself out too much. I think the advice to use dumbells for a bit is sound. Every bit counts. Keep going and don't be disheartened. It is a struggle for everyone (even those who already appear to be in shape have to work hard at it). You'll feel better even the next time you try the bar.

    Good Luck!
  • PaulHalicki
    PaulHalicki Posts: 576 Member
    Let me preface this with yes, I'm a big girl, and have never lifted before in my life, aside from an 8 pound kettlebell and some girly 3 lb dumbbells.

    So today I was going to start Stronglifts 5x5. I was really excited about it! I got up nice and early, got to the gym at 5:30, got to the squat rack, and... couldn't lift the empty bar. Not only was I extremely self conscious to begin with (rather obese girl going to an active duty Navy gym where everyone was already in shape), but now I was embarrassed because I couldn't lift an empty bar off the rack. Sigh.

    So I hit the machines: Leg press, chest supported row, shoulder press, and abdominal crunch. Most I could do on the shoulder press was 35 lbs (not including leg press), so I'll work my way up to it. I'm going to give them a few weeks and try the empty bar again.

    My face was red with embarrassment, but I hid it with sweat and effort.

    Someone please tell me if I'm doing the right thing? I'm kind of doing this on my own here.

    Your post is nothing short of heroic.

    It's hard to get out there as a rank amateur at any activity when you're surrounded by experts. Trust me though: when the experts see your dedication, they will be impressed and most will be very encouraging. There's that Facebook pic that's been floating around showing a heavy runner with a caption like "You're lapping everyone sitting on their couch." You're out there and improving, that's the main thing.
  • CristyinMiami
    CristyinMiami Posts: 61 Member
    So proud of you. :)
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 735 Member
    I commend you for sticking with it and not simply giving up and walking out. KUDOS!! Keep up the great work, you will get stonger!!
    100% THIS!!
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Good for you for continuing through! If anyone was thinking anything, it was probably along the lines of "Get it, girl"

    Does the gym have a women's olympic bar? Or dumbbells? Those might be better options than machines.
  • crazie4lulu
    crazie4lulu Posts: 762 Member
    screw everyone and everything around you. you are there. you are in the gym. that is more than a lot of people can even think of saying. no one ever walked into a gym and knew what they were doing. you have to start somewhere.... so i say congrats to you!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • jacklis
    jacklis Posts: 280 Member
    I am so proud and excited for you ( I hope that does not sound patronizing- it's not meant to). If you went to my gym I would be watching for you, rooting for you and waiting for you to try again- because with that amazing attitude you got going there, it is just a matter of time and I would want to be there on the day you walked over to the rack and lifted it like a boss!
    Keep at it, you are awesome and inspiring.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    You know what? You win all the prizes for not simply walking out of the gym and quitting. SO much smarter to recognize your current abilities, and to work with - and improve on - those, rather than overdo it and injure yourself. Please don't be embarrassed - we all had to start somewhere!!! I bet you'll find that you progress really quickly over the next few weeks and months. Way to stick with it!!! *Standing ovation!!*

    A million times this!

    Good for you for even going in there and giving it a shot. Now you can focus on working your way up. I agree with starting with some dumbbells. I've been using those for a while and now can use the bar. It takes time, but I know you can get there!

    Yay you! :drinker:
  • 4homer
    4homer Posts: 457 Member
    As other have said you stayed, you adapted and didnt give up. Your a mother effen FABULOUS beast in my book. Your weight will go up and you keep rocking it
  • You go glen coco!

    Hey I've totally been there. When I first started doing weight training, my gym rat friend was kind enough to show me the ropes. So we get to the bench, and he says, "Alright let's just practice form with the bar." He thought I was joking when I said I couldn't even begin to lift it. And this is around a gym-full of super buff frat dudes and athletes -_- It's become an inside joke now between us, but at the time I was mortified. And that wasn't going in alone like you did! So hats off to you my friend. Don't sweat it, just focus on you and when you're lifting like a beast you can turn down all the boys who made you feel uncomfortable:)
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    You stayed, and you're not giving up...that's all that matters!

    Like others have said, dumbbells are probably a good place to start until you can work up the bar.

    Good luck! I'm sure you'll be way past the bar in no time. :flowerforyou:
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    You know what? You are ****ing awesome. I commend you for stepping out of your comfort zone and going to the gym. I understand how tough that can be.

    A few tips:

    If you are struggling with the bar, start with bodyweight squats, kettlebell squats, or static weight barbells. You'll move up in weight very rapidly and be able to show that bar who is boss. :)
  • sukiwabi
    sukiwabi Posts: 221 Member
    I started stronglifts last week after a looooong hiatus from lifting.

    Walked into the gym, up to the the squat rack, which was already loaded with a couple 45s. Unloaded the weights, set up the safeties, got under the bar, unracked it....and then promptly realized it was too heavy for me, reracked it, walked over to the dumbbells and did goblet squats.

    Currently I am so weak, I need to modify every exercise in stronglifts (goblet squats, dumbbell bench/overhead press/rows, dumbbell sldl)

    Remember, stronglifts is designed for men eating at a surplus. If you are a woman at a deficit, you won't progress nearly as fast.

    great post. sorry you have lost strength, but you and OP have the same non-quitting attitude. YEAH!!! :drinker:
  • AbstractAsterism
    AbstractAsterism Posts: 153 Member
    I really want to thank you all! I'm reading all these responses and they're bringing tears to my eyes. I really, really appreciate all of you for your kind/awesome words!

    I'm definitely going to research/try everything you guys suggested, and see what works for me.

    I might resurrect this thread when I conquer the bar!

    ETA: :flowerforyou: