Looking for diary sharing friends

Looking for some diary sharing friends to keep me motivated,

My name is Gemma and i just feel like i need to shift some of my flab, tone up and stop complaining about my body and do something about it!!

I know if i put my mind to something i can do it.

Let's do this together!!!:wink:




  • nessakaylee36
    nessakaylee36 Posts: 3 Member
    So tired of not being happy with my self I need motivation please add me
  • ssjghost
    Hi Guys and girls,

    Please see my previous post in a different forum below :)

    Has anyone got any decent diet plans around the 1500 calorie mark?

    I’m currently eating what appears to be next to nothing and while I don’t find myself particularly hungry (although cutting out the regular beer intake has been tough!) I am also now starting to incorporate moderate weights and cardio and finding diets with enough protein is difficult....

    For clarity, I am not overweight but a love of all things alcoholic has reduced my pre 20s athletic abs to little/no definition and a small pocket of paid for residual alcohol around my stomach.

    Advice other than diets also welcome.

    Feel free to add....:)
  • FeelinChastastic
    My diary is open! Anyone can feel free to add me! :)
  • JillyInDaCity
    JillyInDaCity Posts: 23 Member
    I am also looking for people to share their diary's. It is hard to motivate each other when we can't see what we are eating. =-)