PMS & crazy *kitten* cravings.

So normally (ie when I'm not all PMSy lol), I'm quite good with curbing junk food cravings and staying within 1200 calories a day. Most days even hitting 1200 is abit of an effort but I'm trying!

When I'm PMSing however, all that just goes straight out the window :noway: Dinner today was 200g of Lindt chocolate barS :sad: And hitting 1200 was too easy *blows nails*

Ladies out there, is there a way that I don't know of to say no to junk food during TOM or do you give in? I find myself OBSESSING over the most unhealthy food and I literally CANNOT stop until I have whatever I'm craving (usually an obscene amount of chocolates, fast food & desserts in all form).


  • amwoidyla
    amwoidyla Posts: 257 Member
    Have a banana with 1 servings of pb, nutella or almond butter.
    Seriously. Helps every time.
  • Dee_84
    Dee_84 Posts: 431 Member
    I know EXACTLY how you feel. I'm the same :grumble:

    Most of the time I can't help the cravings and give in (it's bad for about 2 days) and then I get back on track and make sure to eat healthy and exercise. If I can I will save 200 calories or so for a couple days. But I'm eating at 1800 not 1200.
  • rani54
    rani54 Posts: 7 Member
    That happens to me too and I usually let myself eat like a mini size candy bar (twix or kit kat) and then I go home and eat this zero calorie chocolate sauce (posted link below). You can find it at most grocery stores, but fair warning, it's not the most delicious thing. I dip fruit in it though and it usually hits the spot!

    Sometimes, after work, I'll go to wendy's and get a mini kids size frosty - around 200 cals and it totally does the trick!! It's a decent portion! Or froyo - which is usually around 30 cals/ounce and I get about 7-8 ounces of chocolate froyo for 210 calories! Totally worth it!! You can even take the froyo home and make a milkshake out of it by adding milk and blending for around 300 cals!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I just try to choose the less of two evils.

    Last night I was craving a huge cheese burrito and a chocolate malt.

    Instead I ate a Cadbury creme egg (150 cal). Nothing healthy about that. But I LOVE them...and my actual craving would have been around 1,000 calories. I actually did feel satisfied. I had enough cals left for a tortilla with melted cheese to try and satisfy the burrito part, but wound up forgetting it and having my usual breakfast taco in the AM instead, without cheese.

    And it's my TOM too.
  • KeViN_v2pt0
    KeViN_v2pt0 Posts: 375 Member
    IN for *kitten* Cravings
  • missbrendalynn
    missbrendalynn Posts: 74 Member
    Loving the suggestions, keep em coming please! :flowerforyou:

    Can't believe I never thought of the banana + PB/Nutella combo, sounds filling and has PB/chocolate = win. Ditto with froyo!

    Why can't I be comforted by carrots, why does it have to be (lots of) chocolate :sad:
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    IN for *kitten* Cravings

    I keep reading it and thinking.. 'while PMSing, *kitten* is the last thing I want' hahaha
  • CassandraBurgos83
    CassandraBurgos83 Posts: 544 Member
    I'm even worse then you :) I eat rocky road for breakfast and have Lindt Bars for Snacks...full bars! Not even including my other meals :) And it's when I PMS or my sugar drops out of the blue.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    IN for *kitten* Cravings


    OP, perhaps you should consider eating more than 1,200 calories around your period. Maybe even 1,400 or 1,500? This is okay to do for 3 or 4 days.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Sorry that this is off-topic... You're very tiny...why are you eating less than 1200 calories a day?
  • QuietMorning
    QuietMorning Posts: 28 Member
    When I have a craving hit, the first thing I do is drink a huge glass of water and try to do something else that will get my mind off the craving. If after a while I still am craving something, I'll eat it and log it. I just make sure that I don't keep full size anything around time for Aunt Flo's visit. I love the Lindt Caramels. I will get one and make it last just as long as possible. Open it slowly, eat small nibbles and really enjoy the flavor and texture. It really helps and I usually I don't go overboard that way.
    Still plan of following this post to get more ideas though. :wink:
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I take iron supplement right before and during, it has really helped curb cravings. I do have a smoothie with banana, skim milk and unsweetened cacao powder when the chocolate craving does hit.
  • missbrendalynn
    missbrendalynn Posts: 74 Member
    SoDamnHungry - I have trouble meeting 1200 calories everyday, more so if I've worked out and account the exercise calories but I've been trying to include more calorically dense foods into my diet. I'm 56kg/169cm but since spot reduction of fat is impossible, I wanna lose a couple of kgs to tone up the midsection :bigsmile:

    Georgiana - Yes I do that! 1200 calories is impossible during PMS lol.

    Thanks all for the suggestions! :drinker:

    I'm super relieved that you ladies give in to crazy *kitten* cravings too :bigsmile:
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Raw almonds are a good snack, and I've read they're supposed to help with a craving for something else....can't remember what it is though.

    Another good snack that satisfies the sweet tooth for me a tablespoon of Nutella stirred into 1/3 to 1/2 cup of plain Greek yogurt. Add berries or bananas if ya got 'em. It's delicious.
  • jadedhippo
    jadedhippo Posts: 95 Member
    I usually want all the ice cream, so I freeze really ripe, sweet bananas and then mix in the food processor until they go to the consistency of icecream and then eat it.. more like shovel into my mouth.
    2-3 bananas fill up a massive bowl and it makes me happy!