a little help?!

amylouisem Posts: 38 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
the weight loss thing is going good, i feel great. i can see such a difference in my entire body...but....:huh:

the boobs wont shift. They are EXACTLY the same sixe they were before MFP, and even before i made the choice to get healthy.

How is this possible? im wearing smaller shirts too, my back size has decreased, its just the acual boob if that makes sense?

any boob reducing exercises anyone knows? i feel like they are the only things holding me back :sad:


  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    i know most people complain about boob loss. they dont like losing their girls. but i totally understand your frustration. i am a very well enowed woman, thin or not. and its uncomfortable and painful. i dont know of any but if you find any let me know!
  • kimjoan
    kimjoan Posts: 192 Member
    Sorry no help here either. I finally got a reduction. Funny thing now, after the reduction when I loose weight I loose it in the boobs... good thing my husband likes them small. ; )
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    maybe that's just how there suppose to be. If they were like that before weight gain you won't lose them if they get larger because of weight gain then I do believe they will reduce in size because of the added fat
  • i thought i would lose some in my boobs as well when i lost weight....but no such luck.
    i feel your pain =/
    and unfortunately i don't know of much to help them go down, but if you end up finding out please lemme know!
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    Firstly hugs!

    Secondly - I had to lose well over a stone before my chest started to shrink. Hang in there xxx
  • Hitsujikai
    Hitsujikai Posts: 111 Member
    I think biology is working against you here.

    Men tend to gain weight around their middle (ie. their stomachs) whilst women tend to gain weight around the appendages (ie. their bums, thighs, arms and boobs), if the other 3 area's are gradually reducing in time your boobs will be the last remaining supply of 'surplus energy' and being to reduced too.

    You should also consider that perhaps the boob size you are now is the size you were always meant to be.
  • The situation can be even more sensitive for males. Surgery may be my only option if my moobs don't participate.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Keep with it. We have about the same amount total to lose and I just had to go out and get a new smaller bra (I had some from before). That's not for everyone - but it was for me :-)
  • amkingrn
    amkingrn Posts: 35 Member
    Wish I could help...but I am frustrated because I am ONLY losing my boobs...Don't get me wrong, I am SOOO glad I am losing them. I have always been pretty endowed, but for the last 4 years I have been either pregnant or breastfeeding until just a few months ago when my son weaned himself and they have been HUGE...even after weaning there was no sign of them getting smaller. I am so glad now that they were the first to go when I started losing weight and are now smaller than they have ever been in my adult life. I am like a really small C now and loving it!

    But....my problem is I don't see much change anywhere else. I have this "roll" right under my bra on my back that I CAN NOT get rid of. Love handles are hanging on too. Did you do specific exercises to target your back? That is great you lost there...that seems to be my worst area.

    As for exercises that target your bust...hmmmm, I do hi def sculpt from The FIRM videos and they do a lot of upper body, arm and chest exercises...not sure if that has helped me with loosing my boobs or not. For some reason I feel the chest presses and stuff have helped my but area some...
  • amylouisem
    amylouisem Posts: 38 Member
    aww thanks guys for your words of help.
    maybe i should just come to terms with the fact i'll always have massive knockers :smooched: ahahah
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    the weight loss thing is going good, i feel great. i can see such a difference in my entire body...but....:huh:

    the boobs wont shift. They are EXACTLY the same sixe they were before MFP, and even before i made the choice to get healthy.

    How is this possible? im wearing smaller shirts too, my back size has decreased, its just the acual boob if that makes sense?

    any boob reducing exercises anyone knows? i feel like they are the only things holding me back :sad:

    My boobs are the same size at 120 pounds as they were at 166 pounds (my highest). Some women have more mammary tissue than fat in their breasts and you won't lose that without surgery.

    The other possibility is it's just going to be the last place it comes off and all you can do is keep exercising and watching your diet and wait.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I lost 42lbs a few years ago and my boobs stayed the same size no matter what weight I was. I even got myself measured again in the hope they'd shrunk a bit but nope. They hung on no matter how much I lost. Evil things.
  • hail87666
    hail87666 Posts: 176 Member
    I lost 3 and a half stone a few years ago and have sadly put back on half of that since being diagnosed with hypothroidism. I didn't lose my boobs (which are pretty big) then, and I hope not to this time. I have a womenly, hourglass figure and I don't want that to go away! I just want to tone up and get a bit fitter. And as my horse riding has insisted that my thighs get bigger, I don't wanna upset the balance....
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