Upping calories to lose weight

Okay, so I have a diet that consists of 800-1000 calories a day, I often only eat this amount because it satisfies me but I weighed in tonight and I haven't lost any weight, I realise i am under eating and I'd love for someone to give me a hand on how to up my calories slowly? I'm around 5'8 and 145 pounds:))!!!


  • sunsetzen
    sunsetzen Posts: 268 Member
    Make your food diary public.
  • sunsetzen
    sunsetzen Posts: 268 Member
    Also, why do you think you need to lose weight? 145 for your height is a healthy weight.
  • panthergirl59
    panthergirl59 Posts: 5 Member
    You should never eat below 1200 calories. It even tells you that when you set up MFP. You are starving yourself and you won't lose anything. Forget upping slowing. Start eating 1200 calories of good food. For your height, you really don't need to lose anyway but you really won't starving yourself.
  • Florameg456
    Florameg456 Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks a lot! I'm still a bit chubby id ideally like to be slim! But I will up my intake, also I don't track on this account as I have another one
  • sunsetzen
    sunsetzen Posts: 268 Member
    Uh ok....without seeing what you eat, the only advice I can give is simply eat more. Good luck.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    The standard advice would be to include more calorie dense foods into your diet. Nuts, nut butters, olive oil, coconut oil, dark chocolate, full fat dairy, cheese, Greek yogurt, avocado, protein shakes and smoothies. With a little planning you should be able to increase each meal by a few hundred calories fairly easily.