Am I Doing This Right

I would like input to make sure I'm on the right path. I've been using MFP for 2 months and exercising for almost 3. I went through the 30 Day Shred and now I'm working on another JM video 6 x a week. I had MFP set at 2 lbs a week and was always deficient with the exercise. I am only 5'2 and other than extra weight petite. I have been eating if I'm hungry. I upped my calories the past few days and just ended up eating more carbs to get it done. I just don't feel as good. I feel better when I eat less at a time and less carbs. I just get bloated easily so I've stuck with the low calories.
So I'm just trying to figure out realistically if I'm do I the right kind of exercise and how much calories I really have to eat. I want to make sure I'm doing things right.
My weight gain was from having kids and before kids I was 115. I've been gaining muscle so I'm not even sure if 115 is a realistic goal. I tried some body fat calculator and got 40% body fat.


  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member

    'Am I doing this right' poses the question 'Are you losing weight?'. What's your rate of loss at the moment? If you've lost 14 pounds in 2 months like you're ticker says then it's a big 'Yes!'. Just keep going!
  • FaithHope76
    FaithHope76 Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks :) I am loosing weight, but I am so tired of the fat lol. I am gaining muscle in my arms and thighs but they are still so flabby. I want to be toned but not all muscly looking.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I would like input to make sure I'm on the right path. I've been using MFP for 2 months and exercising for almost 3. I went through the 30 Day Shred and now I'm working on another JM video 6 x a week. I had MFP set at 2 lbs a week and was always deficient with the exercise. I am only 5'2 and other than extra weight petite. I have been eating if I'm hungry. I upped my calories the past few days and just ended up eating more carbs to get it done. I just don't feel as good. I feel better when I eat less at a time and less carbs. I just get bloated easily so I've stuck with the low calories.
    So I'm just trying to figure out realistically if I'm do I the right kind of exercise and how much calories I really have to eat. I want to make sure I'm doing things right.
    My weight gain was from having kids and before kids I was 115. I've been gaining muscle so I'm not even sure if 115 is a realistic goal. I tried some body fat calculator and got 40% body fat.

    i'm 4' 11-3/4" so i understand your struggles. too much food makes me bloated as well. you might want to think about getting more protein in your diet. i weight train 1-2 days week. i make sure to use heavy weights (10-20lbs depending upon what exercise i'm doing). the giggly arms take a long time to get rid of (and sadly 3 months is not that long). your 115 goal might not be realistic anymore, my suggestion would be set up mini goals and focus on those instead of the big final goal. i certainly helps and when you hit your mini goal it gives you that much desired high we all crave when hitting/meeting a goal. good luck to you.

    make sure you are eating a minimum of 1200 calories and eating back your exercise calories too. eggs, peanut butter, fish, chicken, beans - all this will help you reach your calorie intake for the day.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I think there's some considerable debate on eating back calories. Some people say they never eat them back, some say they do.

    Ideally, you want to NET your goal, which means to eat back your exercise calories... at least that's the way MFP is designed. I personally eat back my calories. Or most of them. If I don't eat all of them, I make sure my NET is always above 1200 calories. For example, right now my goal is 1430 calories. I went hiking for 2 1/2 hours this morning and burned 824 calories. My planned food intake today (because I pre-log my day) will be 2034 calories, so I'm netting 1210. I could add more food in since I still have 200 something extra calories, if I wanted.

    As long as you're eating a healthy amount of food (calories), and you're losing weight, you're fine. Just remember you didn't put the weight on in a day, so it won't take a day to lose it. It takes alot of time and patience.

    If you're worried about extra flab, maybe look into some resistance/strength training.
  • FaithHope76
    FaithHope76 Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks for the replies!