My story :)

When I finally decided to change my life, I began at 280lbs, a size 24 waist and with literally NO muscle tone. When I found the wonderful world of MyFitnessPal and decided to start controlling my food intake and making healthier choices , I had already lost 20lbs with only exercise, initially.

I joined my local Curves club and FORCED myself there. The beginning was turbulent, as I would fight demons and rationalizations I was trying to make to myself about why I shouldn't or didn't need to work out on that day. I was a rough start, but I kept going, kept reminding myself that if I didn't go, I would never change, and my health would just get worse and worse, and I would only get heavier. Most days it did the trick.

As I reached my first goal, it got exciting, and my body was beginning to change, gain muscle and I wasn't STRUGGLING to work the machines, as I was just a few weeks before! It was wonderful! As I set my second goal and achieved it, I got hooked on the feeling and as I began having to buy smaller clothing, the rewards of my efforts began paying off... Paying off mentally, emotionally and physically.

Goal after goal has been struck over the course of nearly two years. Have I had bad days, bad weeks and major and minor set backs? You betcha!! I'm sure I could have lost more weight, or in a shorter amount of time...but I've done wonders for myself, no matter how I've had to do it. We all carve our OWN way :)

Today (Sept. 30, 2013) I am down 90lbs, a size 12 waist, and working hard to kick the last ten pounds. They are proving to be stubborn, but I'm not giving up! Although, some of the weight may be the loose skin on my under arms and abdomen as well (4lbs or so I am guessing)... so I have been mixing up my workouts in coordination with a personal trainer at my new gym (Planet Fitness), to hopefully tighten and tone those areas.

Always remember, that we tend to be our own worst enemies in the beginning. The weight loss journey is a mental journey, as well as a physical one. Once you face the fears and demons, and basically tell them to F*&% off, and change for YOU, the possibilities are endless!! This is not "dieting"'s changing how we live, forever.

If I can do this, anyone CAN!!!



  • weca
    weca Posts: 7
    Woooow so inspiring. Congratulations on a huge success, you are the star :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • kristinskalamity
    kristinskalamity Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you very much!:happy: It's been a lot of hard work, but I am a happy gal :happy:
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    this is so awesome. I started at 278 and now im worried about the excess skin on my ARMS :O my goal really is to get an arm tattoo after i reach my goal weight, of course depending on my how my arms look. now im slightly depressed. But i will continue to lose and pray for the best. congrats on your success.
  • kathyrazz
    kathyrazz Posts: 52 Member
    Wow fantastic...great job! I remember when I was starting to learn to run (and 40 lbs overweight)..I felt like a big uncoordinated lug. I hated when other people were on the path because they'd see how red my face was and how much I was struggling for air. I just wanted to stop and give up, and then I'd say to myself "If you don't just keep going then you're *always* going to big and lumpy and gasping for will *never* be thin and graceful". It worked!

    Great job, and great attitude. You've totally got this. :-)
  • kristinskalamity
    kristinskalamity Posts: 11 Member
    QT- Don't be depressed by my arm results. Believe me I'd rather have the loose skin then the 90lbs back! :smile: We all have very different results, and my arms were a place where my body stored fat (for whatever weird reason! LOL). So you may not experience the loose skin issue there like I have. My arms were 19 inches around when I first started...they're down to 13.5 I have nothing to be ashamed of there :happy: Don't let the possibility of a bit of skin scare or derail you hun. Good luck on your journey!!!
  • kristinskalamity
    kristinskalamity Posts: 11 Member
    thank you Kathy!! Congrats to you and your achievements too!!!
  • Congrats!!! Loose arm skin is sure better than all than fat around your heart. You go girrrlllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • comm1t_1984
    comm1t_1984 Posts: 93 Member
    You are amazing! I know exactly what you mean when you said you were fighting your demons.
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    Very inspiring! You look great and have done an amazing job.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    thanks girl, I appreciate it!!!! * breaks out take measurer* lol my arms are 16- not cute but praying for the best.
  • kristinskalamity
    kristinskalamity Posts: 11 Member
    You are amazing! I know exactly what you mean when you said you were fighting your demons.

    Yeah, the demons are tricky suckers. Do your very best to stop listening...they aren't there to help.... :wink:
  • kristinskalamity
    kristinskalamity Posts: 11 Member
    LOL! "measurer" I LOVE it!! that is totally a word I'd say :laugh:
  • kristinskalamity
    kristinskalamity Posts: 11 Member
    Very inspiring! You look great and have done an amazing job.

    Thank you so much!:blushing:
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