Lite n easy

Anyone tried Lite n Easy??


  • AllyCatXandi
    AllyCatXandi Posts: 329 Member
    Not personally, but I know a few people who have. Once I have a freezer I might be tempted to order a few of their dinners for when I'm feeling lazy, run out of food, or feel like a little more variety (I cook for one, so a single stir fry or casserole can last for several meals).

    Some people have differing perspectives about the cost - but if it's money you have and can justify spending then I don't see anything wrong with purchasing their food.

    With everything planned out and calorie-controlled, it can be good for people who are exceedingly busy. There will be those who say you should just cook your own food and count the calories in that, but in reality we all lead different lives.

    You need to find something that is sustainable for you, and if going on Lite n' Easy (or even just starting off with it) will help with that, then by all means go for it. All the people I know who have been on it have given good reviews of both the service and quality.
  • sandyt_79
    sandyt_79 Posts: 12 Member
    Yep. My husband and I are both doing Lite n Easy. He has lost 10kg and me 8kg so far. we are just doing the 5 day lunch and dinners. I enjoy the foods and lov that I dont need to think about what to take for lunch for work. I eat way better now then I did before. There is more consistancy now. Overall for us, I believe that we are saving money by doing Lite n Easy. I now eat what I take to work instead of buying takeaways and we have more variety instead of the same thing everyday.

    The biggest thing for me, is actually realising how much i was over eating, especially at night. Portion control has been a big thing for me. It always has. I really didnt understand what portion size was until trying Lite n Easy.
  • MizSookeh
    MizSookeh Posts: 106 Member
    I went on and off a couple of times, but don't think I'll go back to it.

    It definitely is easy in that you don't have to think at all about your meals for the week, though I found a lot of the snacks were things I wouldn't normally choose to eat (muffins and slices for example, not my thing). I'd need to eat them so as not to be hungry.

    With the cost, I couldn't really afford to supplement with other snacks I'd prefer. I felt like the breakfasts were a bit of a rip-off sometimes - average out the cost, and you were paying quite a bit for the 'cereal and piece of toast with spread' mornings.

    The dinners were nice for microwaved meals, which I know is a concern for some people. Like AllyCatXandi mentioned, they're good to have in the freezer for a lazy day or time-poor day.

    In terms of success.... can't say for sure, I wasn't really strict on weighing myself at the time. However, my younger brother went on the program for the ease (he's a truck driver and works long/odd shifts) and while he wasn't setting out to lose weight, he did drop a few extra kilos that had creeped on through sitting in the cab all day, and then was able to maintain.
  • khtab205
    I have been doing L&E for the past 6 weeks and I am thrilled with the way it is working out. I was a bit worried that it wouldn't work for me because I have PCOS but it seems to be working out just fine. I get breakfast, lunch and dinner, 7 days a week. The food is great - ok, so I am not a big fan of vegetables but I know it is exactly what my body needs so I embrace it!

    Like so many other people wanting to lose weight, I know what is healthy and what is not but my reason for going on L&E was to learn about portion sizes and I was really surprised at just how much I was eating before. It is a real eye opener. My plan was to do it for only a couple of months but I think that I am going to stick with it!
  • baileyesp
    baileyesp Posts: 54 Member
    I've been on Lite N Easy for about just under 5 weeks now and have lost 6kg (13.2 pounds). I started with just the breakfasts and lunches but then moved onto the dinners as well. Although it's a little bit pricey, there is no food waste as they supply just the right amount of ingredients for your meals, as well as the convenience is awesome and the meals are delicious!

    I currently work full time and study full time as well so I have little time to prepare meals and maintain variety in my diet so Lite N Easy is perfect for me.