Enough is Enough

I'm 22. I just got married in May. I am very over weight. I'm sick of it.
I'm wasting my life. I'm tired. I'm unhealthy. I'm in pain. It's not worth it anymore.
I'm sick of trying and failing. Of letting the food control me. I am sick of being huge,
of not fitting into clothes, of shopping at different stores than my friends.
I can't do this alone. I am so afraid of failing.



  • laurs22
    laurs22 Posts: 11 Member
    You can do it! You are already taking a big step by admitting you want to change. Start off slowly by eating a healthier diet and then working the exercise in slowly. There are so many people on here that will help you and you will feel so much better if you are progressing forward and working towards your goal rather than just sitting in unhappiness. You are the only one who can get the ball rolling, good luck!
  • stepxstep

    Congratulations for taking this step! I'm with you. I am so tired of feeling like this!! I want to make some lasting changes.
    We can do it! One day at a time...
    Good luck. Be patient with yourself. You're worth it.

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Jenelle, this is the first step...logging calories and exercise...seeing where all that food comes from, you will be amazed at how quickly the junk food adds up...good luck in your quest for healthy living
  • missyhse
    missyhse Posts: 189
    wecome Jenelle! You'll be amazed at how quickly you can make positive changes in your diet and health just by being more aware :) and you have a lot of support!
  • eharvey
    eharvey Posts: 32
    It took me years and years and years to finally get to where I am. Wait, lets be honest it took my whole life and Im still fat (esteem issues). I could go in to my whole child hood drama, over eating, bullied fat kid and other typical issues but bottom line is you have taken a step by coming here. Record your food daily and dont give up no matter what. Dont lie to yourself and record 2500 calories so that we see your at or just a little over your goal. If you eat and binge make sure you record it. It helps to see what your actually eating and to have people here that can encourage and support you. If you over eat one day and find yourself giving up just remember that when you wake up the next morning its a new day and you are free to start over again.

    Please dont give up.

  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    one step at a time. be realistic and make small lifestyle changes in how you eat; after they become second nature, add in something else. don't expect overnight miracles or fall into the impatient i want it now crowd cuz it doesn't work that way.
    Focus on what you can have instead of the can'ts and find a workout you like to do. just get up and move every day in some way.

    log in, adjust portions and tweak as necessary; same on water consumption. Best of luck to you on your lifestyle change!
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    You can do this. You will find so much support here xxx
  • michele0101
    My sentiments exactly. I have never actually counted calories. I always thought that it would be too hard and I decided to just be in denial. Since getting this app on my phone (droid) I have so enjoyed counting the calories! I have to constantly keep thinking that eating is so not worth what happens to your body in the long run! I'm glad you found this site too!!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    You've taken the hardest step already, just deciding to do something about it! Good luck on your journey:flowerforyou: x
  • Neuroticwench
    Neuroticwench Posts: 115 Member
    I think one of the most important things to remember is this: You're NOT alone!

    I joined MFP myself a little over a week ago and I've been absolutely overwhelmed by all of the positive energy in this community. It has given me so much motivation to know that there's other people out there struggling with the same things I am. These message boards are such a great resource, just keep your chin up and lean on us when you're in need of a nudge in the right direction.

    You CAN do this! :flowerforyou: