No Weight Loss????

I have been on a strict diet for one week so far. I did my weigh in and for crying out loud only lost .5 of a pound?? I have been watching my calories, always under my daily intake and have been working out more then I have in the past 10 years. It has always been a cardio workout so really muscle mass gain should not be a factor.

I am very discouraged right now :-(


  • nikki91950
    you might not be eating enough!
  • lordofultima
    1/2 lbs. a week is a very healthy and smart way to go about losing weight. I really don't think that's something to be distraught over.
  • doramouse
    doramouse Posts: 160
    I hear you on this one. I have been "focused" on losing weight for the last 2 weeks. I have been to the gym for 1/2 weights. 1/2 cardio workouts 5 times, watching calories and while still have had some wine - which might be my downfall - have just yo-yo'd between a couple pounds. it's like - the effort has been for naught since nothing is happening.
    BUT -I know I am being more healthful so results have to follow.
  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member
    Only one week and you have already lost 1/2 a pound??? Wow!! Great work!!! I would not be complaining about that!!! Some people take a month to lose that amount!!!

    This is NOT a quick fix... its a lifestyle change.... it did NOT take you a week to put on the weight so why are you getting disappointed when it doesn't come back off in one???

    This takes time and patience... if you stick to it you will get there.... Also remember that if you have just drastically changed your diet then it normally takes your body about 4 weeks to catch up... and in that time you may gain...

    I would not be fretting if I were you... i would be looking at it in a positive light.... your losing!!! thats what counts...
  • Darkraiven
    Darkraiven Posts: 17 Member
    Like another reply before mine- are you eating enough calories? If not- your body goes into starvation mode and stores what you do consume instead of burning it for energy.

    Like another reply before mine as well- 1/2 a pound is a healthy loss- Lose it too quickly and it's more likely to come back... I find with mine- I will lose a couple lbs.... lose a couple more, bounce back up a pound or two... then drop a few more... not so much like a yo-yo but it's the process my body is going through as I lose the fat.... and gain muscle.

    I am not working out to body-build... I work out in Circuit training ( at Curves ) which gives me the important Cardio I need- as well as resistance training to tone and burn calories. Even though I am not body-building I am building muscle to replace the fat. You may very well be doing the same.

    Does your scale give you your water content or BMI??

    Drinking at least 8 - 8 ounce glasses of water each and every day really makes a difference... I will put on weight when I don't... and do better when I do.. :drinker:

    Just my 2 cents...... :happy:

    Don't give up! You'll do fine in the end if you keep your goal in focus! :flowerforyou:
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    are you doing before and after measurements? sometimes you lose inches rather than weight. How much water are you drinking and you are tracking sodium levels in what you eat right?

    might try shaking up your diet a bit--go over one day, under the next for a few days besides trying different exercise--elliptical, swimming...just for a difference.
  • Darkraiven
    Darkraiven Posts: 17 Member
    Megsta21.......Awesome on the quitting smoking!!!! (( Hi-5! )):bigsmile:
  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member
    Megsta21.......Awesome on the quitting smoking!!!! (( Hi-5! )):bigsmile:

    Thank you very much Darkraiven!! =)
  • ErinRexia
    ErinRexia Posts: 7 Member
    If you lost any more that that it would be too rapid. People with eating disorders lose more than that and, well let's just say you should be happy to lose evenly and not like we do. =/
  • BexC
    BexC Posts: 53
    How far under your calories are you? It could be as simple as that
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    Like a few of the others have said 0.5lbs is a healthy loss in a week! see it as a positive thing xxx
  • nikkijennings
    nikkijennings Posts: 130 Member
    Ditto to all the above..... Your food diary is closed other than to friends- but you do need to make sure you eat ENOUGH calories as previously stated..... you will learn SOOOOOOOooooooo much from reading the forums on here!!!!

    Again, a loss is a loss..... this can be a long and slow journey, but less than 2lbs a week is a healthy loss.... else you are likely to pile it on a again later.... NOT in the plan!!!!

    Good luck on your journey, and PLEASE don't give up cos it's a slower pace than you anticipated :bigsmile:
  • jwhit6
    jwhit6 Posts: 14 Member
    I agree with EVERYONE - the trick to this is a lifestyle change and to change our mindset - we HAVE to believe .5 weightloss is a fantastic achievement - a huge WELL DONE you - you are now on the road to much bigger and better things (so to speak).

    Keep up the great work

  • kelly1301
    Keep up the good work
  • squishyfishy

    I had the same thing happen to me and I always find if I up the exercise it takes a few weeks to show. I lose nothing or actually gain then 3/4 weeks later I see a loss of 3/4lbs. I think its just your body adjuating to the changes. Don't lose heart and make sure that you are eating all your calories and around half of any extra you earn through exercise. Good luck and well done on the loss.
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    0.5 lbs/week is a very good pace! Good job!
    What were you expecting?

    Ps. Here is a post you should read: