
Hi All,

I'm just thinking of starting insanity to tone my body but I'm on 5:2 diet, can i do insanity while this diet or is it a bad idea?

Thanks for your help.


  • what do you mean 5:2 diet?
    You should be able to do any workout while on a "diet"
    Word of advice too having been someone who tried diets too many times...
    I have lost 35lbs and kept it off for 3 years... just make lifestyle changes. Eat healthy foods - whole foods/grains/legumes/etc
    limit sugar and alcohol
    with a "diet" like that - you can do any workout! :)

    Oh and I don't know what your fitness level is... but pace yourself.
    Insanity is indeed insane! It is a great workout but quite difficult.
    Don't hold it against yourself if you can't finish - most people can't (including myself!)
    If you stick to it though, watch out! :-P
  • Thanks,

    The 5:2 diet restricts you to 600 calories for 2 days & you can eat pretty much whatever you want, without going overboard on the 5 days.

    I have lost 32 pounds on this diet.

    the reason i asked about insanity was that i hear it burns around 700 calories per workout & if i'm only eating 600 calories, would i have enough energy?

    I'm totally a novice to diets and exercises.

  • AshatanViz
    AshatanViz Posts: 34 Member
    If i were you, I'd refrain from training on your 600 calorie days, and just work out on the 5 normal days of the week.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I would recommend against it. When I did insanity, I was eating upwards of 3000 calories a day and still losing. It requires a tremendous amount of energy, and your fasted days aren't going to provide enough. I doubt it would do any harm, but you are likely going to be dragging through the workouts, particularly during month 2. The diet guidelines provided with Insanity would probably be a better plan than trying to combine 5:2 and Insantiy.
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    I do insanity - month one only burns up to 400 calories per workout and month 2 up to 600 calories per workout.

    It is hard and I certainly wouldnt recommend you do it on your 600 calorie days. You need energy to do it and 600 calories will give you no energy.
  • simsburyjet
    simsburyjet Posts: 999 Member
    I did 30 minute insanity at my club.. 460 calories and lots of sweat.. Hardest workout by far. . I had a smoothie a couple of
    hrs ahead of time.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    If i were you, I'd refrain from training on your 600 calorie days, and just work out on the 5 normal days of the week.

    this, and make sure you add extra calories on your feast days
  • emuravyeva
    emuravyeva Posts: 103 Member
    The calories you burn doing insanity vary depending on your weight. For example, my husband works out crazy hard and weighs about 60 pounds more than I do, he burns around 800-900 calories per workout. I burn around 450 or so. (This is all based on what my HRM tells us). You can always try doing it and see how you feel. If you feel like you're going to die, then don't do it.
  • I'm currently doing the insanity workout, and let me just say, DAMN INTENSE!! For sure dnt do any diet that goes below your recommended calorie intake! You need the energy, you need to eat!! I've been using this site while doing insanity, and its working out great!! I've lost 5 lbs my first week!! I was always scared to eat so much, still makes me nervous, but it's proving to be true, you have to eat to lose!
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    I would strongly suggest against it. Insanity is extreme, high intensity cardio training. I was eating 2000+ calories and still losing (when I didn't want to lose any more weight). It was almost impossible not to lose, even when I kept increasing my calories. If you restrict your caloric intake to the level you're suggesting, you will simply not have the energy to do these workouts.