Where are you on the global fat scale?



  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member
    Your numbers
    Obesity Index
    BMI is an estimate of how "overweight" or "obese" a person is National
    Above average
    You have a higher BMI than 66% of females aged 15-29 in your country Global
    Above average
    You have a higher BMI than 95% of females aged 15-29 in the world

    Did you know?
    If everyone in the world had the same BMI as you, it would add 66,068,235 tonnes to the total weight of the world's population
    You're most like someone from Barbados*

    :grumble: Screw you bbc... :blushing:
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    This is why I hate the BMI...Slovakia, my *kitten*.

    If everyone in the world had the same BMI as me, they would be AWESOME!
  • dylanafghjkl
    dylanafghjkl Posts: 76 Member
    Your numbers
    Obesity Index
    BMI is an estimate of how "overweight" or "obese" a person is National
    Below average
    You have a lower BMI than 98% of males aged 15-29 in your country Global
    Below average
    You have a lower BMI than 79% of males aged 15-29 in the world

    Did you know?
    If everyone in the world had the same BMI as you, it would remove 53,675,221 tonnes from the total weight of the world's population
    You're most like someone from North Korea*

    I feel like this is just made to insult everyone????
  • enjoythesound
    enjoythesound Posts: 89 Member
    Obesity Index : 25bmi
    Above average
    You have a higher BMI than 83% of females aged 15-29 in your country Global
    Above average
    You have a higher BMI than 77% of females aged 15-29 in the world

    Did you know?
    If everyone in the world had the same BMI as you, it would add 18,682,863 tonnes to the total weight of the world's population
    You're most like someone from El Salvador.

    Ok I feel super fat now...
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Your numbers:

    Obesity Index
    BMI is an estimate of how "overweight" or "obese" a person is

    Below average
    You have a lower BMI than 51% of females aged 30-44 in your country

    Above average
    You have a higher BMI than 83% of females aged 30-44 in the world

    Did you know?
    If everyone in the world had the same BMI as you, it would add 66,970,191 tonnes to the total weight of the world's population

    You're most like someone from South Africa*

  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
    Your numbers
    Obesity Index

    BMI is an estimate of how "overweight" or "obese" a person is
    National Below average

    You have a lower BMI than 77% of females aged 15-29 in your country

    Below average
    You have a lower BMI than 59% of females aged 15-29 in the world

    Did you know?
    If everyone in the world had the same BMI as you, it would remove 33,450,050 tonnes from the total weight of the world's population
    You're most like someone from Kazakhstan*
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Meh...this is just like any other BMI calcultor...it doesn't account for having a little muscle. My BMI is 25.8 = overweight...but I'm at a perfectly healthy BF% and fit...BMI is a ****ty measure.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    Below average

    You have a lower BMI than 89% of males aged 30-44 in your country Global

    You have a lower BMI than 63% of males aged 30-44 in the world

    If everyone in the world had the same BMI as you, it would remove 12,959,356 tonnes from the total weight of the world's population

    You're most like someone from Togo*

    Great, now I have to look up Togo on Wikipedia, lol
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    Above average
    You have a higher BMI than 100% of females aged 15-29 in your country

    This means you are the fattest person in your country. What bull****.
  • jamienapolitano
    jamienapolitano Posts: 73 Member
    Your numbers
    Obesity Index
    BMI is an estimate of how "overweight" or "obese" a person is National
    Below average
    You have a lower BMI than 71% of males aged 30-44 in your country Global
    Above average
    You have a higher BMI than 66% of males aged 30-44 in the world

    Did you know?
    If everyone in the world had the same BMI as you, it would add 26,817,908 tonnes to the total weight of the world's population
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    Obesity Index

    Above average
    You have a higher BMI than 73% of males aged 30-44 in your country

    Above average
    You have a higher BMI than 91% of males aged 30-44 in the world

    Did you know?
    If everyone in the world had the same BMI as you, it would add 76,761,745 tonnes to the total weight of the world's population

    You're most like someone from Croatia
  • mheebner
    mheebner Posts: 285 Member
    'If everyone in the world had the same BMI as you, it would add 193,904,731 tonnes to the total weight of the world's population'

    Ha....I'm adding more to the tonnes in the world than like all of you 'removing' tonnes of total weight

    also You have a higher BMI than 100% of males aged 30-44 in the world

    nah..its just I'm big boned :laugh:
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    Wow 26! I'm below average! I've a lower BMI than 65% of women aged 45 - 59 in the UK, but higher than 57% in the world.

    I'm most like a woman my age from Kazakhstan.

    That's fascinating - I'm heading to hit 25 so I've brought it down from 32! When I started I had a higher BMI than 78% of UK women in that age bracket, and 88% of women globally! And was most like someone from Egypt!!!

    Bit sobering that! I'm impressed at how much I've done!
  • fivepence
    fivepence Posts: 33 Member
    My boyfriend is most like someone from North Korea :laugh:
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    This is a fun little site. Thanks!

    Your numbers
    Obesity Index
    BMI is an estimate of how "overweight" or "obese" a person is National
    Below average
    You have a lower BMI than 76% of males aged 30-44 in your country Global
    Above average
    You have a higher BMI than 60% of males aged 30-44 in the world

    Did you know?
    If everyone in the world had the same BMI as you, it would add 17,512,599 tonnes to the total weight of the world's population
    You're most like someone from Turkmenistan*
    * Compared with other males aged 30-44 in TurkmenistanShare your result
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    BMI is an estimate of how "overweight" or "obese" a person is

    National Below average
    You have a lower BMI than 65% of females aged 30-44 in your country (Canada)

    Global Above average
    You have a higher BMI than 52% of females aged 30-44 in the world

    Did you know?
    If everyone in the world had the same BMI as you, it would add 4,948,657 tonnes to the total weight of the world's population

    You're most like someone from Denmark
    * Compared with other females aged 30-44 in Denmark

    I'm a competitive person, but I have no intention of racing to be at Ethiopian standards! :happy:
  • mandi_spicer
    mandi_spicer Posts: 37 Member
    22 bmi

    National -
    Below average
    You have a lower BMI than 81% of females aged 15-29 in your country

    Global -
    Above average
    You have a higher BMI than 54% of females aged 15-29 in the world

    Did you know?
    If everyone in the world had the same BMI as you, it would remove 16,944,802 tonnes from the total weight of the world's population
    You're most like someone from Belgium*
    * Compared with other females aged 15-29 in Belgium
  • MaiLinna
    MaiLinna Posts: 580 Member
    Obesity Index
    26 BMI

    National: Below Average
    You have a lower BMI than 61% of females aged 15-29 in your country
    Global : Above Average
    You have a higher BMI than 79% of females aged 15-29 in the world

    Did you know?
    If everyone in the world had the same BMI as you, it would add 21,557,283 tonnes to the total weight of the world's population

    You are most like someone from St. Vincent and the Grenadine's

    Kinda makes me wanna shoot myself. :'(

    Though at the same time once I get to my goal weight I'll be lower than the global average. Go me go!!!
  • paygep
    paygep Posts: 401 Member
    great, if everyone were like me, it would add 75 bazillion pounds to the world! :grumble:
  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
    on a scale from 1 - 10 im fat. :embarassed:
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Most of us are fatter than the rest of the world
  • This content has been removed.
  • Daws387
    Daws387 Posts: 46 Member
    BMI is below national average
    You have a lower BMI than 65% of males aged 15-29 in your country Global
    Above average
    You have a higher BMI than 79% of males aged 15-29 in the world

    Did you know?
    If everyone in the world had the same BMI as you, it would add 20,377,184 tonnes tothe total weight of the world's population

    You're most like someone from New Zealand
  • MaiLinna
    MaiLinna Posts: 580 Member
    Most of us are fatter than the rest of the world

    Humans were not built to weigh 300 friggin pounds.
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 559 Member
    I'm most like someone from Liberia.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    National: Above average
    You have a higher BMI than 52% of females aged 45-59 in your country
    Global: Above average
    You have a higher BMI than 83% of females aged 45-59 in the world

    You're most like someone from Malta.

    Or, I'm most like someone from America since my BMI is right about in the middle of the range.
  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    BMI: 22
    National: Below average
    You have a lower BMI than 80% of females aged 15-29 in your country
    Global: Above average
    You have a higher BMI than 55% of females aged 15-29 in the world

    Did you know?
    If everyone in the world had the same BMI as you, it would remove 14,801,369 tonnes from the total weight of the world's population

    You're most like someone from Lebanon*
  • Baykon
    Baykon Posts: 9 Member
    Below average
    You have a lower BMI than 95% of females aged 15-29 in your country

    Below average
    You have a lower BMI than 79% of females aged 15-29 in the world

    Did you know?
    If everyone in the world had the same BMI as you, it would remove 65,704,006 tonnes from the total weight of the world's population
    You're most like someone from Vietnam*
    * Compared with other females aged 15-29 in Vietnam
  • steffij100
    steffij100 Posts: 85 Member
    Your numbers
    Obesity Index
    BMI is an estimate of how "overweight" or "obese" a person is National
    Below average
    You have a lower BMI than 97% of females aged 45-59 in your country Global
    Below average
    You have a lower BMI than 86% of females aged 45-59 in the world

    Did you know?
    If everyone in the world had the same BMI as you, it would remove 61,871,812 tonnes from the total weight of the world's population
    You're most like someone from Bangladesh*
    * Compared with other females aged 45-59 in Bangladesh

    Hmm. If there are only 3% of women thinner in my country, I must know at least half of them. Just goes to show that BMI is not all it's cracked up to be!
  • KelARita7
    KelARita7 Posts: 2,694 Member
    BMI 24

    National: Below Average
    You have a lower BMI than 80% of females aged 30-44 in your country

    Global: Above Average
    You have a higher BMI than 51% of females aged 30-44 in the world

    If everyone in the world had the same BMI as you, it would add 3,759,005 tonnes tothe total weight of the world's population

    You're most like someone from Thailand*