Exercise Struggle !

Hi Everybody! My name is Cheyenne! Im 19 Years old And Lookin to lose this ucky yucky baby fat !
Yess.. baby fat as in BABY FAT! I have a 3 year old daughter! Most beautiful thing in the world!
BUT after I had my daughter, i went through soo much, depression, sleep problems, i eventually just let myself go.
Which led me to get to the weight I am now, which is 260lbs 0_o !
Well thanks to this site i have switched my diet and have been eating ALOT better, i have been calculating, cut out sugars, the whole 9! But NOW My struggle is exercising! What kinds of things could i do AT HOME! Like good routines.. and how could i get like really motivated for it! I have the thought "work out, work out, work out" ALWAYS in my mind but never get to it! so what kind of schedule could i get in to? What work outs do you guys do? at home and at the gym!? give me tips, ideas, support! etc... as of right now im in this journey in my household ALONE so i have little to no support! So please help me out ! Looking to lose 80lbs!
add me, inbox me, anything!!! Thank you soo much guys


  • cpacan
    cpacan Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I'm obviously not in your situation ATM, but what will always work and make a good habit is "Walk, walk, walk...." You can even take your daughter with you.
    Good luck :-)
  • majica8
    majica8 Posts: 210 Member
    Hi, I'm obviously not in your situation ATM, but what will always work and make a good habit is "Walk, walk, walk...." You can even take your daughter with you.
    Good luck :-)
    This. I started off just walking and lost 30+ pounds over 6 months.
    I also didn't particularly enjoy it at first, but it made myself do it everyday and eventually it 1) became habit and 2) I started to really enjoy it.
    I eventually got to the stage where my day wouldn't be complete if I hadn't been for a walk and I'd feel guilty for it if I didn't go. You just have to stick with it :)
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    I will echo the walk walk walk mantra. Also try to incorporate more movement into your daily life, have a dance with your baby girl every morning. I do pilates at home with the kids there, I have a book, but I am going to get a dvd for it as well. Other members are using the library to get exercise dvds out for free. Remember though that MFP overestimates exercise calories.

    80% of your weight loss will happen through diet, so clean out your diet, get your calorie deficit going and see where you go. Good luck dear :-)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Right now, when you read this, go work out. Stop putting it off.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    some options for you.
    This just started today and looks quite simple. you can find her workouts on you tube.

    fitness blender.com has loads of exercises.

    Hasfit.com also has loads, they have a few challenges as well you can try out.

    Good luck. you can do this. p.s i am not keen on exercising but the rewards are great so just do it. x
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    buy insanity!
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I lost the first 68 pounds by simply walking. My kids are all grown now but when they were little and I wanted to get back in shape I started with walking. Put your baby in a stroller and go for a walk a couple of times a day. Not only will you benefit but your baby will love it.

    Now with my kids all being much older I still walk but now I take my dog. I have disabilities and can't do much of the gym type stuff so I walk, ride my bike when I feel up to it and do yoga. But walking is my main source of exercise.

    When you can't get out to walk for whatever reason you can always go on youtube and work out along with a video.
  • cecebee31
    I would LOVE to get insanity but it's entirely too expensive for me!
  • cecebee31
    I lost the first 68 pounds by simply walking. My kids are all grown now but when they were little and I wanted to get back in shape I started with walking. Put your baby in a stroller and go for a walk a couple of times a day. Not only will you benefit but your baby will love it.

    Now with my kids all being much older I still walk but now I take my dog. I have disabilities and can't do much of the gym type stuff so I walk, ride my bike when I feel up to it and do yoga. But walking is my main source of exercise.

    When you can't get out to walk for whatever reason you can always go on youtube and work out along with a video.

    Thats Awesome! How long did you walk for?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I mostly walk. I started with 'slim in 6' and it was awesome to get me started. There are a ton of videos online too though, or you can pick up the '30 day shred' for like $8 on amazon.

    Another option is just to jog/walk in place when you're watching tv!
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Walking is the cheapest and easiest exercise. Start with 1 mile and increase weekly. Once you are walking a few miles comfortably, start a running program like couch to 5k.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Walk or jog with your little one in a stroller. Turn on some music and dance (little ones usually love to dance). Fitness games or DVDs are also good for at home workouts.

    Or just stop what you doing every time you think about it and do 20 jumping jacks and 20 squats, then go on with your day.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You can totally lose all the weight you want with no exercise but there are so many options that cost little or nothing available. Walking/running is free and you can take your daughter with you. Take her to the park and run around. Level one of Jillian Michaels 30 day shred is on Youtube for free. Go to Walmart and pick up some exercise DVD's for under $10. Lots of choices if you want to get busy.