Any Coeliacs Out There?

Hi, I don't know if anyone else has found this, but since diagnosis 4 years ago and now following a gluten free diet i have gained a HUGE amount of weight....Any fello Coeliac dieters out there?


  • no_more_weighting
    no_more_weighting Posts: 57 Member
    Hi there, I'm a fellow Celiac, but I got diagnosed 2 months ago and I've been actually losing weight (it seems to be much easier for me now, since I'm not tired all the time and am feeling much better gluten free than I have for years.) I've sent you an invitation to join "Gluten Free" group - you can find all kinds of answers to dietary questions, or post some yourself! ;) You can also add me if you;re looking for new MFP friends. Best of luck on your weight loss journey, you're in the right place! :-)
  • Zaria_Athena
    Zaria_Athena Posts: 56 Member
    I was diagnosed last month so I'm just trying to adjust.

    I've noticed that the gluten-free products can be higher in calories, particularly the breads.
    I was shocked this weekend to discover that a small pizza crust was 500 calories.

    So check the labels and the portion sizes.

    Stick with lean proteins, lots of fruits and veggies.

    Good luck.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Hi and welcome!

    Join this group:

    Very helpful folks there.